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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末考试C卷一、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)She says her favorite is English.A . colorB . sportsC . subject2. (2分)The little boy _ the bird when he knew this kind of bird is good for the crops.A . sets freeB . set freeC . set downD . sets down3. (2分)Youd better _ your toys after playing, Jack.All right. I will.A . put onB . put awayC . put offD . put out4. (2分)Bill, what if your parents go out?They ask me to _ myself.A . look afterB . look upC . look forD . look through5. (2分)We find _ impossible for us to learn Physics well in a short time. A . thatB . itC . this6. (2分)-Do you know that China is one of countries in the world?-Yes, I do. Its much than the US.A . oldest; olderB . the oldest; olderC . the oldest; elderD . the older; elder7. (2分)It is _to do things well than do big things poorly.A . worseB . funnier C . better8. (2分)The bad weather resulted in many car accidents.A . led toB . happened toC . kept to9. (2分)Shall we go _ on Sunday? I love water sports.Thats a good idea.A . hikingB . swimmingC . cyclingD . skating10. (2分)This bike looks very nice. It only 150 yuan A . takesB . costsC . usesD . spends11. (2分)(2016黔西南)The Dragon Boat Festival was this year? A . June ,the ninthB . nine, JuneC . the ninth JulyD . nine, July12. (2分) _brave Lin Tao is! Yes, he helped his neighbour, Mrs Sun, out of fire.A . How aB . WhatC . What aD . How13. (2分) Paul is not very popular among his classmates.一 Yeah. Because he often plays jokes on them.A . makes fun ofB . fights withC . studies with14. (2分)Team sports are sports _ volleyball and basketball. A . for exampleB . such asC . such likeD . unlike15. (2分)My sister Jane does well in sports. A . enjoysB . can playC . is good at16. (2分)_ people are sending and receiving e-mails on the Internet every day A . MillionB . MillionsC . Million ofD . Millions of17. (2分)Which of the following word matches the sound/singl/? A . singleB . singerC . thinkD . thank18. (2分)选出划线部分发音不同的单词( ) A . showB . brownC . yellow19. (2分)The supermarket is _ /n/ our school.A . pearB . wearC . earD . near20. (2分)Shanghai is much than cities in China.A . bigger, the otherB . bigger, any otherC . the biggest, the other二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)根据短文理解,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。Just after exams, Helen decided to go shopping. I must get some1 for the holidays, she thought. I need some2 pants because itll be hot, but not so thin and I need a dark colour because Ill travel on long-distance buses.And Helen went to her favorite3 but they didnt have the right kind of pants for her. So she tried two more shops4 without any luck. Then she walked into Off Your Butt. She didnt usually shop there because the clothes were too5 for her.Helen6 out a pair of pants. They looked just right dark blue, and the material(材料) was strong but not heavy. She tried on two different7.Ill take the larger pair, she said. Its8 sitting for hours in a bus if your pants are too tight(紧), she thought.Oh! Shed forgotten to look at the price. They must be more than she had wanted to9! Then Helen had a nice surprise. Really? Have you got the10 right?Everything is half-price this week. Were getting the new clothes for the autumn next week. That was lucky! said Helen.(1)A . money B . pants C . shoes D . time (2)A . white B . strong C . thin D . long (3)A . school B . bus C . shop D . park (4)A . and B . or C . so D . but (5)A . expensive B . big C . fashion D . ugly (6)A . picked B . carried C . turned D . looked (7)A . colours B . sizes C . shops D . materials(原料) (8)A . dull B . rude C . terrible D . poor (9)A . buy B . make C . get D . pay (10)A . exam B . colour C . cloth D . price 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共42分)22. (6分)根据短文理解, 选择正确答案。 Jill Jones got a new job in a different part of the city. She had to go to work every day by train.There was only one other person on the train with her. He was a well-dressed man reading a newspaper. Suddenly, about halfway through the journey, the man began tearing(撕) his newspaper into hundreds of small pieces. Then he picked them up, opened the window and threw them all out. Then he sat down, closed his eyes, and slept for the rest of the journey again.The next day, Jill got on the same train. The same well-dressed man was there, reading a newspaper. As before, about halfway through the journey, the man began tearing his newspaper into hundreds of small pieces. Then he picked the pieces up, opened the window and threw them all out. This done, he sat down, closed his eyes, and slept for the rest of the journey. This happened every day for a week.At last, on Friday, Jill spoke to the man. Excuse me, sir, she said, I dont want to be rude, but I must ask you a question. When we are halfway through our journey, you tear your newspaper into hundreds of pieces and then throw them all out of the window. Please tell me, sir. Why do you do this?The well-dressed man smiled. There is a simple reason, he said. I like to sleep for part of the journey, but I cannot sleep if the train is full of elephants. So I throw the pieces of paper out to the elephants. It stops them from coming into the train.But there arent any elephants on the train, Jill said. I know, the man said. It works well, doesnt it?(1)Who was on the train with Jill Jones? A . An old woman.B . Three children.C . A well-dressed man.D . A well-dressed woman.(2)What strange thing did the man do? A . Went to sleep.B . Tore a newspaper into small pieces.C . Talked to Jill.D . Read a newspaper.(3)Why did the man on the train do this? A . He was playing a game.B . He wanted to get rid of the elephants.C . He was angry.D . He couldnt sleep.23. (6分)Flat A:Lovely double bedroom with own store space in the house, garden, garage(车库)and parking space. 5 minutes to the library,18 minutes to the bank. TV broadband available.115 pounds per week including all the bills. Four weeks rent(租金),four weeks deposit(押金)requiredTel:07912100237Flat B:A double room available to rent at420 per month in a 2-bedroom new apartment located in London. Its ideal for students (5 minutes to University of Greenwich, Avery Hill campus) and professional people for short term. 2 minutes walk to the train station and local town centre. There are fast trains to London Bridge(15 minutes)and Cambridge Cross Station(20 minutes)in London.There are public buses to Cambridge, Greenwich etc.Features: entrance hall, modem kitchen and bathroom, living room and parking space.Tel: 17912100273Flat C:Shared flats available for rent, weekly80 including breakfast and dinner;daily20 including breakfast. Wireless(无线) Internet is provided for free. Central location in London, ideal for holiday makers and studentsTel: 0791 2305237(1)If you are a student of University of Greenwich, which flat would you better rent?A . Flat AB . Flat BC . Flat CD . None(2)Which flat is best suitable for web addicts(网虫)?A . Flat AB . Flat BC . Flat CD . None(3)If you want to rent flat A, which number can you dial to see the house?A . 17912100273B . 07912305237C . 07912105237D . 0791210023724. (20分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。John and Jack met at the old bench every afternoon. Then they played football. But they didnt have enough money to buy a real football. So Jack made a ball out of old socks covered with a piece of plastic. Every time, the two friends didnt stop kicking and running until very late.On Monday afternoon, John and Jack met again at the old bench. Soon the home-made ball was running across the grass. The boys laughed and shouted happily. The ball was stopped by a boy wearing a nice pair of sports shoes. John was upset when he saw it was Steven.The next morning, Johns mother gave him a bill. “Your uncle sent you a birthday present.”She smiled. Johns eyes grew big when he saw the 100 bill. Later that day, his mother bought a pair of new sports shoes and a real football.That afternoon Steven invited John to play football. Steven did not want Jack to join them only because Jacks sports shoes were dirty. When the game was over, John and Steven walked past the old bench where Jack was sitting. Steven picked up a stone and threw it at him. John, holding his new football in his hands, walked on and did not look back.Several days later, as John walked past the old bench, he saw something lying under it. He looked closer and saw it was the home-made ball. John was full of sadness when he saw the ball. As his sadness turned to anger, he picked up his new football and kicked it into the air. Then he walked to the beach, sat down and waited.(1)When John and Jack were playing with their home-made ball, they felt .A . sadB . gladC . unfairD . angry(2)When John and Jack were playing with their home-made ball, they felt .A . sadB . gladC . unfairD . angry(3)What present did John get from his uncle?A . A bill.B . A football.C . A home-made football.D . A pair of new shoes.(4)What present did John get from his uncle?A . A bill.B . A football.C . A home-made football.D . A pair of new shoes.(5)Why didnt Jack play football with John and Steven?A . Because he was ill.B . Because he hated Steven.C . Because he didnt wear sports shoes.D . Because he wasnt invited by Steven.(6)Why didnt Jack play football with John and Steven?A . Because he was ill.B . Because he hated Steven.C . Because he didnt wear sports shoes.D . Because he wasnt invited by Steven.(7)John sat on the beach and probably waited for .A . his motherB . JackC . StevenD . his uncle(8)John sat on the beach and probably waited for .A . his motherB . JackC . StevenD . his uncle(9)What is the best title for the passage?A . A birthday presentB . A football matchC . A home-made footballD . A new football(10)What is the best title for the passage?A . A birthday presentB . A football matchC . A home-made footballD . A new football25. (10分)阅读理解CTF boys, a boy band that has three middle school students, many people like them very much. The band name TFBOYS means The Fighting Boys(拼搏少年).Wang Junkai, 14, from Chongqing. Wang is a student at TF-Entertainment when he is 8. He still goes to school like other kids on weekdays. But his weekends are busy with training(训练) classes. He learns how to sing and dance. Many boys cant do it, but Wang can.Wang Yuan, 13, from Chongqing. Fans like to call Wang “Er Yuan” because he is a funny boy. Because he likes telling jokes(笑话). The boys life is easy. His phone is only 300 yuan.Yiyang Qianxi, 13, from Hunan. Yiyang is short. He is a good student. He is a great dancer. He joins in TV shows. He plays different roles in many movies. He is good at calligraphy(书法). When other children show their new clothes on Weibo, Yiyang shows his calligraphy work. How can he be good at so many things? “I am practicing dancing when others are playing.” he says.(1)There are_ members in the band. A . one.B . three.C . four.D . two.(2)When does Wang Junkai go to school? A . From Monday to Friday.B . On weekends.C . On Monday.D . On Saturday.(3)The name of the band means(意思是) _. A . the boys are working hard.B . the boys are good at singing.C . the boys are very handsome.D . the boys often fight with others.(4)What does Yiyang Qianxi show on weibo? A . DanceB . MoviesC . Calligraphy workD . New clothes(5)What can we know from the passage? A . Many people dont like the TF boys.B . Wang Yuan is a thirteen-year-old boy from Hunan.C . Wang Junkai likes telling jokes.D . Yiyang Qianxi is a good student and a great dancer.四、 交际应用。 (共2题;共15分)26. (10分)补全对话A:Hi,Dave.Do you know that the Great Wall is the longest wall of the world?B:Yes.And I really admire your_They were so clever and brave.A:What do you think it was used for?B:It might be used for keeping the wind from_the sand away.A:Oh,no.There used to be many wars in the north of China.So people built the Great Wall to prevent_from entering China.B:Oh,I see.Its_was to protect peoples safety,wasnt it?A:Yes,you are right.At that time,the leader of China was Qing Shihuang.Thanks to the Great,he got _of the wars and joined six countries into a big country.B:He must be the greatest emperor in Chinese history.A:No,he _be the greatest one.In fact,the people lived a hard life at that time.B:What was the Great Wall made _?A:Bricks and stones.Some of the stones are so huge that they _as much as two tons.B:Really?I wonder how they managed to move and_up those heavy stones without modern machines.A:Yes,there remain many_about it waiting for us to discover.27. (5分)方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使对话通顺、正确。每词仅用一次(每空一词)。steal matter friend valuable attendSandy: Mom, Im really worried.Mom: Why? Whats the _?Sandy: I cant find my schoolbag.Mom: Well, where did you last put it?Sandy: I cant remember! I _a concert yesterday so it might still be in the museum hall.Mom: Do you have anything _in your schoolbag?Sandy: No, just my books, my pink hair band and some tennis balls.Mom: So it cant be _.Sandy: Oh, wait! I went to a picnic after the concert. I remember I had my schoolbag with me at the picnic.Mom: So could it still be at the park?Sandy: Yes. I left early, before the rest of my _. Ill call them now to check if anybody has it.五、 任务型阅读。根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列五项任务。 (共3题;共37分)28. (10分)根据上下文理解,选择所给词的适当形式填空。minute, walk, look, girl, cook, class, happy, feel, key , needYesterday was Sunday. We had no_. I wrote a letter to my pen pal and_lunch for my parents. After lunch I took a _with Mike through the park behind my house. We saw a little girl_for something. She lost her keys. “She _help,” Mike said. So we helped the girl look for her_. About ten_later, Mike found them in the grass. The girl was _. We spent much time in looking for the_keys, but we_very happy because we did a good deed(做好事).29. (10分) All students need to have good study habits. When you have good study habits, you will learn things quickly and also remember them easily. Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place, because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom A quiet place will help you only to think about one thing. When you study, do not think about other things at the same time. Only think about your homework. If you do so, you will do your homework more quickly, and you will make fewer mistakes.Good study habits are very important. If you do not have them, try to learn them. If your studyhabitsare already good. Try to make them better. (1)If you have good study habits, you can_.A . learn things quickly and remember them easilyB . do things quickly and remember them easilyC . read books quickly but forget them easilyD . write words quickly but forget them easily(2)You need_ when you study.A . a dining roomB . a quiet placeC . a living roomD . a noisy place(3)When you study, you should think about_.A . good study habitsB . other thingsC . your homeworkD . your hobbies(4)After reading this passage, we know that good study habits are very_.A . difficultB . unusualC . importantD . easy(5)According to (根据) the writer, which can be a good study habit?A . Reading English among a crowd of people.B . Thinking only about math in a math class.C . Thinking in Chinese while talking in English.D . Do your homework as quickly as you can.30. (17分)任务型阅读。 Thank you for watching Around China. Im Li Ling, a reporter from CCTV. Now, were in Penghu, Taiwan. The beach here is really beautiful and clean. Today is sunny, but the weather is hot and humid. There are lots of people. Some people are taking photos; some are swimming in the sea, and others are lying on the beach. Look at this group of young men playing beach soccer. They are only wearing sports shorts and sunglasses. They are running barefoot (赤脚的). They really look cool. Im surprised that they can play so well in this heat. This is a very beautiful and interesting place. Its also a good place to relax. I like here so much that I really don t want to leave.(1)Li Ling is a _ from CCTV. (2)A group of young men are playing _ on the beach. (3)What is the weather like? (4)What are the young men wearing? (5)将文中划线的句子翻译成汉语。 六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)31. (5分)假设你叫Lucy,参加了学校的以“我的校园生活”为题的英语征文比赛。请根据以下要点提示,用英语写一篇短文,60词以上,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 提示:你上下学的时间、交通方式和学校的日常活动。你和同学们的才艺。表达你对学校生活的喜爱。Hi, everyone! My name is Lucy. Im happy here to talk about my School life.第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共42分)22-1、22-2、22-3、23-1、23-2、23-3、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、24-6、24-7、24-8、24-9、24-10、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、四、 交际应用。 (共2题;共15分)26-1、27-1、五、 任务型阅读。根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列五项任务。 (共3题;共37分)28-1、29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、29-5、30-1、30-2、30-3、30-4、30-5、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)31-1、

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