中考英语 八下 Unit 1 Past and present复习课件 牛津译林版.ppt

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8BUnit1Pastandpresent Revision Learningaims 掌握本单元的重点单词 短语和句子 2 掌握现在完成时的基本构成和用法 Part1Words 1 现在 目前2 街区3 废料4 意识到 实现5 改进 改善 名词 6 形势 情况7 尽管 即使这样8 环境 条件9 到 在 国外10 正是 没错11 小学教育的 初级的12 丈夫13 妻子 复数 14 环境 形容词 present block waste realize improve situation anyway condition abroad exactly primary husband wife wives improvement environment environmental Part1Words 1 北方 adj 2 南方 adj 3 结婚 vt adj n 4 污染 vt adj n 5 采访 vt n n 6 进来 最近 adv adj 7 交流 交际 vt n north southern northern marry south communication pollute recently polluted interview communicate pollution married marriage interview interviewer recent 用所给词的适当形式填空 WecanlearnalotaboutYangzhou sPastand 现在 Ican timaginehowterriblethe 形势 wasatthattime Ourgovernmenthasdonesomethingto 改善 people sliving 条件 Youwerestillat 初级的 schoolthen 正是 Mycousinhasdecidedtogo 到国外 forfurthereducation Weshouldtakeactiveactionstoprotectour 环境 IwouldliketobeamemberofGreenFirst an group improve present situation conditions primary exactly abroad environment environmental 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 Drinking waterdoesharmtoone shealthsowater isreallyterrible pollute 2 GuangdongProvinceisinthe partofChina south 3 Mr Sunisagreat Hehas manyfamouspeople interview 4 DoyouknowMarygot toapilot Yes they fornearlytwoyears marry 5 Howdoyoukeepintouchwithyourfriends Wemainly byemail TheInternetmakes mucheasier 交流 southern polluted pollution interviewer interviewed married havebeenmarried communicate communication 中考学案大本P65 1 changen v changealot thechangesto Yangzhou overtheseyears 这些年来扬州变化很大 There Yangzhouovertheseyears Greatchanges inYangzhouovertheseyears haschangedalot havebeengreatchangesin to havetakenplace Part1Phrases sententces 1 getmarried结婚be getmarriedtoSb marrySb 和某人结婚Tom Maryin1965 Mary Tomin1965 TomandMary in1965 They since1965 married gotmarried was gotmarriedto havebeenmarried 3 usedtodosth曾经 过去常常做某事e g 1 我父亲过去是个老师 Myfather ateacher 2 我曾经在这所学校学习 I inthisschool 易混淆短语 usesthtodosth用某物做某事beusedtodo fordoingsth被用来做某事beusedassth被用为某物beusedtodoingsth习惯于做某事 usedtobe usedtostudy Fillintheblanks 1 There 过去是 acleanriverandit use towashclothes 2 Canyoutellmedifferent 用处 ofacomputer 3 Thenewlightrail 投入使用 since2005 4 刀被用来切东西Knives 5 以前 我不习惯早起Inthepast I usedtobe wasused uses hasbeeninuse areusedtocutthings forcuttingthings wasn tusedtogettingupearly 中考学案大本P67小试身手5 Hefeelslonely Hefeelslonely Hespentdoinghishomework Wewillvisittherenextweek TheWhiteshavebeentoHongkong 4 fromtimetotime不时 有时 偶尔 sometimes attimes易混淆单词或短语 sometimesometimesometimes fromtimetotime sometimes attimes sometime sometime 一段时间 某一时候 几次 sometimes 5 feelabitlonely感到有点儿寂寞aloneadj adv lonelyadj eg 1 他一个人单独居住 但从不感到寂寞 Helives butheneverfeels 2 他一个人住在偏僻的村庄里 He alone lonely livesaloneinalonelyvillage 单独 一个人 用作表语或状语 孤独的 寂寞的 偏僻的 作表语或定语 abit alittle alittlebit adj adv abitof alittle 不可数名词 Heknows French eg 他懂得一点法语 She s afraidofherfather abit alittle alittlebit abitof alittle 6 alittle abit有点儿 她有点儿害怕她的父亲 拓展 notabitnotalittle 一点也不 很多 非常 你一点都不老 Youare old 我最近麻烦事很多 Ihave troublerecently notabit notalittle 1 现在完成时的肯定句句型主语 第一 二人称单 复数 have主语 第三人称复数 have 过去分词主语 第三人称单数 has 2 现在完成时的否定句句型主语 have has not 过去分词 Ihavenotseenthemovieyet Hehasn tbeentoBeijingsincethen WehavelivedinBeijing HehaslivedinBeijing Ihavefinishedmyhomework Part3GrammarPresentperfecttense 3 现在完成时的一般疑问句句型Have Has 主语 过去分词 Haveyoufinishedthework Hasshearrivedhere 4 现在完成时的特殊疑问句句型特殊疑问词 have has 主语 过去分词 HowmanytimeshaveyoubeentotheGreatWall movelivelovelike 5 动词的过去式和过去分词的构成 1 规则变化 visitrepairwatchfinish visitedvisitedrepairedrepairedwatchedwatchedfinishedfinished movedmovedlivedlivedlovedlovedlikedliked verb ed 以e结尾 d stopmoptrapplan stoppedstoppedmoppedmoppedtrappedtrappedplannedplanned 注 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词 双写最后一个辅音字母 ed 双写 ed studyhurry studiedstudiedhurriedhurried 去y ied 注 以辅音字母加y结尾的词 去y ied Exercises bringbuyfallfeelspeakthinkwrite broughtbroughtboughtboughtfellfallenfeltfeltspokespokenthoughtthoughtwrotewritten 这种用法常与already just yet ever never recently before 句末 等连用 1 I do myhomeworkalready 2 He notfinished hishomeworkyet 3 youever be toBeijing 4 We never see suchanexcitingmatchbefore 5 Mother just clean thehouse Pleasedon tcomein 6 They practice thisdialoguetwice havedone hasnotfinished Have been have seen has cleaned havepracticed 6 用法1 表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状态 其结果和现在有联系或造成影响 注意 当在肯定陈述句中含有already或just时 在转换成否定句或疑问句时 要把句中的already或just去掉 在句末加上yet Ihaven tseenthefilmyet 2Ihavedonemyhomeworkalready Ihaven tdonemyhomeworkyet 3 Motherhasjustcleanedthehouse Motherhasn tcleanedthehouseyet 1Ihaveseenthefilmalready 这种用法还可与for 一段时间 since theseyears sofar inthepast last years等连用 1 We learn Englishforoverthreeyears 2 Mr Green be inChinatheseyears 3 They write 15songssofar 4 Thepopulation grow moreslowlyinthepasttenyears 5 Greatchanges take placeinmyhometownsinceIwasborn havelearned hasbeen havewritten hasgrown 7 用法2 表示动作或状态从过去某一时刻开始并一直延续到现在 且有可能持续下去 havetaken Attention since的用法 1 Since 过去某个时间 此时since充当介词 Eg Hehasbeeninthisschoolsince1999 2 Since 一段时间 ago 此时since充当介词 Eg ShehasknownSusansincesevenyearsago 3 Since 从句 此时since充当连词 此时主句使用完成时 从句则要使用过去时 Eg IhavelivedheresinceIwasborn 4 当主句的谓语动词为be或seem时 则主句要采用一般现在时 从句仍使用过去时 Eg It salongtimesinceweleftschool fororsince 1 Wehavelivedhere 1990 2 Howlonghaveyoustudiedhere 5years 3 Theboyhashadabadcold lastnight 4 Mr Huanghaskeptthebooks aweekago 5 Ihavetaughtintheschool Icamehere 6Wehavebeenfriends alongtime since For since since since for 中考学案大本P68小试身手8 Exercises Hisfatherhasdied for2years Thefootballmatchhasbegun since9 00a m Thetwinshavejoinedthearmy sincetheywere18yearsold MyteacherhasjustleftNanjing since3daysago Hisfatherhasbeendeadfor2years Thefootballmatchhasbeenonsince9 00a m Thetwinshavebeensoldiers beeninthearmysincetheywere18yearsold MyteacherhasbeenawayfromNanjingsince3daysago 8 延续性动词和非延续性动词在现在完成时中的使用 延续性动词 be have know live work study learn teach wait wear walk sleep等 这些动词可以和表示一段时间的状语连用 非延续性动词 come go arrive leave begin start buy join die borrow等 这些动词可用于现在完成时 说明某个动作的结果还存在 但不能与表示一段时间的状语连用 通常延续性动词可以表示一种状态 和表示一段时间的状语连用 Hehasbeenherefortwohours 而非延续性动词通常表示某一动作的发生 要想用非延续性动词和表示一段时间的状语连用 必须要用相对应的延续性动词进行转换 Hehasboughtanewbook Hehasboughtanewbookforthreedays had 具体见课本P28 Someverbscan toftenbeusedwith for or since Pleasepointoutanymistakesandcorrect Shehasboughtthecomputerfortwoyears had Pleasepointoutanymistakesandcorrect HowlonghaveyoucometotheUnitedStates beenin Pleasepointoutanymistakesandcorrect AnnhasgonetoChinasincethreemonthsago beenin Pleasepointoutanymistakesandcorrect Mybrotherhasjoinedthearmyforfiveyears beenin beenasoldier Pleasepointoutanymistakesandcorrect IhaveleftShanghaifor3days beenawayfrom Pleasepointoutanymistakesandcorrect Ihaveborrowedthedictionarysince3daysago kept Pleasepointoutanymistakesandcorrect Thefilmhasbegunfor10minutes beenon 类似的转换还有 fallasleep beasleep catchacold haveacold movethere bethere gettoknow know open beopen colse beclosed wakeup beawake等 巧记10个瞬间性动词的转换 课本U2P28 开始离去借来还 出生入死买到家 常见非延续性动词和延续性动词的转变 arrive come gotodiebecomeaborrowLeave movebuyopenjoinstart beginfinish endcatchacoldgetupgettoknowgetoutclosewakeupgotosleepbecomeinterestedin bein bedead have keep beaway beout bea bein amemberof beopen beon beover haveacold beup know beout beclosed beawake beasleep sleep beinterestedin Correcting 1 Ihaveborrowedthebookfor3months 2 Mybotherhasjoinedthearmysincehewas18 3 JackandTomhavelivedheresince5years 4 ThefilmhasbeenonsinceIhavecometothecinema 5 WhenhasMr Licaughtabadcold havekept hasbeenin beenasoldier since5yearsago for5years came did catch 中考学案大本P69单选 去过某地已经回来常与ever never once twice 连用 留在某地与for since连用用howlong提问 去了某地还没回来 Hersister Australia Sheleftthismorning hasgoneto 9 have hasgone与have hasbeen区别 canyoudistinguish 去过常与ever never once twice 连用 在 与时间段连用用howlong提问 去了说话时某人不在 A WhereisBob B He Japanwithhissister hasgoneto canyoudistinguish 去过常与ever never once twice 连用 在 与时间段连用用howlong提问 去了说话时某人不在 A Howlong you China B I herefor3years havebeen havebeenin canyoudistinguish 去过常与ever never once twice 连用 在 与时间段连用用howlong提问 去了说话时某人不在只用于第三人称 A youever thecity B No never Havebeento Have hasgonetohave hasbeentohave hasbeenin have hasgoneto 已经去了或在途中 还没有返回 have hasbeento 曾今去过某地 现在已经回来了 后面可接表示 次数 的状语 have hasbeenin 表示某人 已在某地停留一段时间 现仍在那里 其后常带表示一段时间的状语 总结 1 Tenyearshavepassedsincetheygotmarried 2 JimhasgonetoBeijingfor2years 3 Whattimehavethefactoryopened 4 IhavegonetoChunhuaMiddleSchooltwice has hasbeenin did open beento Correcting 中考学案大本P72小试身手6 重点句型 Itis hasbeen 段时间 since从句段时间 haspassed since从句 eg 他死了两年了 Hehasbeendeadfortwoyears sincetwoyearsago Itis hasbeentwoyearssincehedied Twoyearshaspassedsincehedied 1 这本书我借了一个月了 Itis hasbeenamonthsinceIborrowedthebook Ihavekeptthebookforamonth sinceamonthago AmonthhaspassedsinceIborrowedthebook IhavebeeninYangzhousince2003 改写出两个同义句 Ithas12yearssinceIlivedinYangzhou TwelveyearshaspassedsinceIlivedinYangzhou 中考学案大本P72小试身手7 1 I thisbookfortwoweeks Ihavetoreturnitnow A borrowedB haveborrowedC keptD havekept2 TheGreens manyplacesofinterestsincetheycametoChina A willvisitB visitedC havevisitedD visit3 Myparents Shandongfortenyears A havebeeninB havebeentoC havegonetoD havebeen4 I msorry I yourname A hadforgottenB forgotC haveforgottenD forgotten5 Herbrother thePartysince1978 A joinedB hasjoinedC hasbeeninD wasin Exercise 四 现在完成时和一般过去时的区别 现在完成时 强调这一动作产生的结果对现在的影响 与现在有关 一般过去时 仅仅表示在过去某一时刻曾发生过这一动作 与现在无关 他已学英语五年了 HehasstudiedEnglishforfiveyears 他曾学过五年英语 HestudiedEnglishforfiveyears 说明他还继续学下去 只说明他过去学过五年英语 但现在不学了 一般过去时与现在完成时有一些明显的时间状语 遇到yesterday Lastyear inMay in 过去某一年 twodaysago justnow等就用一般过去时 当有sofar inthepast lastfewdays 在过去 最近的几年里 since接过去时间状语或过去时的句子等常用现在完成时 用所给词的适当形式填空 He work inourschoolforoneyear He come toourschoollastyear They cook thesupperalready They cook thesupperhalfanhourago hasworked came havecooked cooked 中考指要P58语法专练 实力测验 用所给词的适当形式填空They go tothecinemaalready Mr AndMrs Li notcome backyet John be totheUSAafewtimes We notsee thatfilmyetI nottalk tomycousinsincelastFriday You notvisit meforalongtime havegone havenotcome hasbeen havenotseen havenottalked havenotvisited 7 Tom buy thebikefor2years 8 I notfinish theworkyet 9 you know himsincethen 10 I hear frommyfatherrecently 11 We be theremanytimesinthepast3years 12 Thedog die since3daysago 13 They finish theworksofar 14 Howlongyou stay athomeyet 15 I notread thebookbefore 16 Hejust do it 17 Mysister walk toschooleverydaylastyear 18 We have anexamagainsometimenextweek 19 By2012 we plant 2000trees 20 Lucy go toShanghai She leave thismorning haven tfinished Have known haveheard havebeen hasbeendead havefinished have stayed haven tread has done walked willhave haveplanted hasgone left hashad 中考链接 一 选择填空 1 UncleDongis fromtimetotimebecausehemisseshisoldfriends A lonelyB aloneC happyD unkind2 MrandMrsBlack back A hasn tcome yetB haven tcome yetC haven t comealreadyD hasn tcome already3 Wehaven tseeneachother A foralongtimeB twodaysagoC fortwodaysagoD alongtimeago 4 Ithasbeeninservice 1998 A inB atC orD since5 It sevenyears HongKongreturntoChina A was sinceB is sinceC was afterD is after 6 WhereareMikeandJack They thelibrary A havegoneB havebeentoC hasbeentoD hasgoneto7 Thereisanewbridge theTsingMaBridge A callB tocallC calledD calling 8 I youahappyholiday A hopeB wishC wantD like9 Ienjoy myfriendsontheinternetonSundays A chatB chattingC chattingtoD chattingwith 10 Inadictionarywhichisalwaysbeforetram A trainB tryC treeD true11 Theplace bethehomeofwildredcranes A isusedtoB usedtoC isusedD wasusedto12 Wehopeyou ahappyholidayinHongKong A tohaveB havingC hadD willhave 6 Theoldmanwasnot toclimbupthehill A healthyB enoughhealthyC healthenoughD healthyenough7 you thebook tothelibraryyet Yes Ihave A Have returned B Have returned backC Didreturn D Did return back8 Hehas finishedhishomework He snow arest A yet havingB just hasC ever hasD already having Bye bye

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