七年级英语下册《Unit 3 How do you get to school Section A(1a-2e)》课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册《Unit 3 How do you get to school Section A(1a-2e)》课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册《Unit 3 How do you get to school Section A(1a-2e)》课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Howdoyougettoschool Unit3 SectionA1a 2e 学习单词 1 师友朗读 Canyoureadthenewwords 学习单词 2 教师检查 先自主完成1a再默写自制词条 Matchthewordswiththepictures 2 takethebus 3 takethesubway 4 rideabike 5 walk 1 takethetrain a d e b c 1a Iridemy abiketoschool Howdoyougettoschool Hewalkstoschool Howdoeshegettoschool Practice 二学习对话 1 师友感知 1b Listenandwritethenumbersnexttothecorrectstudentsinthepicture 1 Bob 2 Mary 3 John 4 Paul 5 YangLan 6 Jim 2 3 4 5 6 takethebus takethetrain 1c Makeconversationwithyourpartner rideabike walk A Howdoyougettoschool B Itakethesubway Pairwork 二学习对话 2教师引领 She takesthesubway HowdoesMarygettoschool He takesthetrain HowdoesBobgettoschool He HowdoesJohngettoschool takesthebus They HowdoesPaulandYangLangettoschool walk fifty eight onehundredandthree Howlong Twenty fiveminutes Howfar Tenkilometers 公里 ninehundred Writethecorrectnumbernexttotheword sixty one seventy two eighty four ninety nine onehundredandfive twohundred 61 72 84 99 105 200 2a Listenandrepeatthenumbers 84105992007261 Listening 三拓展提高1师友听练 Listenandcompletethechart takesthebus walks 20minutes 2b Listenagain Checkyouranswersin2b 2c onehourand30minutes 60kilometers 2kilometers B Ittakeshimtwentyminutes 20minutes A HowdoesTomgettoschool B Hewalkstoschool A Howlongdoesittake I Howdoyougettoschool 2d Ittakes Howlongdoesittake It sabout Howfarisitfrom to StudentAisJaneandStudentBisTom Usetheinformationin2btomakeconversations 三 拓展提高 教师点拨 Readtheconversationandfillintheblanks takethebus ridethebike 20minutes 2e 15minutes 10kilometers 10kilometers20minutes Role playtheconversation 15minutes Yes Irideittoschooleveryday Hey Jane Isthisyournewbike take the a 交通工具 to 地点 get goto 某地 by 交通工具e g Heoftentakesthesubwaytowork Hegoestoworkbysubway 乘坐某种交通工具去某地 takethesubway乘坐地铁 知识点 注意 当home here there作地点时 不加to e g Lindatakesthebushome 琳达乘公交车回家 Practice 1 Itakethetraintoschool Igettoschool 2 Shetakesthesubwaytoschool 同义句 She toschool bytrain gets bysubway 3 Jennyridesthebiketoschool Jennygetstoschool 4 Mr Wangwalkstoschool 同义句 Mr Wang toschool gets onfoot bybike 2 Lisa Howlongdoesittakeyoutogettoschool 丽萨 你到学校需要用多少时间 Jane About15minutesbybike 简 骑自行车大约15分钟 1 Ittakes 人 时间 todo 事情 是一个十分常用的句型 其中动词take表示 花费 时间 例如 Itusuallytakesmefivetotenminutestogettherebybus 乘坐公交车去那儿我通常要花五到十分钟的时间 做某事花费某人多长时间Ittakessb sometimetodosth e g Ittakesmetenminutestogettoschoolbybike 骑车去上学花费我十分钟时间 其中 时间 可用long 长久 ashorttime 短时 等来表示 另外 人 和 所做的事情 则可视具体的上下文进行省略 例如 Itdoesn ttakelongtowalkthere 走着去那儿花不了多长时间 It llonlytakeyouashorttime 只花你一小会儿时间 2 by 交通工具 属固定介词短语 表示 乘坐 使用某种交通工具 例如 bybus乘公交车bytrain坐火车bybike骑自行车 请注意 英语中onfoot表示 步行 走路 而不是byfoot或onfeet 3 everyadj 每一 每个everyday每天everyweek每周e g 我爷爷每天乘公共汽车去图书馆 Mygrandpagoestothelibrarybybuseveryday Iridemybike Howdoyougettoschool Howdoesshegettoschool Sheusuallytakesthebus Ittakesabout15minutes Howlongdoesittaketogettoschool Grammarfocus No shedoesn t Shegoesbybike DoesJanewalktoschool Dotheytakethebustoschool No theydon t Theywalk It sonlyabouttwokilometers Howfarisitfromyourhometoschool 四互助巩固1师友巩固 知识点整理题签SectionA第一课时 请完成检测试题 温馨提醒 独立完成 答案写在答案本上 2d及知识点整理答案 四互助巩固 2教师强调 五 总结归纳 1 师友归纳 1 Whathaveyougraspedinthisclass 这节课你掌握了哪些知识 2 Whatdoyouthinkofyourpartnerandyourself Great Good Notbad 你们师友两人表现如何 知识点 1 how引导的特殊疑问句2take的用法3by的用法 总结归纳 教师总结 fivekilometers10minutes sevenkilometers25minutes twokilometers8minutes Usethefollowinginformationtomakeconversations

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