(新版)人教新目标版(Go for it)七年级英语下Unit 11 How was your school trip Section B同步练习B卷.doc

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(新版)人教新目标版(Go for it)七年级英语下Unit 11 How was your school trip Section B同步练习B卷.doc_第1页
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(新版)人教新目标版(Go for it)七年级英语下Unit 11 How was your school trip Section B同步练习B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 根据句意及英语或汉语提示填写单词。 (共5题;共23分)1. (10分)根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。 English people like DIY. A lot of people always _(花费) their holiday making their homes more beautiful. If there is anything that needs _(修理) or decorating around their homes, such as painting the walls or putting in a new shower, they will do the jobs _(他们自己). They share DIY _(经验) with their friends. More and more people show an interest in DIY. _(有时) people also DIY in order to save money. They are trying to find ways to make their houses better when they cant _(承担得起) the cost. So, it is not surprising that DIY is very popular. DIY can be difficult. People often find it not easy to build a _(件) of furniture because they cant understand the instructions well. Sometimes the instructions are simple and clear, but the furniture itself is difficult to build. DIY can also be dangerous. People should learn much about DIY work before doing it. Unluckily, many people dont care about that. So they may be in _(危险). It is reported that in just one year thousands of people were _(受伤) while doing DIY in the UK, including those who fell _(从下来) ladders. 2. (1分)How about your school_ to the Beihai Park ?3. (10分)单词拼写(1)Its not easy to cross the river on a ropeway, but the boy is not a_.(2) May I take your o_? Yes, Id like a bowl of beef noodles.(3)Su Lin is having a great time v_ her aunt in Canada.(4)People may describe the same person d_.(5)Running men is getting p_ in China.(6)Carol p_ English at home every day, so she always speaks English very well.(7)As a student, you must f_ the rules at school.(8) How is the salad?It t_ nice.(9)Lets go a_ the street. The lights are green.(10)Where do you want to s_ your holiday?4. (1分)Therere all kinds of _(plant) in the garden.5. (1分)David found a s_in the cinema and sat down quietly. 二、 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共10分)6. (1分)I want to be an animal _(help) in the zoo during the summer holiday.7. (1分)Id rather _ (stay) at home on rainy days.8. (5分)用所给词的正确形式填空。There is a great chance for you _ (meet) the famous athlete .Its easy for you_ (finish) the work on computers .There are many birds_ (sing) happily in the tree .They spent a long time_ (argue) about the boring things .I _ (visit) my good friend at this time last night .9. (1分)Jim _(go) to the library this morning.10. (2分)Little Tommy _(brush) his _(tooth) every morning.三、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)11. (2分) they like salad? No, they _.A . Do; dontB . Does; doesC . Do; doD . Does; dont12. (2分)Last summer I took a course on _.A . how to make dressesB . how dresses be madeC . how to be made dressesD . how dresses to be made13. (2分) Excuse me, could please tell me ?Sorry, I am new here.A . where the bookstore wasB . how can I go to the bookstoreC . how to get to the bookstoreD . how far is the bookstore14. (2分)Im too _ to stand up by myself.Well, you need more rest until you recover.A . heavyB . lazyC . weak15. (2分)My mum _ in the kitchen when the telephone suddenly _. A . cooks, ringsB . is cooking, rangC . cooked, was ringingD . was cooking, rang16. (2分)My sister looks like me, But she is _ more outgoing than me. A . veryB . soC . muchD . quite17. (2分)Its our duty _ our classroom clean and tidy.A . keepB . to keepC . keepingD . kept18. (2分)Eddie is Hobos master. He knows how to _ Hobo.A . look atB . look forC . look overD . look after19. (2分)I 13 years old in 2011.A . amB . wasC . wereD . be20. (2分)He is _ at _ stories than me A . good;tellingB . good;sayingC . better;tellingD . better;saying四、 在横线上填上合适的句子补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)根据对话内容,从方框中的六个选项中选出五个合适的句子补全对话,请将句子的字母标号写在右边的横线上。(In the shoe shop)Shop worker: _Lingling: Yes. Id like a pair of shoes.Shop worker: What colour do you like?Lingling: _Shop worker: _Lingling: Size 32.Shop worker: How about this pair?Lingling: _Shop worker: Of course. Here you are.Lingling: _Shop worker: Only 35 yuan.Lingling: Its cheap. Ill take it.A. May I try it on?B. How much is it?C. What size do you take?D. What about this one?E. Blue, please.F. Can I help you?五、 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)根据句子意思及所给的首字母提示完成单词。每空一词。 (1)Bob is a doctor and he works in the h_. (2)There is a shop n_ the theater. (3)There are six p_ on the wall. (4)Look! The tall b_ is our dining hall. (5)Miss Chen asks you to go to her o_. 六、 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共19分)23. (5分)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(1)Now people eat_ (health) than before and many of them pay much attention to doing sports after work.(2)The boy_(take) to hospital at once after he fell off the tree.(3)We must do what we can_(save) the girl. She is too young.(4)We hope that more charity shows_(hold) to raise money for Project Hope.(5)The boy considered _(he) as the smartest boy in his class.24. (1分)I have no time _ (think) about these questions.25. (11分)用所给词的正确形式填空He went out without _(say) a word.Where _(be) you an hour ago? -I_(be) in Mrs Greens office.They _(go) to visit a farm last Sunday.She _(not study) hard last term.The firemen _(put) out the fire and we were safe.Thank you for _(write) to me.They spent three hours _(walk) around the museum that day.When he met his old classmate, he stopped _(chat) with her.We often see the boy_(read) English early in the morning.He forgot_(bring) his new book to school this morning. 26. (1分)I dont have time _(wash) my clothes from Monday to Friday.27. (1分)If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we _ (have) a party.七、 根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。 (共1题;共1分)28. (1分)遗憾的是,总共只有六首曲子背录下来得以传世。_ only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear .第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 根据句意及英语或汉语提示填写单词。 (共5题;共23分)1-1、2-1、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、3-6、3-7、3-8、3-9、3-10、4-1、5-1、二、 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共10分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、三、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、四、 在横线上填上合适的句子补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)21-1、五、 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 (共1题;共5分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、六、 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共19分)23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、七、 根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。 (共1题;共1分)28-1、

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