中考英语总复习 第五部分 教材梳理 第十节 八下 Unit 1-2课件.ppt

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第十节八年级 下 Unit1 Unit2 考点聚焦 考点1 What sthematter 怎么了 Ihaveacold 我感冒了 解析 该句型用以询问某人患了何种疾病或遇到了何种麻烦 What sthematter 意为 哪儿不舒服 或 出什么事了 为何不高兴 等 如果表示某人出了什么事 后接介词with 即What sthematter with 类似的表达还有 What swrong 怎么了 What sup 出什么事了 What sthetrouble 有什么麻烦事吗 Whathappened 发生了什么事 Isthereanythingwrong 有什么不对劲吗 have 表示疾病的名词 意为 患病 演练 1 What s withyou A troubleB thematterC thewrongD matter 2 Nothingserious butabittired A IsthatallB IsthereanythingelseC What sthisD What sthematterwithyou B D 3 Youlooksad Betty What sthematterwithyou A I vegotthefirstprizeB I msorrytohearthatC Ican tattendthesummercampD Idon tquiteagreewithyou C 4 Tom yesterday Hestayedinbedforthewholeday A hasabadcoldB hadabadcoldC haveabadcoldD hadbadcold B 5 I mverysorry Ibrokeyourteacup A Itdoesn tmatterB You dbetternotC TakeiteasyD It stoobad A 考点2 Buttohissurprise theyallagreedtogowithhim 但令他吃惊的是 所有的乘客都同意和他一起去医院 解析 toone s 部分表情绪的名词 如surprise joy disappointment等 意为 令某人 的是 toone ssurprise使某人吃惊的是 insurprise吃惊地 Whatasurprise 真令人吃惊 besurprisedat对 感到吃惊 besurprisedtodosth 做某事而感到惊讶 besurprised that从句因 而惊讶 演练 1 hissurprise shesucceededinclimbingupthehighmountain A AtB ToC InD On 2 To surprise theSmithfamilyaremovingtoSwitzerland A weB oursC ourD ourselves B C 3 IgothomeformybirthdayfrommycollegeonFridayevening Noonewasathome andmyparentshadn tleftmeanote Thismademe A surprisedB happyC friendlyD excited A 4 It snot thata3 year oldkidlearnsmuchfasterthananadult A surpriseB surprisedC surprisingD insurprise 5 Ericgotthelastplaceinthesingingcontest Seriously A Tooursurprise B Whatasurprise C Insurprise D Nothingsurprising C B 考点3 Asamountainclimber Aronisusedtotakingrisks 作为一名登山者 阿伦习惯于冒险 解析 该句型用以表示习惯于做某事 be getusedto doing 意为 习惯于 做 适应于 做 usesth todosth 意为 用某物做某事 usedtodosth 意为 过去常常做某事 表示过去做过的事现在已经不做了 只用于过去时态 beusedtodosth beusedfordoingsth 意为 被用来做某事 演练 1 Myparents gettingupearlyonweekdays A usedtoB beusedtoC wasusedtoD areusedto 2 She livewithhergrandparents butshedoesn tnow A usedtoB isusedtoC wasusedtoD gotusedto D A 3 Bill workalone Buthe workingalonenowbecausehefeelslonely A usedto doesn tusedtoB isusedto wasusedtoC usedto isnotusedtoD wasusedto doesn tusedto C 4 HowdoesJackusuallygotowork He driveacar butnowhe theretoloseweight A usedto isusedtowalkB wasusedto isusedtowalkingC wasusedto isusedtowalkD usedto isusedtowalking D 5 Amobilephoneshould atleastgetphonecallsandsendmessages A beusedforB beusedtoC usedtoD getusedto B 考点4 Thisisoneoftheexcitingthingsaboutdoingdangeroussports 这是做危险的运动时令人兴奋的事情之一 解析 oneof 意为 之一 oneof the 形容词最高级 可数名词复数 意为 最 的 之一 通常作主语 谓语动词用第三人称单数形式 演练 1 Agoodbookmaybeoneofyourbest A friendB friendlyC friendshipD friends 2 Qujingisoneof citiesinYunnan andhasattractedmanypeoplelivingandworkingthere A thelargestB thelargeC largerD largest D A 3 Whatdoyouthinkofthefilmyousawyesterday Oh It soneof filmsI veeverseen A interestingB moreinterestingC mostinterestingD themostinteresting D 4 DoyouknowJeremyLin Yes Heisoneof basketballplayersintheNBA A popularB morepopularC themostpopularD theleastpopular C 5 Oneofthemostintelligentboysinourclass abletorecite10Englishwordsinoneminute A isB areC canD be A 考点5 Shecouldreadbyherselfattheageoffour 她在四岁时就能够独立看书了 解析 by 反身代词意为 独自地 独立地 常与动词或动词短语连用 作句子的方式状语 相当于alone或onone sown attheageof意为 在某人 岁时 演练 1 Whatanicemodelplane Thanks Imadeitwith3 Dprinterby A meB himC itselfD myself 2 Didyoumakethekite kids No ourunclemadeitforus A yourselvesB yourselfC themselvesD theirselves D A 3 Ourteacheroftentellsushowtoteach A themselvesB ourselvesC yourselvesD herself 4 Ineedyoutofinishthework andtodoit A onmyownB bymyselfC aloneD withyourself B C 5 Shestartedridingabike 10 A attheageofB whenC whensheisD aged A

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