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人教版2020年九年级英语中考第二次模拟考试试卷(I)卷一、 单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共10题;共10分)1. (1分)This is _ apple. Those are _.A . a; bananaB . an; bananaC . an, bananasD . a; bananas2. (1分) Could you give me some _ on how to learn English _? Sure. Practice makes perfect.A . advice; goodB . suggestions; goodC . advice; wellD . suggestion; well3. (1分)About _ of the earth _ covered with water, but we have less and less available fresh water. A . three fourth; isB . three fourths; isC . three fourth; are4. (1分)Lucy and Lily are twins (双胞胎), but they look _. A . likeB . happyC . the sameD . different5. (1分)Jack is good at Chinese. He can _ speak good Chinese _read and write it well. A . not only; but alsoB . not; orC . either; orD . neither; or6. (1分)His parents employed a tutor (家庭教师) to teach _ English. A . hisB . himC . /7. (1分)Could I _ your bike? Sorry, I _ it to Jim yesterday. A . borrow; lentB . lend; borrowedC . lend; lentD . borrow; borrowed8. (1分)Traveling by car is _ not reliable because of too many cars during the rush hours. A . sometimeB . sometimesC . some timeD . some times9. (1分)Is this the factory _ he worked ten years ago? A . the oneB . thatC . whichD . where10. (1分) Ill try harder next time. You have said it one hundred times. But _.A . the early bird catches the worm.B . a friend in need is a friend indeed.C . you cant burn the candle at both endsD . actions speak louder than words二、 完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)完形填空阅读下面短文,从下列各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。My mothers loving handsNight after night, she came to help me sleep, even long after my childhood years.I dont remember1it first started making me a little angry 一 my moms hands pushing my hair that way. But it really made me uncomfortable, for they2rough(粗糙的)against my young skin. Finally, one night, I 3her, Dont do that any more. Your hands are too rough! She didnt say anything,4she never did it again.Years later I missed my mothers5and her goodnight kiss on my face. Im not a little girl any more. My mom is6her mid-seventies, and her rough hands are still doing things for my family and me.Now my own children have7. It was late on Thanksgiving Eve. As I slept in my bedroom, a familiar hand ran across my8to push the hair from my head. Then a kiss, ever so softly, touched my brow(额头).Taking my moms hand, I told her how9I was for that night I shouted at her. But my mom didnt know what I was talking about. She had forgotten it long ago.That night, I10with a new appreciation(感激)for my mothers caring hands. And the guilt(内疚)that I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found.(1)A . when B . where C . why (2)A . looked B . felt C . seemed (3)A . nodded at B . shouted at C . seemed (4)A . so B . or C . but (5)A . hands B . words C . smiles (6)A . on B . in C . at (7)A . stayed up B . woken up C . grown up (8)A . nose B . face C . mouth (9)A . sorry B . tired C . relaxed (10)A . left home B . kept working C . fell asleep 三、 阅读理解(本题有15小题,共30分) (共4题;共30分)12. (3分)阅读理解 My name is Mariko. Im from Tokyo. I can speak a little English. But I cant speak Chinese. I usually get up at 6 oclock and go to school at 7:30 in the morning. I think art is interesting. I dont like science. I think it is boring. I want to come to China and Canada very much. I think they are very interesting.My name is Mario. I am 12 years old. I go to school at seven fifty and I go home at four twenty. I have lunch at school. I usually eat fish(鱼), French fries, potatoes and carrots for lunch. My favorite subject is music, because its fun. I want to join a music club. I dont like P.E. I usually do my homework at 5 oclock and I go to bed at 10 oclock.I am Boris. I am from Canada. I like science and art. I want to join the art club. Swimming club is not interesting. I dont like math. I think it is boring. I get up at six thirty and then I run on the playground(操场). My good friend is Sam. He doesnt know Chinese. He doesnt like Chinese food. But he wants to join our Chinese club.(1)Which subject does Mario like best? A . musicB . artC . mathD . science(2)Who goes to school at 7:30? A . Mario.B . Mariko.C . Sam.D . Boris.(3)Why doesnt Mariko like science? Because it is .A . interestingB . relaxingC . boringD . fun(4)What club is Boris in now? A . Swimming club.B . Music club.C . Art club.D . Chinese club13. (8分)阅读理解 Chinese companies lead in global 5G patent applications(专利应用) with Huawei taking the crown, according to a report by IPlytics, an authorized patent data company. Three companies from China were included in the top 10 list of 5G StandardsEssential Patents(SEPs)family owner. Huawei ranked first. ZET Corp, and China Academy of Telecommunications Technology (CATT)grabbed fifth and ninth places, respectively.Chinese companies topped the list for most 5G SEPs applications in communication systems by the end of April 2019, accounting for 34 percent of the worlds total. Chinese tech giant Huawei has taken a leading role by owning 15 percent of SEPs, according to the report Who Is Leading the 5G Patent Race?5G SEP are patents that any company will have to use when carrying out 5G technology and no one can avoid them.Different from 3G and 4G technologies, 5G technology will influence various industries and encourage the appearance of many new products, services and industries.The automotive sector will most likely be one of the first industries to depend on 5G, which will connect vehicles to other vehicles, roadsides, traffic lights, buildings and the Internet, according to the report.It is 5G that is going to be a huge jump forward for communication systems because only with 5Gs higher bandwidth can a number of applications be more advanced (尖端的) and used by most consumers, said Nicole Peng, senior director of the market research company Canalys.As 5G technology has combined various industries and technologies, the number of 5G SEPs rose to more than 60,000 globally by the end of April 2019, the report said.(1)What does taking the crown probably mean in Paragraph 1? A . becoming the next kingB . finishing the task betterC . being in the first placeD . wearing the hat of the king(2)Which one was NOT on the top 10 list of 5G SEPs? A . Canalys.B . Huawei.C . ZET Corp.D . CATT.(3)What is the main idea of the first two paragraphs? A . No companies can avoid 5G SEPs.B . IPlvtics is an important data company.C . Chinese companies lead the 5G patent race.D . China owned 34% of the worlds 5G SEPs applications.(4)What does Nicole Peng think of 5G? A . Various industries will be helpful for 5G a lot.B . Many applications will make 5G more advanced.C . 5G will be used by many most advanced consumers.D . 5G will make great progress in communication systems.(5)What can you get out of the passage? A . 5G will be first used by the industry of the automotive sector.B . Various industries and farming will be mostly influenced by 5G.C . 5G will motivate many new products, services, and industries to appear.D . More than 6 thousand 5G SEPs had been used by the end of April 2019.14. (8分)阅读理解Find Which Direction Is SouthDo you have a good sense of direction? If not, please take with you a compass. But if you forget to take a compass, you can still find your way.Its never a good idea to imagine that the family member who was entrusted (委托) with the job of map-reading actually knows where the family is. You can tell by the slightly confused load on their faces that nothing on the ground seems to match the map. Never mind. The sun is shining and its still morning.If you dont know the exact time, you can still find out where south is, but youll need to be patient.Find a straight stick and put it in the ground in a place where you can mark its shadow.Try to position the stick as vertically(垂直)as you can. You can check this by making a simple plumb line (铅锤线) with a piece of string and weight. You havent got any string? OK, use a thread from your clothes with a button tied at the end to act as a weight.Mark the end of the shadow cast by the stick.Wait approximately half an hour and mark the end of the shadow again.Keep doing this until you have made several marks.The mark nearest the stick will represent the shortest shadow, which is cast at midday, when the sun is highest in the sky and pointing to the exact south.Pick a point in the distance along the line between the shortest shadow and the stick.That point is south of where you are.Now you can turn the map, like you did before, and find which way you should be travelling.(1)To find the direction, we ought to be patient probablybecause _ . A . it is not easy to find a proper stickB . it is not easy to position the stickC . it takes hours to make the marksD . it takes about half an hour to make the marks(2)The passage would probably be most helpful to _. A . those who draw mapsB . those who get lostC . those who make compassesD . those who do experiments(3)Which of the following pictures best shows the way of finding the direction of south? A . B . C . D . (4)The writer presents this passage by _. A . telling an interesting storyB . describing an activity in a lively wayC . testing an idea by reasoningD . introducing a practical method15. (11.0分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文(有一多余选项),并将选项的编号依次填入表格中。In China, not everybody follows the traffic lights when they cross the road. _Chinese people cross roads without thinking about traffic lights, as long as they are part of a crowed, said a host from CCTV.A CCTV news program showed that in only an hour, more than 600 people jumped red lights when crossing a road at a crossing in Chengdu. _Such an opinion is supported by a research team at Tongji University. They found that Chinese people would wait for 70 to 90 seconds before they lost their patience.However, a survey suggests that half of respondents (调查对象)believe that people jaywalk mainly because they pay no attention to traffic rules at all. A person wrote on microblog (微博), I always obey traffic rules. _Many countries give out punishments(惩罚) to jaywalkers. In Singapore, the maximum (最大量)can be three months in prison (监狱). _For example, the first three people in a jaywalking group will be fined 50 yuan in Shijiazhuang. But calling on people to follow rules is more important. _A. Many people say that they jaywalk (乱闯马路) because the red light lasts too long.B. People should wait for the traffic lights to turn green before crossing a road.C. Only in this way can we solve the problem completely.D. Chinese Style Road Crossing has become a hot expression recently.E. Some Chinese cities have started taking some actions, too.F. Time is important but safety should come first.四、 词汇应用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) (共2题;共15分)16. (5分)用方框中所给的词完成下列句子,使句子通顺、正确。每词限用一次。 A. absent B. peaceful C. neither D. proud E. researchF. polluted(1)So far, our football team has won every match this year. That makes us feel _. (2)Sam is doing some _ about the ancient Silk Road. (3)_ of my parents liked the movie, but I enjoyed it very much. (4)Li Ming has been _ from class three times this week because of his illness. (5)Our government has done a lot to protect the environment. Lots of _ rivers are much cleaner now. (6)My family always go somewhere _to have a trip after a weeks hard work. 17. (10分)He left school and _(开始) to work at the age of eleven 五、 书面表达(本题有1小题,共20分) (共1题;共20分)18. (20分)假如你是李华,下周你要转学到一所国际学校,在第一节课上你要向大家做自我介绍。请根据下表信息写一篇英语短文,向大家介绍你的基本情况。 姓名李华年龄13生日11月1日家庭成员爸爸,妈妈和两个哥哥最喜欢的运动排球喜欢的课程及原因英语,因为有趣不喜欢的课程及原因数学,因为太难要求:短文必须包括表格提示内容,可适当发挥。60词左右。短文的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:人peopleGood morning, everyone.I want to make friends with all of you, thank you!第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共10题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解(本题有15小题,共30分) (共4题;共30分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、15-1、四、 词汇应用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) (共2题;共15分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、16-6、17-1、五、 书面表达(本题有1小题,共20分) (共1题;共20分)18-1、

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