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TheSubjunctiveMood haddone wouldhavedone did be用were woulddo 1 did2 should 动原3 wereto 动原 woulddo Iftherewerenoair theskywouldbeblack IfIgottheinformation Iwouldletyouknow 2 Ifwehadgotenoughmoney wewouldhaveboughtit 3 Ifyoushouldfall youwouldbeinjured Ifitweretorain wewouldnotgothere Ifyouhadavilla Iwouldmarryyou 现在 过去 将来 Exercises1 IfI moretime Iwouldhavegonewithhim hadB hadhadC havehadD wouldhave B 2 IfI you Iwouldn treturnthecall A beB amC wasD were D 过去 现在 a Ifthey be herenow they take youradvice b Iftheworld war break outagain what happen toourpeopleonearth were wouldtake break wouldhappen PRACTICE1 Fillintheblanks c IfI be inyourposition I ask forteacher shelp were wouldask a IfTom be morecarefulintheexam he pass italready b Ifyou get upearlier you catch thefirsttrain hadbeen wouldhavepassed hadgot wouldhavecaught PRACTICE2 Fillintheblanks c IfI meet youyesterday we go totheconcerttogether hadmet wouldhavegone Ifhe morecarefully he thecaraccidentyesterday haddriven wouldnothavehad a Ifthere be nonaturalresourceanymore we make useofnuclearpower b What happen ifyou getup toolatetomorrow shouldbe wouldmake wouldhappen shouldgetup PRACTICE3 Fillintheblanks c IfRobots control theworldsomeday here be nofriendship weretocontrol wouldbe 假如他来了 我们对他说什么呢 Ifheweretocome whatshouldwesaytohim 假如他看见我 就会认识我 Ifheshouldseeme hewouldknowme 在虚拟条件句中 若有动词were should或had 过去分词 可以省略if 且把这三个词放在主语之前 变成倒装句 IfIwereabird Iwouldflyfreely WereIabird Iwouldflyfreely 1 Ifyouwerehandsome Iwouldmarryyou 2 Ifheshouldcometomorrow Iwouldgiveittohim 3 Ifitweretosnow Iwouldnotgo 4 Ifhehadcomeyesterday youwouldhaveseenhim Shouldhecometomorrow Iwouldgiveittohim Wereyouhandsome Iwouldmarryyou Wereittosnow Iwouldnotgo Hadhecomeyesterday youwouldhaveseenhim 3 hefinishedthework hewouldnothavebeenpunished A IfB wereC hadD has C 过去 Iwish 与过去愿望相反 haddone IwishIhadseenthatfilm 与现在愿望相反 did were IwishIwereashandsomeasyou 与将来愿望相反 would could might 动词原形 IwishIwouldtryagain 3 HowIwishI agrown up wereB hadbeenC wasD am A 现在 IwishI astallasyou were IwishI abird were Iwisheveryday mybirthday were Iwish wishedI eat somuchwatermelon hadn teaten Thepartywasterrible IwishI go toit hadnevergone Iwishit rain tomorrow wouldrain Ifyouhadaskedhimyesterday youwouldknowwhattodonow 从句与过去事实相反 主句与现在事实相反 混合虚拟 错综虚拟语气 Ifthestaff morecareful themall onfirenow hadbeen wouldnotbe 句型练习 1 我要是你的话 我就会把英语学好 2 如果你昨天来 你就会看见他 3 万一明天下雨 我们就不到那儿去 4 我希望我十年前认识他 Homework 1 suggest order demand request desire insist等动词后的宾语从句常用 Isuggest that he should gotoseethedoctortoday Iorderthatyounotdisturbothersinclass should 动词原形 should可以省略 2 Itissuggested desired ordered necessary important that等结构后的主语从句 Itisnecessarythatwe should enjoyourselvestothebars 3 Itistimethat 从句动词一般用过去时态 e g Itistimethatwewenttosleep 4 should might could would need havedonesth e g Ululant youshouldnothavediedsoearlier Ineednothavecriedsomuch sinceIwasleftsomuchfortune 5 asif引导的状语从句 有时用虚拟 e g Sheactsasifshewereabeauty 6 ifonly e g IfonlythatIwerenotsothin Iwouldratherthatyoupassedawayrightnow Iwouldratheryouhadbeenhereyesterday 7 wouldrather 3 Doyouhaveacomputer No butIwishI one A haveB hadC havingD havehad B 4 IfeelIamsotiredtonight Well itistimethatyou A gotobedB wouldgotobedC wenttobedD goingtobed C 现在 特殊 5 Itisnecessarythatthelazyboy theclassmeeting A willattendB attendsC attendD attended C 6 IfIhadseenthemovie I youallaboutitnow A wouldtellB willtellC havetoldD wouldhavetold A 特殊 错综


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