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ingform usedasAttribute PredicativeandObjectComplement Ving形式作定语 表语和宾语补足语 Hehadagiftforacting Actingwashisjob subject object Review ing形式作主语和宾语作主语1 istalkingtoawall 对他说话等于对牛弹琴 2 Itisnouse here 在这里等是没有用处的 3 ismysoleexercise 散步是我唯一的运动 4 mendsnoholes 谚 空谈无济于事 Talkingtohim Walking Talking waiting 作宾语5 Isuggest 我建议结束会议 6 Headmitted 他承认钱是他拿的 7 Icouldn thelp 我禁不住笑了起来 8 Yourcoatneeds 你的大衣需要刷一下 endingthemeeting takingthemoney laughing painting 动词 ing形式作 定语 相当于形容词 表语 相当于宾语 宾语补足语 补充说明宾语 一 Ving形式作定语1 单个动词的 ing形式作定语 位于被修饰名词的前面 表用途 性质特征 主动的或表动作正在进行 drinkingwater waterfordrinkingawalkingstick astickforwalkingareadingroom aroomforreading 表用途 沸水 发展中国家 随风飘落的 叶子 洗衣机 跳舞的女士 表动作正在进行 表主动 boilingwater adevelopingcountry awashingmachine adancingwoman fallingleaves ing作定语表示被修饰者的性质或特点 anexcitingevening amovingfilm aninterestingcrosstalk 有趣的相声 激动人心的夜晚 感人的电影 2 Ving形式短语作定语时 放在所修饰的名词之后 作后置定语 表主动或动作正在进行 并且在意思上相当于一个定语从句 Theylivedinaroomfacingthestreet Theylivedinaroomthatfacesthestreet ThemanstandingthereisPeter sfather ThemanwhoisstandingthereisPeter sfather 表动作正在进行 表主动 二 ing形式作表语表抽象的 一般的行为 表主语的特征 性质和内容 常用来表特征性质作表语的Ving的有interesting surprising exciting astonishing amusing disappointing confusing inspiring moving boring encouraging puzzling等 ing形式作表语时 放在系动词be become get 变得 look 看起来 seem appear 似乎 sound 听起来 feel 摸起来 keep等之后 Itsoundsinteresting Thebookseemsboring Chaplinbecamepopularlater 表特征性质 她的爱好是画画 Herhobbyispainting 我的工作就是照顾这些孩子 Myjobislookingafterthechildren 表内容 三 Ving形式作宾语补足语1 动词 ing形式作宾语补足语 常放在宾语后面 表示一个正在进行的主动性的动作 强调一个过程或一种状态 e g Whenwereturnedtotheschool wefoundastrangerstandingattheentrance 当我们回到学校时 发现一个陌生人站在大门口 Ifoundabaglyingontheground 我发现地板上放着一个包 我们发现蛇正在吃鸡蛋 Wefoundthesnakeeatingtheeggs 那老板让工人整夜地工作 Thebosskepttheworkersworkingthewholenight 能用Ving形式作宾语补足语的几类动词 1 表示感觉和心理状态的动词 感官动词 sb v ing 一感 feel二听 hear listento五看 see lookat watch notice observe Listentothebirdssinging Ididn tnoticehimsleepingintheclass v ing表示经常性 正在进行的动作 to do表示完整的动作 即动作的全过程 Ifoundherplayingtheviolinjustnow 正在进行的动作 Ifoundherplaytheviolinyesterday 完整的动作 Doyouhearsomeoneknockingatthedoor 正在进行的动作 Iheardsomeoneknockatthedoorthreetimes 完整的动作 2 表示指使意义的动词 即使役动词 常见的有make let have keep set get catch leave等 Iwon thaveyoudoingthat Thissetmethinking I msorrytohavekeptyouwaiting Ican tgettheclockgoingagain Youwon tcatchmedoingthatagain Wefindthousandsofhousesfallingintheearthquake pray 祈祷 Weseepeopleprayingforthedeaths Pleasereadthesentencescarefully tryingtopickouttheerrorsandthencorrectthem 1 IamlookingforwardtovisitCharlieChaplinMuseuminSwitzerlandnextweek visiting 2 WeareallfondofCharlie searlyfilms whichwethinkaremoreinterested 3 ImissedtoseethebeginningofthefilmCityLightstheotherday 4 Iwouldn tmindtoseeTheGoldRushagainwithyoutonight interesting seeing seeing 5 Charlie sjobwasentertainpeople wasn the entertaining 2 Translation饮用水拐杖卧铺车跳舞的女孩发展中国家飘落的叶子写字台舞厅洗衣机 drinkingwater awalkingstick asleepingcar adancinggirl developingcountries adancinghall fallingleaves awritingdesk awashingmachine 1 这个新闻令人震惊 Thenewsis 2 他刚说的话让人迷惑 Whathesaidis 3 玛丽的工作就是教孩子们跳舞 Mary sjobis shocking puzzling teachingchildrentodance 从A B C D四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 1 Helookedaroundandcaughtaman hishandintothepocketofapassenger A putB tobeputtingC toputD putting 2 Thefilmwasreally Weweregreatly whileseeingit A moving movingB moved movedC moving movedD moved moving 3 Comeon pleasegivemesomeideasabouttheproject Sorry Withsomuchwork mymind Ialmostbreakdown A filledB fillingC tofillD beingfilled 5 Ismellsomething inthekitchen CanIcallyoubackinaminute A burningB burntC beingburntD tobeburnt 4 Peterreceivedaletterjustnow hisgrandmawouldcometoseehimsoon A saidB sayC sayingD tosay 6 Itisbelievedthatifabookis itwillsurely thereader A interested interestB interesting beinterestedC interested beinterestingD interesting interest 7 Theprofessor aspeechonthestagenowisfromBeijingUniversity A togiveB givingC givenD gave8 Ididn tnoticeanyone awayyourpaper A takeB takingC totakeD took 9 Theyareseen inbythebackdoor butnobodyfoundthem A come enteringB coming enterC tocome enteringD tocome entering

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