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牛津9BUnit2 Checkout 根据句子意思 用所给单词的正确形式填空 1 Therewillbeanexhibitionofthelatestrobots It hold byaJapanesecompany 2 Thetechnologyofrobots improve alotinthelastfewyears isheld willbeheld hasimproved 3 Peoplearevery interest inarobotwhichworkswithoutabattery 4 Thatrobotisvery power Itcanabsorbenergyfromthesun interested powerful 5 Itcanhelpyoualotinyourdailylife Itcanevendothe shop foryou 6 Itsquickfeetcanhelpitmovearoundquicklyand free Itmakesnonoise shopping freely 7 Boys roomsareoften tidy becausetheydon tliketocleanit 8 Youshouldcookbreakfastforyourselfsothatyourmothercansleepforalittle long thansheusedto untidy longer 9 Thiscomputerneeds check everythreemonths otherwise itwillworkslowly 10 Somerobotsaredesigned explore dangerousplacesforhumans Ithink checking toexplore 11 Arobotcanmakeyourdailylife easy thanbefore 12 Afteryoucheckit itwillworkas quick asanewone easier quickly 13 Areportin2004saidthatrobots may landonMarsin2005 14 Wedidn texpecthim win thematch Buthedid might towin 15 There be greatchangestohisfamilysincetheymovedtoNanjing havebeen 下列各句A B C D中有一处错误 请在不改变句子意思的前提下 将正确答案写在题后的横线上 1 Iwonderifhewillcomeifhewon tbeinvitedtotheparty 2 I dlikethecompanytoreturnthemoneybacktomesoon won t isn t C return give C A B C D A B C D 3 Youarewelcometotelluswhyareyouunhappywithitbye mailingus 4 Whenmyrobotworks hedoesn tknowwhenwillhestop areyou youare C willhe hewill D A B C D A B C D 5 WeneedyoutotellushowItocontrolit Ito to D A B C D 用间接引语改写下列句子 1 Whoisthisrobotdesignedby Iwonder 2 Wherecanthistypeofrobotbebought Hedidn ttellme whothisrobotisdesignedby wherethistypeofrobotcouldbebought 3 Howlongcantherobotworkwithoutarest Shewasn tsure 4 ShallIbuythatrobot Hecouldn tdecide howlongtherobotcouldworkwithoutarest whether ifheshouldbuytherobot 5 Whyisitoutofcontrolagain Nobodycanexplain 6 WhathappenedtoitsCPUlastweek Couldyoutellme whathappenedtoitsCPUlastweek whyitwasoutofcontrolagain 7 HowoftendoIhavetocheckit Hewantstoknow 8 Whatisyourdecision Heaskedme whatmydecisionwas howoftenhehastocheckit 9 IsPlutotheninthplanetinthesolarsystem Hedidn tknow 10 Whywasyourfathersoangrywithyou Iaskhim whyhisfatherwassoangrywithhim if whetherPlutoistheninthplanetinthesolarsystem 书面表达 结合图片 发挥你的想象力 想象一下未来的家庭和学校生活 写一篇短文 词数在80左右

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