七年级英语下册《Unit 11 How was your school trip Period 3》课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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Unit11Howwasyourschooltrip SectionB 2a 3c Whatdoyoumostwanttodoonyourschooltrip Iwantto Ithinkitis sounds good great OK fun funny I 情境导入 1 师友对话 gotothezoo Doyouwantto onnextschooltrip visitamuseum rideahorse 情境导入 2 教师导入 visitafirestation climbamountain Doyouwantto onnextschooltrip gofishing Dothefollowingwordsdescribegoodthingsorbadthings Puta forgoodandan forbad Leaveablankiftheycanmeanboth 2a interesting difficult lovely slow exciting boring cool hot lucky large expensive terrible delicious great cheap fast 2b ReadHelen sandJim sdiaryentriesandanswerthequestions DidHelenandJimgoonthesametrip 2 Howdotheyfeelaboutthetrip Yes HelenandJimwentonthesametrip Helenthoughtthetripwasgreat butJimdidn tlikethetripatall 阅读理解 1 师友阅读 ReadHelen sandJim sdiaryentries 片段 againandfindouttheverbsinthepasttense went visited was got saw learned taught took bought were Canyouwriteouttheverbsinthebaseform 2c Completethechart HowdoHelenandJimdescribethesethings exciting fast reallyinteresting lovely notexpensive terrible slow big boring dark toomanypeople soexpensive Languagepoints 1 Allinall itwasanexcitingday 总之 这是令人兴奋的一天 allinall相当于汉语中的 总的说来 总之 整体上说 用来对所阐述的内容进行概括性总结及归纳 例如 Allinall Ithinkyoudidagoodjob 总的说来 我认为你干得很好 阅读理解 2 教师点拨 2 EverythingwasaboutrobotsandI mnotinterestedinthat 每个东西都是关于机器人的 我对此不感兴趣 beinterestedin对 感兴趣例如 WeareinterestedinEnglish 我们对英语感兴趣 interested interesting二者均为形容词 interested用于 be become interestedin的结构中 表达的是某人对某事或某物是感兴趣的 而interesting则指某事或某物本身具有使人感兴趣的特性 即某事 物 本身是 有趣的 有意思的 在句中既可作定语 也可作表语 Iaminterestedincollectingstamps 我对收集邮票很感兴趣 Thatisaninterestingbook youmustreadit 那是一本很有意思的书 你一定要读读 辨析 interested interesting 用interesting interested填空 1 Thebookisvery Mostoftheteachersare init 2 Theboyhasmuch indrawing 3 3岁的时候 他开始对音乐产生了兴趣 He musicwhenhewas3yearsold interesting interested interested wasinterestedin 3 Ididn tlikethetripatall 我一点都不喜欢这次行程 notatall not atall意思是 根本不 完全不 例如 Idon tlikemuttonatall 我一点都不喜欢羊肉 She snotatallgoodatbadminton 她完全不擅长打羽毛球 梳理巩固 1 师友互查Task1 单词记忆 OpenyourbooktoPage128andlearnthenewwords 友情提示 先读背单词再对学友提问 1Writemoreverbsandtheirpastformsineachgroup pick pickedmilk milkedplay playedstay stayedwant wanted hope hopedlive livedmove moveddance danced worry worriedcry cried 拓展提高 1 师友练习 先自主后师友互查 have hadeat atedo didgo wentsee sawride rode plan plannedprefer preferredfit fitted havedoswimgobeseefeed 1 A Iwenttothecountrysidethissummer B Really How thetrip A It great B What you there A I thechickensand inariver 2Completetheconversationswiththecorrectformsoftheverbsinthebox was was did do fed swam 2 A you aniceweekend B Yes Idid A you anywhere B Yes I tothemountains Theair socleanandI alotofflowers Did have Did went go was saw June23rdYesterdaymyschoolvisitedthezoo Itwasreally Wewenttherebybus Atthezoo Isawalotof andItooksomephotos MyclassmatesandIalsowenttothe andboughtsome Itwasagreatday interesting animals giftshop gifts alsobe 情态动词 alsoalso v 实意动词 区别too either 拓展提高 2 教师提升 3bLindaisBob sclassmate Completeherdiaryentry June23rdMyschoolwenttothezooyesterday Thetripwas Atthezoo I butIdidn tlikethem Ialsowentto withmyclassmates butIdidn tbuyanythingbecause Itwasaboringday terrible sawsomeanimals gift theyareexpensive shop Whatdidyoulearninthisclass 1 Importantwords phrasesandsentences 2 Whataboutyourpartner 3 Whoisthebestpartner 总结归纳 1 师友梳理 words phrases sentences 总结归纳 2 教师总结 写作请你回忆一个美好的周末 把它写出来 你是怎样度过的 上哪儿去了 和谁去的 做了些什么 天气怎么样 可参考下列词汇 gooutwithfriends sleeplate watchTV helpmomanddad rain Lifeiscolorfulandweneedtimetoenjoyit Butnowwehavetostudyhardandtrytogetthehappinessfromthestudy

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