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启发思考 Where stheball onthebox inthebox It s thebox Where sthesoccerball Where sthesoccerball It s thebox near Where sthesoccerball It s thebox nextto Where sthesoccerball It s thebox infrontof Where sthesoccerball It s thebox behind Whereisthesoccerball It s thebox acrossfrom Whereisthesoccerball It s betweenthebigboxandthesmallbox 小结 表示方位的词 短语 nextto在 的旁边acrossfrom在 对面infrontof在 前面behind在 后面between and 在 和 之间near在 附近on在 上 GuessingthesePlaces 小组或自主探究 Youwanttopostapostcard 明信片 toyourfriend yougotothisplace postoffice Ifyourmoneyislost youcangoto policestation Youarenotathome youareinotherplaces Youwanttosleep youcangoto hotel restaurant Youarehungry yougotothisplacetoeatdinner Ifyouhavealotofmoney youcangotothisplacetosaveit bank Youareill 生病 Youcangoto hospital Therearemanystoresnearit Peoplealwaysgoon togotothestore street postofficepolicestation3 hotel4 restaurant5 bank6 hospital7 street Where sshe Where sshe She s thebox on Where sshe She s thebox under Where sshe She s thebox in Where sshe She s thebox infrontof Where sshe She s thebox behind Where sshe She s thebox nextto Whereisshe She s thebox acrossfrom big small Whereisshe She s betweenthebigboxandthesmallbox Guessinggame 你画我猜 协作交流 Welldone Youaresowonderful Listening 自主探究 Matchthewordswiththeplaceinthepicture 1a 1 postoffice 2 policestation 3 hotel 4 restaurant 5 bank 6 hospital 7 street 8 payphone 9 park f a e i c b h g d Listenandcircletheplacesyouhearin1a 1b 1 postoffice 2 policestation 3 hotel 4 restaurant 5 bank 6 hospital 7 street 8 payphone 9 park Matchthesentenceswiththepictures Writeeachnumberinthebox 2a 4 2 6 3 5 1 1 Thepayphoneisacrossfromthelibrary 2 Thepayphoneisnexttothelibrary 3 Thepayphoneisbetweenthepostofficeandthelibrary 4 ThepayphoneisonGreenStreet 5 Thepayphoneisinfrontofthelibrary 6 Thepayphoneisbehindthelibrary 2b Listenandfillintheblankswiththewordsinthebox nextto infrontof between behind acrossfrom on Thepolicestationisbetweentherestaurantandthehospital Theparkis thebank Thehospitalis BridgeStreet Thepayphoneis thepostoffice Therestaurantis thepostoffice Thehotelis thepolicestation acrossfrom on nextto infrontof behind 2c Groupwork Askandanswerquestionsabouttheplacesin1aonPage43 A Where sthehospital B It snexttothepolicestation A Where stherestaurant B It snexttothepolicestation A Where sthebank B It sonLongStreet A Where sthehotel B It sacrossfromthepostoffice A Where sthepayphone B It snexttothepostoffice A Where sthepark B It sbehindthehotel A Where sthepostoffice B It sacrossfromthehotel Role playtheconversation 2d Tony Hi excuseme Linda Yes HowcanIhelpyou Tony Well I mnewintown Isthereabankaroundhere Linda Yes thereis It sonCenterStreet It sacrossfromthepark Tony Oh where sCenterStreet Linda It snottoofarfromhere Icanwalkwithyou Tony Oh that sgreat Thankssomuch Linda Noproblem 对不起 劳驾 或 请原谅 是打扰他人前的客套话 以示礼貌或歉意 离 远 farawayfrom 反义词组 becloseto离 很近 一 根据所给汉语完成句子 总结提高 1 桌子上有一本书和两支钢笔 There abookandtwopensonthedesk 2 钱包里有些钱 There somemoneyinthepicture 3 在吉姆的书包里有一些卡片 somecardsinJim sbag is is Thereare 4 里面还有其他的东西吗 anythingelseinit 5 我们学校有许多学生 There many inourschool 6 谁正坐在你的右边 Whoissitting your 7 房子前面有一棵树 Thereisatree thehouse Isthere are students onright infrontof Therebe句型 一 Therebe 句型表示的是 某处有 存在 某人或某物 其句式结构 1 Therebe is are 名词 地点状语在我的铅笔盒里有两块橡皮 twoerasersinmypencilbox 在房子前有一棵大树 atalltreeinfrontofthehouse Thereis Thereare 2 否定句 Thereisn t aren t 例如 大桥街上没有银行 abankonBridgeStreet 在教室里没有篮球 anybasketballsintheclassroom Thereisn t Therearen t 3 一般疑问句 Is Are 主语 肯定回答 Yes thereis are 否定回答 No thereisn t aren t 这附近有餐馆吗 arestaurantnearhere 教室里有学生吗 anystudentsintheclassroom Isthere Arethere 二 Therebe句型中的主谓一致原则Therebe句型中be动词的形式要和其后面的主语在人称和数上保持一致 1 如果句子的主语是单数的可数名词 或是不可数名词 be动词用 is e g 紧挨着邮局有一个投币电话 apayphonenexttothepostoffice Thereis 2 如果句子的主语是复数名词 be动词就用 are e g 在公园里很多树 manytreesinthepark Thereare 3 如果有两个或两个以上的名词作主语 be动词要和最靠近它的那个主语在数上保持一致 即 就近原则 e g 在桌子上有一只桔子和一些香蕉 anorangeandsomebananasonthetable 在桌子上有一只桔子和一些香蕉 somebananasandanorangeonthetable Thereis Thereare 三 Therebe句型与have的区别Therebe句型表示 存在有 have has表示 拥有 所有 两者不能同时使用 例如 桌子上有一架模型飞机 amodelplaneonthedesk 我有一架模型飞机 amodelplane Ihave Thereis 3a Lookatthemapandanswerthequestions Whereisthebank 2 IstherearestaurantonNorthStreet 3 Where sthepayphone It sbetweenthehospitalandthepostoffice Yes there soneacrossfromthepolicestation It sonNorthStreetnexttothepolicestation 4 Where sthepostoffice 5 Isthereahospitalnearthepayphone No thereisn t There soneonNewStreet It sonNewStreetnexttothebank 3b Lookatthemapin3aandwritethreesentences Thebankisnexttothehospitalandacrossfromthepark 1 2 3 Thepostofficeisnexttothebankandacrossfromthepark Thehotelisinfrontofthepark Therestaurantisbehindthepolicestation 总结所记忆表示方位的介词 用今天所的学介词 near nextto infrontof behind between and 来写五个句子 描述一下你生活中常见的单位的位置 Homework

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