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各校命题评比2020年中考英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Jack often plays _ piano and he wants to be a pianist when he grows up. A . aB . anC . theD . /2. (2分)You _ take me to the station. My brothers taking me. A . cantB . mustntC . shouldntD . dont have to3. (2分)Martin looks so well. Weve never seen him _ so well before. A . is lookedB . is lookingC . to lookD . look4. (2分)We should do something the animals in danger being killed. A . to protect, fromB . protect, fromC . to protect, forD . protect, for5. (2分)Tom believes he will pass the exam, but I wonder he is well prepared. A . that; whetherB . whether; thatC . that; that6. (2分)My brother was born _ the morning of July 8th, 2005.A . inB . atC . on7. (2分)Drink more water and go to bed early, _ youll feel better tomorrow. A . andB . orC . ifD . unless8. (2分) Who is _ your right? It is my father.A . onB . inC . atD . of9. (2分) What would he like? Hed like some .A . onions and muttonB . onions and muttonsC . onion and muttonsD . onion and mutton10. (2分)一Sorry, Charlie is not in. Can I take a(n) ?一Thanks. Please tell him to call Andy back.A . messageB . noteC . newsD . information11. (2分)(2017贺州)We should study hard we can get much knowledge. A . whenB . so thatC . unlessD . in order to12. (2分)A _ lady is a woman who is wearing nice clothes.A . well-dressedB . well-organizedC . well-educated13. (2分)The 2016 Olympic Games _ in Rio and were a great success. A . were heldB . are heldC . held14. (2分)Ms Li will tell us something about her trip to America when she _ back. A . cameB . is comingC . comesD . will come15. (2分)_does your mother watch talk shows? Once a week.A . How longB . How oftenC . How manyD . How much二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) When I entered the classroom, our teacher announced we were going to have a math test. I looked at the paper full of what looked like hieroglyphs (象形文字) to me and began to 1. I did my best that I could, and then left my2to put my paper in a pile (摞) on the front desk with a sigh (叹息).I returned and then an idea came to my mind. I checked where the teacher was3I made my move. She was walking in the4of the room with hands behind her back. I went back to the pile of test papers that already handed in and when I picked up my paper I also got the paper below it. When I looked at the 5paper I had taken, I discovered it was the work of the6girl in our class, I copied her answers to my paper.The next day when I got back my paper, I was7to see an “F” on it. After class I went to the girl and said to her, “That math test was difficult and I8it. I guess we need to study more.” Her reply was, “Not me, I got every question right and got an A ”.The teacher knew about it. She didnt blame me in front of the class and 9me to keep my dignity (尊严). I made a10to myself never to cheat (作弊) again. I would remember to always be honest in the things I do.(1)A . think B . cry C . worry D . sleep (2)A . partner B . seat C . classroom D . teacher (3)A . after B . since C . until D . before (4)A . front B . middle C . back D . bottom (5)A . extra B . new C . clean D . difficult (6)A . tallest B . oldest C . prettiest D . smartest (7)A . shocked B . angry C . happy D . excited (8)A . knew B . made C . failed D . lost (9)A . told B . reminded C . allowed D . advised (10)A . speech B . promise C . wish D . joke 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)17. (10分)根据短文内容选择正确答案。BAccording to scientists research, the month in which babies are born could affect them in some ways.Babies born in spring get sick easily. Children born under Aquarius (Jan. 21stFeb. 19th) may be less clever than those born in other seasons. They may also have shorter lives than those born in autumn. Scientists believe many of the differences can be explained by the mothers exposure to sunlight in pregnancy (怀孕). Sunlight helps lead to the production of vitamin D in the body. The lack (缺乏) of vitamin D in the first months of life may have a bad effect on health. 4Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin”. It has a good effect on health. A study showed that people born from April to June had slightly shorter lives than those born in October, November or December. Similar studies in the US showed that people born in autumn lived about 160 days longer than those born in spring.Professor Russell Foster said the conclusions were surprising and interesting. He added, “These are small effects but they are very, very clear. I am not giving voice to star signs and they are just for fun. But it is true that we are affected by our season of birth.”(1)A childs season of birth can affect all the following things EXCEPT _ according to the first two paragraphs.A . his healthB . his heightC . his length of lifeD . his quality of being clever(2)What does the underlined word “exposure” mean in Chinese?A . 偏爱B . 抗拒C . 过敏D . 暴露(3)What can we know about vitamin D according to the passage?A . It comes from sunlight.B . It helps people live longer.C . Sunlight prevents its production.D . It does harm to peoples health.(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A . Women should get enough sunlight in pregnancy.B . Children born under Aquarius are cleverer than those born in autumn.C . People born in May will live longer than those born in October.D . Professor Russell Foster is interested in star signs and believes in them.(5)What does the passage mainly tell us?A . People can know the length of life by star sign.B . Women should choose to give birth to children in spring.C . A childs season of birth has an effect on him or her.D . Vitamin D is very important to peoples health.18. (6分)阅读理解 As a child, I was really afraid of the dark and of getting lost .These fears were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments.Maybe it was the strange way things looked and sounded in my own room at night that scared me so much. There was never complete darkness, but always a streetlight or passing car lights ,which made clothes on the back of a chair take on the shape of a wild animal .Out of the corner of my eye I saw the curtains (帘) seem to move when there was no wind A very low sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the day . My imagination wound run wild, and my heart would beat fast. I would lie very still so that the enemy would not discover me.Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost, especially on the way home from school .Every morning I got on the school bus right near my home That was no problem After school, though when all the buses were lined up along the street I was afraid that I would get in the wrong one and be taken to some other strange places .On school or family trips to a park or a museum I would not let the leaders out of my sight.Perhaps one of the worst fears of all I had as a child was that of not being liked or accepted by others .Being popular was so important to me then and the fear of not being liked was a serious one.One of the processes (过程) growing up is being able to realize and overcome our fears Understanding the things that scared us as children helps us achieve greater success later in life.(1)_ would scare the author at night. A . Streetlight and car lightsB . Wild animals and enemiesC . Moving curtains and windD . Strange sights and sounds(2)When she went to some other places, she would _. A . walk away without othersB . take a bus by herselfC . always let the leaders in his sightD . make sure not to take a wrong school bus(3)Which of the following would be possibly true when she was a child? A . She was usually popular among people.B . She was always the leader of the others.C . She always got poor grades.D . She was not liked by some people.19. (8分)(2017金华)阅读理解DI remember the green coat in my fifth and sixth grades.When I needed a new jacket, my mother asked what kind I wanted. I described something like bikers wear. She listened long. I thought she understood for sure the kind I wanted.The next day when I got home from school, I discovered, on my bed, a jacket which was not what I had expected. I went close to the jacket slowly, as if it were a stranger.From the kitchen mother shouted that my jacket was in the closet. I rushed and pulled at the clothes in the closet, hoping the jacket on the bed wasnt for me but my brother. No luck, I wanted to cry because it was so ugly and so big. But I knew Id have to wear it a long time before Id have a new one. I looked at the jacket, like an enemy, thinking bad things before I took off my old and small jacket.I put the big jacket on. I stood in front of the mirror(镜子), turning right and left. I looked ugly.I threw it on my brothers bed and looked at it for a long time before I put it on and went out, smiling a thank you to my mom.The next day I wore it to school. At the morning break, my best friend, Steve, looked at me for a long time. The girls turned away to whisper. The teachers looked my way and talked about how foolish I looked in my new jacket. When it was time for the whole school to get together on the playground, . Although they didnt say out loud, Man, thats ugly! I heard their talk and even laughter.And so I went, in my jacket. So embarrassed, so hurt, I couldnt even do my lessons the rest of the day. I received Cs on tests.I wore that thing for three years. All in those years no love came to me.I blamed(指责)that jacket for those bad years. I blamed my mother for her bad taste and her cheap ways. It was a sad time for the heart. Anyway, I spent my sixth-grade year, looking forward to something good to happen to me.And it was about that time I began to grow, still in that green ugly jacket, which had become my brother who went along wherever I went.(1)The writer went to school in the new jacket because _.A . his jacket was too old and smallB . his brother asked him to do soC . he wanted to show it to his friendsD . he would act in school play(2)The sentence that shows the writer cared about his mothers feelings is _.A . I thought she understood for sure the kind I wantedB . I blamed my mother for her bad taste and her cheap waysC . I put it on and went out, smiling a thank you to my momD . From the kitchen mother shouted that my jacket was in the closet(3)Which of the following sentences can be put in the ?A . it began to rainB . everyone saw meC . my mother cameD . I got angry(4)The changes of the writers attitude(态度)to the jacket can be described as _.A . enemystrangerbrotherB . brotherstrangerenemyC . strangerbrotherenemyD . strangerenemybrother20. (8分)阅读理解 New sea bridge opens in China A new bridge just opened on October24.The long bridge links(连接)three cities. It is the HongKong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge(HZMB).The bridge looks like the letter Y .It is 55 kilometers long. It is the worlds longest sea bridge. China spent nine years building this bridge. The HZMB is not just a bridge, but also part tunnel(登道)and part island .In one part, the bridge turns into an undersea tunnel. The tunnel passes through two man-made islands. Large ships can pass by above the tunnel. The HZMB makes it much faster to travel between the three cities. It takes 45 minutes to go from Hong Kong to Zhuhai. In the past, it took four hours.Chinese scientists made headlines last year by cloning(克隆)a pair of monkeys-Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua. Their names come from the Chinese words zhonghua, or Chinese nation . The monkeys were cloned using the same techniques(技术)that were used to produce Dolly, the worlds first cloned animal, about 20 years ago. The monkeys could be used as a model to study genetic(遗传的)diseases, including some cancers(癌症). As one saying goes, where there are Chinese people, there are kungfu legends. Jin Yong was regarded as one of the greatest kung fu fiction writers in China. And for many people, he built a magical kungfu kingdom that they could escape into every now and then. But this kingdom is falling apart now, because he passed away on October 30, 2018, at the age of 94.(1)HZMB opened .A . on October 24B . on November 24C . on December 24D . on October 14(2)It takes minutes faster than before to go from HongKong to Zhuhai. A . 45B . 195C . 165D . 135(3)The worlds first cloned animal is .A . Zhong ZhongB . Hua HuaC . DollyD . a monkey(4)Who was regarded as one of the greatest kungfu fiction writers in China? A . Dolly.B . Lu Yao.C . Guo Jingming.D . Jin Yong.四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空,在空白处填入适当的单词(每空一词) (共5题;共10分)21. (1分)The living conditions are improving. Now more and more people can a_to buy cars. 22. (1分)Lets plan a surprising party for Mums _(四十)birthday. 23. (5分)单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。(1)He often leaves his homework at home. How _(粗心) he is!(2)I have many musical instruments. I can play the _(小提琴).(3)Is there anything interesting in todays _(报纸)?(4)Now he gets up early in the morning and never _(猛冲) to school.(5)Theyre _(筹集) money for this poor girl.24. (1分)Luckily for the villagers, their living _(条件) have improved greatly. 25. (2分)This is a photo of Anns f_. Look! This is h_ father. 五、 单词拼写 (共2题;共6分)26. (1分)My grandmother_(挑选)a nice present for my brother every year27. (5分)方框所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,补全短文。其中一项为多余选项。Are you sometimes a little tired in the early afternoon?_. They may think its because we eat too much. Or, in summer, they may think it is too hot. _. About eight hours after you wake up, your body temperature goes down.In many parts of the world, people take naps(打盹) in the middle of the day. This is really true when its warmer, and the hot weather makes work difficult in the early afternoon. Now researchers are saying that naps are good for everyone at any time. _ If people often take naps, there are often few problems with their hearts._Though doctors may ask them to take naps, however, bosses dont let them do it! If you do have the chance, remember that the best time to take a nap is about eight hours after you get up. A short sleep too late in the day may only make you feel more tired and sleepy. This can also happen if you sleep for too long. _, try a short nap even ten minutes of sleep can be helpful.六、 用单词的正确形式完成句子 (共1题;共10分)28. (10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。for, busy, hope, learn, only, because, we, child, become, lifeCharlotte Simmonds is a 17-year-old student from Sydney, Australia. Charlotte spends most of her flee time on the beach _she is also a surf(冲浪) life saver. Her job is to save _on the beach or in the water, but she doesnt get any money _this. When she grows up, she _to work as a life saver on some of the most famous surf beaches in the world.Charlotte joined a surf life savers club with her older brother and sister when she was _five years old. We lived near the beach but my parents were Very_in their shop, so they didnt have time to play with us. Joining the club was a great Way to meet other _keep healthy and most importantly, we could spend hours on the beach. We _to swim and surf at an early age. At the age of 15, I _a surf life saver and soon after that I saved somebody in the water.Charlotte loves helping people on the beach. Everybody can see _on the beach because we wear red and yellow hats, shirts and shorts: If you cant see us, that means we can t see you, So maybe you arent safe, she said.七、 完成句子,根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。(注意:每 (共5题;共31分)29. (4分)现在我可以将蜡烛吹灭吗?Can I _now?30. (20分)完成句子(10分)(1)这张桌子是木制的吗?Are the desks _ _ _?(2)你能在地图上只给我看去火车站的路吗?Can you show me _ _ _ the railway station on the map?(3)老师经常叫他在课上不要自言自语。The teacher often _ him _ _ _ _ _ in class.(4)他一到家就迫不及待地打开电视机。He couldnt _ _ _ _ the TV when he _ home.(5)没有人知道他们昨天发生了什么事情。Nobody knows what _ _ _ yesterday.31. (2分)喝完咖啡之后,我继续做作业。 After drinking a cup of coffee, I_ _my homework. 32. (1分)我们应该对帮助过和支持过自己的人心存感激。(be)We should _ the people who helped and supported ourselves.33. (4分)这张CD里全是音乐。没有任何演唱。 Its all music in the CD. _ _ _ _.八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)34. (5分)根据文中提示,写一篇英语短文介绍一下My best friend Mary。要求:语言流畅,条理清晰,词数不少于70词。 1)Mary ,有一双大眼睛,直发,很可爱。我喜欢她微笑的眼睛。2)她对朋友很慷慨,她愿意与朋友分享一切。3)她常讲笑话给朋友们听,让他们开心,与她在一起时从不觉得无聊。4)她会替朋友保守秘密,他是一个真正的朋友。5)长大后她想成为一名老师。我认为她将成为一名杰出的老师。My best friendMy best friend is Mary.第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空,在空白处填入适当的单词(每空一词) (共5题;共10分)21-1、22-1、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、25-1、五、 单词拼写 (共2题;共6分)26-1、27-1、六、 用单词的正确形式完成句子 (共1题;共10分)28-1、七、 完成句子,根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。(注意:每 (共5题;共31分)29-1、30-1、30-2、30-3、30-4、30-5、31-1、32-1、33-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)34-1、


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