七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to our school Welcome to the Unit课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to our school Welcome to the Unit课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to our school Welcome to the Unit课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to our school Welcome to the Unit课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第3页
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Welcometotheunit Unit3Welcometoourschool Maths English Lead in Geography History Biology whichpron 那一个soconj adv 因此 所以biologyn 生物geographyn 地理Historyn 历史 Learnsomenewwords Doyouknowthenameofeachsubject Writethecorrectwordundereachpicture Music Maths PE Chinese Art History Geography English Biology TaskOne Makeadialogue A Doyoulike B Yes Ido No Idon t A Whichisyourfavouritesubject B WhichisEddie sfavouritesubject HisfavouritesubjectisMaths Listenandanswer Readandact What sthedatetoday It s October Whattimeisit It s o clock Learnsomenewwords daten 日期wouldmodalv 想wouldlike想 愿意meetingn 会议 集会o clockadv 表示整点 点钟OKadv 好 对 不错gaten 大门 What sthedatetoday Whatdayistomorrow CanMillie smumcome It s9October TomorrowistheirOpenDay Yes shecan Reading 4 Whendoestheparents meetingbegin 5 Whenandwheredotheymeet Itbeginsattwoo clockintheafternoon Theymeetattheschoolgateat1 30 TaskTwo Fillintheblacksaccordingtothedialogue Todayis9O T isOpenDay Millie smumw liketocome Theparents m beginsattwoo intheafternoon A that parentswatchtwooftheirlessons Theywillmeetattheschoolg at1 30tomorrow ctober omorrow ould eeting clock fter ate Explanation 1 favourite like best最喜欢的e g Whichisyourfavouritesubject Whichsubjectdoyoulikebest MyfavouritesubjectisEnglish IlikeEnglishbest 2 What sthedatetoday 今天是几号 It s 3 wouldliketodosth wanttodosth 想要做某事 e g I dliketogoswimming Iwanttogoswimming Wouldyouliketogoswimming Yes I dliketo Doyouwanttogoswimming Yes Ido 4 theparents meeting家长会5 attheschoolgate在大门口 TaskThree Doingexercises 一 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词1 MyfavouritesubjectisG 2 W isyourfavouritesubject 3 Doyoulike 生物 4 Wehavetwo 历史 lessonseveryweek 5 Thereisa 会议 intheafternoon eography hich Biology History meeting 二 翻译句子 1 你最喜欢的科目是什么 2 我擅长地理 3 今天是几号 Whichisyourfavouritesubject I mgoodatGeography What sthedatetoday 4 明天是我们的开放日 5 家长会在下午两点中开始 6 我们在大门口见吧 TomorrowisourOpenDay Theparents meetingbeginsattwoo clockintheafternoon Let smeetattheschoolgate Homework Recitethedialogue Rememberthenewwordsandphrases

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