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中学2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(I)卷一、 单项选择。 (共14题;共28分)1. (2分)With _ are you going shopping? My mother.A . whoB . whomC . whose2. (2分)Which would you prefer, orange juice or coffee?Either _ OK, but I prefer coffee _ milk.A . are; withB . is; withC . is, to3. (2分)“ Do you like fruit after dinner? ” Oh, yes. I like _ .” A . applesB . carrotsC . ice-creamD . chicken4. (2分)Do you like rock music or light music? _. I like Beijing Opera.A . EitherB . NoneC . BothD . Neither5. (2分)Look! Some books _ in the box. A . areB . isC . amD . /6. (2分)What do we have for dinner?_hamburgers and fruit?A . Lets haveB . How areC . What aboutD . What are7. (2分)There great changes in Kunming since 2009 A . have hadB . haveC . have beenD . has been8. (2分)Could you take this letter to Tom? A . Youre kidding!B . Youre welcome.C . With pleasure.D . Take it easy.9. (2分)(2015.湖南郴州)_is coming. What can I get for my mother? What about a scarf?A . Womens DayB . Womans DayC . Womens Day10. (2分)I dont like soap operas, because I think they are . A . meaninglessB . interestingC . educationalD . famous11. (2分)Can I help you ? Yes, Id like some_A . strawberry and bananasB . fish porridgesC . orange juicesD . tomato noodles12. (2分)Is EXO Lindas favorite group? No, _ is Bigbang.A . shesB . herC . hersD . hers13. (2分)What kind of noodles would you like, small, medium or large?_. Id like noodles _ eggs and tomatoes.A . Yes, please; withB . No, thanks; onC . Medium, please; withD . No, I dont; from14. (2分)_is the football match?Its on the playground.A . WhereB . WhenC . WhatD . Which二、 语音辨析 (共1题;共2分)15. (2分)The underlined part(下划线部分) in is pronounced(发音)differently.A . bookB . coolC . footD . good三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共7分)16. (7分)完形填空 Hello, boys and girls! My name 1Anna Black. This is a photo of my family. This is my father.2name is Dave Black. He is a teacher in my school. He teaches(教)English. He can speak(说)English very well. And that is my mother. She is a3, too. But she is a Chinese teacher. Who is this? Oh, its my4. She is my fathers sister. My grandparents are 5the photo.6are in the USA. This is my dog. Its name is Lucky. It is a lovely dog. I love my7and I love my dog too.(1)A . am B . are C . is (2)A . He B . Hes C . His (3)A . girl B . teacher C . mother (4)A . uncle B . aunt C . cousin (5)A . of B . in C . on (6)A . They B . He C . she (7)A . photo B . family C . English 四、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共14分)17. (4分) My family and I have ridden bikes around the island several times. My friends often ask me questions about biking with their families. Im sorry to learn that some of them dont really enjoy biking or get hurt on the road because they dont prepare well. Here I want to share some things that I think are important before you start off:1. Get a bike of the right size for everyone in your family.2. Check every part of your bike carefully.3. Lear to fix some easy bike problems.4. Check the traffic and weather news.5. Pack maps, warm clothes, raincoats, snacks and enough water.(1)What is the writer talking about?A . How to fix a bike on the road.B . How to save money on a bike ride.C . Things to do for a safe and happy bike ride.D . Things to remember when you get hurt on the road.(2)Which is said in the reading?A . Biking is good for health.B . More and more people go to work by bike.C . Biking around the island is getting popular.D . The size of the bike is important for biking.18. (10分)阅读理解The food in Britain is very different from our Chinese food. For instance (例如), they eat a lot of potatoes. They like to eat them every day. They eat bread for breakfast and usually for one other meal. They eat their bread with butter (黄油), maybe cheese (乳酪) or jam (果酱), things we dont eat much in China. Cheese and butter are made from milk. They drink a lot of milk, too. They drink the milk cold or hot, and they put it in their tea. They put sugar in their tea, as well. They are the worlds biggest tea drinkers. They like Chinese tea, but they drink mostly strong black tea from India and Sri Lanka (斯里兰卡). They dont eat much rice. For their main meal they like meat or fish with potatoes and one or two vegetables. They serve all these together. After the main meal they always have something sweet. They call this dessert (甜点心). They dont have Jiaozi in Britain.(1)People eat many _ in Britain A . potatoesB . beefC . butterD . milk(2)They eat _ butter. A . breakfast withB . Cheese forC . bread withD . jam for(3)They drink strong black tea _. A . to IndiaB . from IndiaC . for ChinaD . in China(4)After the main meal they always _. A . eat sweet somethingB . eat sweet breadC . have sweet somethingD . have something sweet(5)People dont eat Jiaozi _. A . in ChinaB . in EnglandC . from IndiaD . from Sri Lanka五、 补全对话。 (共2题;共10分)19. (5分)问答句配对:找出各句相匹配的句子。Whats your fathers name? _ A. No, they arent.Where are your books? _ B. His name is Alan.Is this her pencil? _ C. She is my sister.Who is that girl? _ D. They are in the bag.Are these photos yours? _ E. Yes, it is.20. (5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。During May Day many people come to Hainan to spend their holidays.The following dialogue is between Han Meimei (H) and a visitor(V).V:Excuse me._H:Yes,Im going there.We can go together.Come along._V:Thats right.Ive never been here before.But for this May Day,Ive stayed here several days.H:_V:Many places.Weve visited Xinglong,Monkey Island and Sanya City.H:Oh,great._V:A very beautiful tropical seaside city (热带滨海城市),I should say.H:_V:Yes.Weve been to Yalong Bay (亚龙湾),Dadonghai,Tianya Haijiao and Nanshan Park.H:So you must have a good time here.V:Certainly I have.I hope Ill visit Haikou Park.A. Is this your first time to Hainan?B. Could you tell me how- can go to Haikou Park?C. Where have you to?D. How- do you like Sanya?E. Where have you been to?F. Can you tell me more about it?G. what do you like Sanya?六、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共25分)21. (25分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题: Once a king got two nice falcons(猎鹰) from his son. He had never seen such beautiful falcons before. He loved them so much and he ordered the best falconer to train them to fly.After several months, the king came to see how the training was going on. He found that one falcon had already been able to fly high in the sky, while the other one was staying on the branch(树枝) of a tree quietly without moving.The king called all his falconers together and ordered them to try every way they could to make it fly. But none of them succeeded. One day, while the king was taking a walk in the forest, an idea came to his mind. He decided to find someone who knew the natural environment well to solve the problem. Then he sent for a farmer who lived in the forest into his palace to train it at once.The next morning, the king saw the other falcon flying above in the sky freely. It is unbelievable! shouted the king. How could you make it happen?The farmer replied, Its very easy. I just cut off the branch where the falcon rested.It is always the same to humans. We all have two flying wings in our hearts as well, but we often seem not to notice them and stay where we feel safe and comfortable. We wont realize we can fly so high and freely until the branch we are resting on breaks.(1)Where did the king get the falcons? (2)Why did the king ask the farmer to train the falcon? (3)What did the farmer do to make the falcon fly? (4)What do you think of the farmer? (5)To reach high, can we stay where we feel safe and comfortable? 七、 单词拼写。 (共2题;共15分)22. (5分)单词拼写(1)Dont drink too many soft drinks in your d_ life. They are harmful to your health.(2)Please dont make any n_. The students are having exams now.(3)After school, a lot of students stand in line and w_ for the school buses at the school gate.(4)You cannot l_your son at home by himself. He is too young.(5)Event_ he didnt sleep at all last night, he kept on working.23. (10分)B. 根据中文提示,写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。When I was in the middle school, I was good at many subjects _(除了) English. It was a little difficult for me and I often made _(错误) in the test. I felt very sad.Luckily, my English teacher Miss Li was _(相当地)kind. She advised me to buy a dictionary and _(提议,提出) to help me solve _(主要的,基础的) problems. Miss Li said that I _(应该) speak English aloud and read _(大量,众多) of English books. With her help, my English improved _(迅速地,快地). It was much _(更简单) for me to remember the words than before. And I became one of the actresses in the school English show at _(终于,最后).I was thankful to my dear English teacher, Miss Li.八、 选词填空。 (共1题;共10分)24. (10分)(2016青岛)选择恰当的单词填空。每词限用一次。(有两个多余的选项)。exactly, disappeared , hundreds, example, protect, when, longest, of, symbol, wide, northwest, buildThe Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world. With a history of more than 2,000 years, some parts of the Great Wall have _. It is, however, still a very popular place of interest.It is the _wall ever built. Its from Shanhaiguan on the east coast to Gansu Province in the _of China. It is about 8 meters high. The top is 8 meters _and it gets even wider towards the bottom where it is 15 meters. It is made _stone and brick. The top is hard enough for men on horseback to ride on. The wall was built by hand and it took _of years to finish.No one knows _when the building of the Great Wall was started. It is believed that the wall was built to _parts of the country during the Zhou Dynasty. Emperor Qin Shihuang joined the separate walls built by the Qin, Yan and Zhao Kingdoms. The wall was not only for protection in the north, it was also a _of Chinas ancient civilization (文明).Today, many of the visitors go to see the wall. _they stand on top of a tower and look down on this wall, they cant help (禁不住) saying “Wow, thats fantastic!”九、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)假如你是李梅,请写信向远在美国的笔友Linda介绍你的家乡著名特产-双峰辣酱。要求:介绍辣酱由什么做的,谁制作的,制作过程,用途(招待贵宾),人们为什么喜欢它,是双峰人民勤劳的象征。60词左右,开头已写出,可适当发挥参考词汇:Shuangfeng pepper extract (双峰辣酱) pepper(辣椒),garlic(大蒜),ginger(生姜),salt, strong drink(高度酒),Shuangfeng women,be made of,be made by, be used for,treat guest(招待贵宾), a symble of第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共14题;共28分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、二、 语音辨析 (共1题;共2分)15-1、三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共7分)16-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共14分)17-1、17-2、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、五、 补全对话。 (共2题;共10分)19-1、20-1、六、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共25分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、七、 单词拼写。 (共2题;共15分)22-1、23-1、八、 选词填空。 (共1题;共10分)24-1、九、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)25-1、


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