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2019-2020年英语中考模拟冲刺(八)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)We do sports every day _.A . build us upB . to build up usC . to build us up2. (2分)(2015辽宁丹东)Alan, dont _ too late, or you will feel sleepy in class.Sorry, Mrs. Black. I wont do that again.A . set upB . put upC . stay upD . stand up3. (2分)Football is a popular sport. _ my father _ my mother is interested in watching football matches.A . Not only; but alsoB . Neither; norC . Both; andD . Either; or4. (2分)The old man lives _,but he never feels _.A . alone ; lonelyB . lonely; aloneC . alone; alone5. (2分)The mother never calls her children. I dont think she what happens to her children. A . waits forB . cares aboutC . finds out .D . thinks of6. (2分)I agree with him . Some of his points are right.A . in the wayB . on the wayC . in a way7. (2分)If you feel tired, you may stop_. A . have a restB . to have a restC . have restD . having a rest8. (2分)We should help children who have difficulty in walking or moving. A . have trouble inB . are different fromC . have problems to二、 根据句子意思, 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分) Whats the _ of the book? 5 dollars.A . timeB . priceC . dateD . color10. (2分) Why docs the 3-year-old boy like beating other children? Because he cant himself well. Using bands is much easier than his mouth. A . express, usingB . teach, to useC . challenge, usingD . realize, to use11. (2分)-Whats wrong with you, Eric? You look tired.-I _ to prepare for the final exam last night.A . picked upB . woke upC . stayed upD . put up12. (2分)She is sure that she will make it on her career one day. A . become successfulB . lose heartC . be defeated13. (2分)Can you give me some advice on how to keep_?You can do morning exercise every day and eat healthy food.A . fitB . quietC . secret14. (2分)What is your brothers_, Alice? _. Look! He collects so many expensive cameras.A . hobby; Taking photosB . problem; Drawing picturesC . report; Taking a trip15. (2分)Are you willing to live on Mars one day?_It sounds exciting,but it still worries me.A . Of course I amB . Are you joking?C . Why not?D . Im not sure三、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。I used to live in my own room alone. But one day it all changed when my brother Mike asked to share my1. At first, my parents said no to him, but at last my mother agreed. I cried and asked my parents not to do this, 2it didnt work.As soon as Mike entered my room, it began to become3. To my anger, he often left his unwashed clothes and toys everywhere!One evening, I was doing some4on my computer while Mike was listening to music.5I left my seat to get some water. A big surprise was waiting for me when I6. He was using my computer to play games. I had forgotten to save(储存) the homework. Sadly, he had closed my program7saving itall I had done had disappeared(消失)! I8him. He cried a lot as my mother came and beat him. My mother also asked him to leave my room at once.Then I had to do my homework9. At 10:00 pm. I finished it. When I was going to turn off the10, I saw the photo of my11that he had put on my table. I looked at his lovely face and remembered how12he was when my mom beat him. I really felt13. I went to see what he was doing. I found he was14in my parents bed. I kissed his face. He woke up, got up and said. Im sorry. I wont bring you any more trouble.I was moved and said. From now on, my room is not only mine. It is 15! Then every night, Mike and I shared not only the room, but the bed.(1)A . clothes B . food C . room D . toys (2)A . because B . but C . or D . so (3)A . dirty B . empty C . quiet D . tidy (4)A . business B . homework C . reading D . shopping (5)A . Later B . Instead C . However D . Sometimes (6)A . danced B . fell C . returned D . slept (7)A . after B . by C . for D . without (8)A . agreed with B . heard from C . looked after D . shouted at (9)A . as well B . for ever C . in the end D . once again (10)A . computer B . fan C . radio D . TV (11)A . brother B . cousin C . father D . grandfather (12)A . clever B . happy C . sad D . silly (13)A . bored B . excited C . proud D . sorry (14)A . jumping B . sleeping C . sitting D . singing (15)A . his B . hers C . ours D . theirs 四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共42分)17. (6分)(1)What can you find in Parkers Sweet Shop ?A . Books.B . Chocolate.C . Pictures.D . CDs.(2)What time does Happy Days Club open?A . 9:00 am.B . 9:30 amC . 7:30 pm.D . 10:30 pm.(3)What should you paint if you want to join the painting competition?A . An egg.B . A girl.C . A bicycle.D . An animal.18. (10分)阅读理解(D)Every boy wants to find treasureAnd Tom was no different. One summer day Tom told Huck about his ideaWhere can we look for treasure?asked HuckIts hidden on islands,under dead trees,but mostly under the floors in haunted(闹鬼的) housesSo,one Saturday afternoon Tom and his friend went to look for treasure as the haunted house on Cardiff HillIt was a quiet and lonely which made the boys feel very frightenedThey entered quietly,and explored downstairsEverything was old,broken and dirtyThey threw their tools in a corner and walked upstairs,but there was nothing thereThey were just about to go downstairs and start digging when Tom stoppedWhat is it?whispered Huck,going white with frightKeep quiet! Theres someone downstairsThe boys lay down,looking through the holes in the wooden floorThere were two men downstairsOne was an old Spaniard in a wide sombrero hat and the other was duty and unpleasantlookingTom and Hack shook with fear when they heard the Spaniard speak because they found it was Injun Joe He said,Its time for us to move,partnerWhat will we do with the 650formtherobbery(抢劫)?Letskeep30each and leave the bag hereThe dirty man went to the fireplace and moved a stoneThen he lifted out a bag full of money and look out some coinsThe two boys forgot all their fears when they saw there was real treasure downstairsThen Indian Joe started digging a hole with his knife and the knife hit somethingWhat is it?asked the other manIts a box,said Indian JoeAnd he put in his hand and pulled out a handful of gold coinsThe other man found the boystools,and they soon pulled out the boxWheres thousands of dollars in there,Said Indian JoeThe Murrell Gang used this area one summer,said his partnerThey most have hidden their money hereWhat will we do with this,Joe?Will we bury(埋)it again?No,someone might find it,said Indian JoeLets bury it in the member two den(巢穴)Tom and Huck got up as soon as the two men leftThey decided to watch out for theman in the sombrerowhen he came to town and find out where the member two den was(1)Where did the two boys go to find treasure one Saturday afternoon? A . To a haunted houseB . To a small islandC . To some dead treesD . To a faraway den(2)Who does the underlined wordHerefer to? A . TomB . HunkC . Indian JoeD . The dirty man(3)Where was the bag of money probably from? A . The two men robbed others of itB . Some villagers hid it thereC . The owner of the house left it thereD . Tom and Huck buried it there(4)Which is the right order of what happened in the story? aThe two boys threw their tools in a cornerbThe duty man lifted out a bag full of moneycTom and Huck went to look for treasure one daydIndian Joe found a box full of gold coinseThe Murrell Gang hid their money in the houseA . cabdeB . cdbeaC . ecadbD . ecabd(5)What can we infer(推断) from the passage? A . The real treasure was $650in the bagB . The man in the sombrero was Indian JoeC . Tom would join Indian Joe and be a robberD . Tom and Hack would try to get the treasure19. (10分)阅读理解Life today is better than before. People eat more good foodmeat, fish and eggs. They often go out for good meals with their families or friends. But they are easier to get ill, why?Because more meat and fish, less sports are bad for health, good sleep, less meat and enough sports are good for health. Our bodies need vegetables and fruit, too. There are a lot of vitamins in them, they are good for our eyes and skin.As for me, I like all sports. And I usually play sports for an hour after school. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. I drink milk every day. I usually drink a cup of water 15 minutes before each meal. I dont eat junk food because its not healthy. And I sleep eight hours every day.(1)Why are people easier to get ill today? A . Because they do more sports and eat less meat.B . Because they eat more vegetables and play less sports.C . Because they eat more meat and play less sports.D . Because they play more sports and eat more vegetables.(2)Which is bad for health? A . Good sleepB . Less sportsC . Less meatD . Fruit and vegetables(3)What does the word “vitamins” mean in Chinese? A . 维生素B . 抗生素C . 青霉素D . 营养(4)How long does the writer usually play sports? A . 15 minutesB . Nine hoursC . Two hoursD . An hour(5)What does the writer usually do before meals? A . Do some sportsB . Eat a lot of fruit and vegetablesC . Drink some waterD . Drink some milk20. (8分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A few days ago I got a call from my old college friend whom I havent seen for a very long time. We talked about all the good old times that we had. Then he started talking about his father. His father was badly ill in hospital and couldnt sleep at night, he often talked to himself and made a lot of noise. My friend was angry about this and shouted at his father to stop talking, but after his father stopped talking, he died a few days later.My friend was very sorry for speaking the ill words towards his father, he was so sad that he cried like a baby on the other end of the telephone. He said that from that moment on, he prayed every day, asking God to let his father forgive him.Sometimes, we complain our parents, but do we realize that our parents take care of us and always stay around us from the day we were born to our adulthood (成年), imagine how sad our parents will be when they hear an unlucky word of no come out from our mouths.There are so many unlucky children who have neither fathers nor mothers. My dear friends, we can make promises to ourselves that from now on there will be no bad words that come out from our mouths to our parents, take good care of our parents, even if it takes only a second to stay with them, they will be very happy.(1)Whose call did I get a few days ago? A . my fathersB . my teachersC . my old college friendsD . a doctors(2)Which of the following word can be used to describe the writers friend? A . angryB . happyC . unhappyD . regretful(3)What does the underlined word forgive mean in the second part? A . 原谅B . 生气C . 高兴D . 伤心(4)What does the writer want to tell us at last in the passage? A . Your parents will keep talking to themselves when they are old.B . Be good to your parents when you still have the chance.C . You will lose them in your life if you dont show your kindness to your parents.D . It is not easy to take good care of sick old parents.21. (8分) Ruby, the artist, is an Asian elephant, She is17 years old. She lives in the zoo. Ruby has produced about 100 paintings since last year. She has made more than $ 40,000 for the zoo. Zoo leaders say Ruby first showed the talent (才能) about four years ago. Zoo workers watched her make the marks in the sand with her trunk. She rubbed (擦掉) out the marks, then made the new ones. The zoo worker gave her brushes and paints. Soon Ruby painted pictures.Newspaper reporters wrote Ruby, then people asked about buying her pictures. And in this way, she made a lot of money for the zoo. This is how Ruby does the paintings. A zoo worker holds different color paints. Ruby touches the colors she wants. Then the worker gives her brushes with the chosen colors in her trunk and Ruby begins painting.(1)We can most probably read this story_.A . in a dictionary about read animalsB . in a newspaperC . in a book on artD . in history textbooks(2)People asked about buying Rubys pictures because_.A . newspaper reporters bought her pictureB . her pictures were better than those of real artistsC . they just wanted to have funD . zoo workers would let them have a free visit to the park(3)Ruby rubbed out the marks she had drawn in order to_.A . make other onesB . clear her trunkC . dig a hole in the sandD . ask for brushes and paints(4)From the story, we can know that_.A . Ruby can paint a picture all by herselfB . Ruby can draw better pictures than the other animals in the zooC . Ruby has to finish a painting with the help of zoo workersD . Ruby will ask for money if she finishes a picture五、 语法填空 (共1题;共8分)22. (8分)短文填空Students surely like vacations. But when I ask some students what they usually do on summer vacation. Their answers _me really surprised(感到惊讶) a lot. Some students say they just stay at home and play computer games all day. Some say they have many _in summer school. Many students dont even(甚至) like the vacation because they think their vacation is not really fun but _. The summer vacation this year is coming soon. Do you want to have a better _? Here are some tips (建议)for you.First, find out what you are interested in and join some clubs. Next, its just right for _some time and money on some trips. Learn to be friendly _you meet new friends. If your parents take you to other countries, try to learn a second language.Take some photos _the beautiful places along the way. Finally, remember to finish your homework on time and know something about your lessons in Grade Eight.I am sure that you can use your time _and have a good plan(计划), you will have a wonderful summer vacation.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)随着网络的发展与成熟,人们的购物方式也在发生改变。网上购物成为了一种时尚。请根据下列表格提示,以Shopping on Line: Pros and Cons为题,写一篇文章,谈谈你的看法。优点缺点节约时间,避免劳累只能看到图片,看不到商品本身价格通常较便宜容易买自己不太需要的东西,造成浪费可选择的商品品种多可能会受到欺骗,不安全要求:1 字迹工整,条理清晰。不少于80词,开头不计入总字数。2 表格内容必须全部包含在文章中。提示词:避免做某事 avoid doing sth欺骗 cheatShopping on Line: Pros and ConsWith the development of the Internet, more and more people shop on line. 第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 根据句子意思, 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共42分)17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共8分)22-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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