七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Dont eat in class课件3 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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Unit4Don teatinclass SectionAPeriodOne Review Wordsandexpressions 21 03 2020 Readthewordsandexpressionsloudly 21 03 2020 rulearrive be ontimehallwayhalldininglistenlistento fight n 规则 规章v 到达准时n 走廊 过道n 大厅 礼堂n hall餐厅v 听 倾听听 v n 打架 战斗 Wordsandexpressions 21 03 2020 sorryoutsidewearimportantbringuniformquiet adj 抱歉的 难过的 惋惜的adv 在外面adj 外面的v 穿 戴adj 重要的v 带来 取来n 校服 制服adj 安静的 Wordsandexpressions 21 03 2020 Objectives TolearntotalkaboutschoolrulesTolearntouseimperativesTolearntousecanforpermissionTolearntousemodalverbshaveto must 学习目标 21 03 2020 Whatschoolrulesdoyouknow 21 03 2020 Don tarrivelateforclass Don t intheclassroom eat 21 03 2020 Don t fight Don t inclass listentomusic 21 03 2020 Lookandsay Whichrulesarethesestudentsbreaking 1a 21 03 2020 Don tarrivelateforclass Youmustbeontime 1 21 03 2020 Don truninthehallways 2 21 03 2020 Don teatintheclassroom Youmusteatinthedininghall 3 21 03 2020 Don tlistentomusicinclass 4 21 03 2020 Don tfight 5 21 03 2020 Peter Amy Mike 2 Don truninthehallways 3 Don teatintheclassroom 4 Don tlistentomusicinclass Listen Whatrulesarethesestudentsbreaking Writethenumbersafterthenames 1b 1b 21 03 2020 MsClark Hey Peter Youknowthe Peter Sorry MsClark Mr Smith Amy Amy Oh sorry Mr Smith Mr Smith Hey Mike Mike Boy1 He hearyou MrSmith rules Don truninthehallways don teatintheclassroom Don tlistentomusicinclass can t Listenagainandfillintheblanks Youmusteatinthedininghall 1b 21 03 2020 PairworkPracticetheconversation Askaboutotherrulesatyourschool A Whataretherules B Well wecan tarrivelateforclass Wemustbeontime 21 03 2020 Whataretherules 21 03 2020 Whataretherules 21 03 2020 Whataretherules 21 03 2020 21 03 2020 Whataretherules Wecan tfight 21 03 2020 Schoolrules校规 1 Don tarrivelateforclass Youmustbeontime 2 Don truninthehallways 3 Don teatintheclassroom Youmusteatinthedininghall 4 Don tlistentomusicinclass 5 Don tfight 21 03 2020 GroupworkWhatcanyou intheclassroom Whatcan tyou intheclassroom Now Listen ChecktheactivitiesAlanandCindytalkabout 2a 21 03 2020 Listenagain CanAlanandCindydotheseactivities Circlecanorcan tabove 2b 21 03 2020 CindyistellingAlantheschoolrules We listentomusicintheclassroomor Butwe listentoitoutsideorinthemusicroom Andwecan t intheclassroom butwecaneatinthe Wecan t or ourclassmates That theteachersreallyunhappy Listenagainandfillintheblanks can t hallways can eat hall dining wearhatsinclass fightwith makes 21 03 2020 2d Role playtheconveration John Hi myname sJohn It smyfirstdayatschool Alice Hi John I mAlice Thisisagreatschool buttherearealotofrules John Really Whataresomeoftherules Alice Well don tbelateforclass Thisisveryimportant John Ok sowemustbeontime Canwebringmusicplayerstoschool Alice No wecan t Andwealwayshavetoweartheschooluniform John Isee Alice Oh andwealsohavetobequietinthelibrary 21 03 2020 PairworkPracticetheconversation Talkabouttherulesatyourschool A Canwelistentomusic Cindy B Wecan tlistentomusicinthehallways butwecanlistentoitoutside 21 03 2020 Canweeatintheclassroom Alex No wecan t PAIRWORK 21 03 2020 Canwewearahat Alex Wecanwearahat butwecan twear PAIRWORK 21 03 2020 Canwefight Alex No wecan t PAIRWORK 21 03 2020 Canwelistentomusic Alex Wecan butwecan t PAIRWORK 21 03 2020 Canwelistentomusicinthemusicroom Alex Yes wecan PAIRWORK 21 03 2020 Canweeatoutside Alex Yes wecan PAIRWORK 21 03 2020 What stheboydoing Heisplayingbasketball Canweplayitinclass No wecan t Butwecanplayitoutside Don tplaysportsinclass Lookandsay 21 03 2020 What stheboydoing He seating Canyoueatinclass No wecan t Butwecaneatinthedininghall eatinclass Don t 21 03 2020 Whataretheydoingnow They refighting youfight No we Don t Can can t fight 21 03 2020 Whatishedoing Heisrunninginthehallways inthehallways No Don t Canyourun wecan t runinthehallways 21 03 2020 Whatishedoing Heislisteningtomusicinclass Canyou inclass Don tlistentomusic listentomusicinclass No wecan t 21 03 2020 Don teatintheclassroom Don tplaysportsintheclassroom Don tfight Wecaneatinthedininghall Wecanplaysportsoutside Wecan tfightwithothers 21 03 2020 Don tsleepinclass Don twearahatinclass Don tdanceinclass 21 03 2020 Don truninthehallways Don tlistentomusicinclass Don ttalkinclass 21 03 2020 Don tarrivelateforclass 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Whataretherulesatourschool 1 21 03 2020 Don tmakeyourtabledirty Don twaste 浪费 thefood Eachstudenthasonlyoneappleaftermeals Don treadbookswhenyouarehavingmeals Lunchtimebeginsat11 40 Don tarrivelateforthebreakfasttime Ifyoucomeafter12 20pm thereisnofood dinninghallrules 21 03 2020 Languagepoints 21 03 2020 1 outside 例句 1 Wecan teatintheclassroom butwecaneatoutside 2 Mikeissittingoutsidethehouse 作副词 意为 在外面 向外面 常单独作状语 如 Pleasedon tlookoutside Lookattheblackboard 词语链接 21 03 2020 作介词 意为 在 的外面 后跟表示地点或处所的名词 如 Theyoftentakeawalkoutsidetheschool 21 03 2020 2 OK sowemustbeontime 对的 所以我们必须守时 1 must作为情态动词 表示 必须 务必 有时还表示 一定 起到加强语气的作用 如 Youmustcometomorrow 你 们 明天必须来 Shemusthavethisdictionary 她一定有这本字典 21 03 2020 2 ontime是一个固定介词短语 表示 按时 准时 如 Wemustgettoschoolontime 我们必须按时到校 Planesandtrainsdon talwaysarriveontime 火车 飞机并不总是准点到达 3 系动词be与形容词或介词短语联用 是英语一种常见的语句结构 表示某种状态 如 21 03 2020 bequiet保持安静 bestrict要求严格beontime守时 beatwork在上班这种用法中 动词be主要承担着连系句子的语法功能 其后的形容词或介词短语则起着表意的作用 如 youmustn tbenoisy children 孩子们 你们一定不可喧闹 Atthistimeoftheday childrenareatschool 一天中的这个时候 孩子们在学校上课呢 21 03 2020 3 hear listen和sound都有 听 的意思 但三者是有区别的 1 hear 听说 侧重于 听 的内容 I msorrytohearthatyouareill 听说你生病了 我很难过 Ineverheardsuchaninterestingstory 我从来没听过这么有趣的一个故事 21 03 2020 2 listen 听 侧重于 听 这一动作 Listentomecarefully 认真听我说 Thechildrenliketolistentomusic 孩子们喜欢听音乐 3 sound 听起来 它是系动词 后面接形容词等 Thatsoundsgreat 那听起来真不错 Itsoundslikefun 听起来挺有趣 21 03 2020 4 arrivelatefor与belatefor意思相近 都表示 迟到 Don tarrive belateforschool 上学别迟到 Iarrived waslateforthemeetingyesterday 我昨天开会迟到了 21 03 2020 5 情态动词haveto的用法 意思是 必须 不得不 它侧重于客观上的必要和外界的权威 1 结构 主语 haveto 动词原形 其他 一般现在时 主语是第三人称单数时 用hasto 句子是过去时 用hadto 如 21 03 2020 Wehavetowearsneakersforgymclass 在体育课上 我们必须穿运动鞋 Tomhastopracticetheguitareveryday 汤姆每天必须练习弹吉它 Ihadtogetupat5 00amlastMonday 上周一我不得不早上5点起床 21 03 2020 2 否定形式 主语 don thaveto 动词原形 其他 一般现在时 主语是第三人称单数时 用doesn thaveto 句子是过去时 用didn thaveto 如 Nickdoesn thavetowearauniform 尼克不必穿制服 Wedidn thavetodoourhomeworkatonce 我们不必马上完成作业 21 03 2020 3 疑问句 Do Does或Did 主语 haveto 动词原形 其他如 Doyouhavetostayathomeonweekends 周末你必须呆在家里吗 Yes Ido No Idon t 是的 我必须 不 我不必 21 03 2020 Whataretherulesatyourschool Don truninthehallwaysanddon tarrivelateforclass Don tlistentomusicintheclassrooms Whataretherules Well wecan teatintheclassroom 课时重点回顾 Review 21 03 2020 根据汉语提示填入恰当的单词 1 RoseandLisaarereadinginthe 教室 2 Therearelotsof 规则 inAlan sschool 3 Johnoften 打架 withhisbrotherbecauseoflittlethings 4 Thereisabigdining 大厅 inourschool andweeatlunchthere 5 It sraining 在外面 Juststayathome classroom rules fights hall outside 21 03 2020 按要求改写句子 每空一词 1 Paulhastoeatoutside 改为一般疑问句 Paul eatoutside 2 Theycanwearhatsinthehall 改为一般疑问句 they hatsinthehall 3 Thestudentshavetowearsportsshoesforgymclass 对划线部分提问 dothestudents Doeshaveto Canwear Whathavetodo 21 03 2020 4 Youcan tstandinthemiddleofthestreet 改为祈使句 inthemiddleofthestreet 5 Takethepentoyoursister 改为否定句 thepentoyoursister 6 Don tarrivelatenexttime 改为同义句 latenexttime Don tbe Don tstand Don ttake 21 03 2020 Translateandwritethemdown 1 你们学校的校规是什么 2 不要在教室或走廊里听音乐 3 我们上课不能迟到 Don tlistentomusicintheclassroomorthehallways Whataretherulesatyourschool Wecan tarrivelateforclass 21 03 2020 Homework Writedownmorerulesyouknowinyourschool atleast5 21 03 2020 Unit4Don teatinclass 遂宁市蓬溪大石中学陈清华 21 03 2020 65 SectionAPeriodTwo 21 03 2020 66 Objectives TolearntotalkaboutlibraryrulesTolearntoaskandanswerquestionsabouttherules 21 03 2020 67 Let splayagame Whoknowsthesesigns 21 03 2020 68 Don tsmoke Nosmoking 21 03 2020 69 Don tfight 21 03 2020 70 Don tlistentomusicintheclassroom intheclassroom 21 03 2020 71 Don truninthehallways 21 03 2020 72 Don teatintheclassroom intheclassroom 21 03 2020 73 Don ttakephotoshere Nophotos 21 03 2020 74 Pleaseturnright Youcanturnright 21 03 2020 75 Don ttakeyourschoolbagstothelibrary Noschoolbags inthelibrary 21 03 2020 76 Don tarrivelateforclass 21 03 2020 77 Don ttalkinthelibrary Notalking inthelibrary 21 03 2020 78 Don ttalkloudlyinpublic inpublic 在公共场所 21 03 2020 79 Practice Canwe Yes wecan No wecan t eatinclasslistentomusicoutsidewearhatsinschoolfightinclassspeakloudlyinthelibrary 21 03 2020 80 Libraryrules1 Don ttalk 2 3 4 Don teat Writetherulesfortheschoollibrary 3a Don tlistentomusic Don ttakephotos 21 03 2020 81 Usethewordstomakequestionsabouttherules Thenwriteanswersaccordingtoyourschool 3b 1 Bequite Q Doesshehavetobequiteinthelibrary she haveto inthelibrary A Yes shedoes 2 Eat Q he haveto inthedininghall A Doeshehavetoeatinthedininghall No hedoesn t Hecanalsoeatoutside 21 03 2020 82 3 Listentomusic Q we can inthehallways A 4 Wearahat Q we can intheclassroom A Canwelistentomusicinthehallways Canwewearahatintheclassroom No wecan t No wecan t 21 03 2020 83 Whattimedoestheschoolbegininthemorning Whendoyouhavetoarriveatschoolinthemorning Asstudents whatdoyouhavetodointheschool 21 03 2020 84 I auniformeveryday They wearauniformeveryday Yes Lookandsay Doyouhavetowearauniformeveryday haveto No havetowear Ido Idon t 21 03 2020 85 I dohomeworkeveryday haveto I onweekends havetocleanmybedroom 21 03 2020 86 Dowehavetowearauniform Yes wedo Pairwork Askandanswerquestionsabouttherulesatyourschool 21 03 2020 87 Wehaveto Wehavetoarriveatschoolontime Wehavetodohomeworkeveryday Wehavetocleantheclassroomeveryday Wehavetokeeptheclassroomclean Wehavetostudyhardatalllessons Whatdoyouhavetodoatschool Groupwork 21 03 2020 88 Doyouhaveto intheschool Yes wedo No wedon t wearschooluniformseverydaycleantheclassroomseverydaydomorningexerciseseverydaydohomeworkeverydayhaveclassesfromMondaytoSaturdaywearschoolbadge 校徽 everydayarriveatschoolbefore7 00amlisteningtoEnglisheveryday 21 03 2020 89 Wehaveto Wehavetoarriveatschoolontime Wehavetodohomeworkeveryday Wehavetocleantheclassroomeveryday Wehavetokeeptheclassroomclean Wehavetostudyhardatalllessons Whatelsedoyouhavetodoatschool Wehaveto 21 03 2020 90 Makeupfivecoolrulesforyourdreamschool Shareyourruleswiththeclass YourclassmatesvotefortheCoolestSchool 3c 1 Wecaneatinclass 2 Wedon thavetocometoschooleveryday 3 21 03 2020 91 Languagepoints 21 03 2020 92 情态动词can的用法1 表示能力 会 能 Canyouplaytheguitar 你会弹吉它吗 JudycanspeakalittleChinese 朱蒂会说一点中文 Icandanceandsing 我能唱歌又能跳舞 词语链接 21 03 2020 93 2 表示允许 许可 可以 能 在这一课中新学的词义 Canthestudentsruninthehallways 学生们可以在走廊上跑吗 Wecaneatoutside 我们可以在外面吃东西 注意 和大部分情态动词一样 can在否定句中 直接在can后加上not 在疑问句中 把can放到主语前面 并且没有人称和数的变化 21 03 2020 94 肯定祈使句Sitdown Comein Eatathome 否定祈使句Don tsitdown Don tcomein Don teatathome Grammar 21 03 2020 95 祈使句是用来表示请求 命令 叮嘱 号召或者劝告等的句子 这类句子的主语常是第二人称you 也就是听话者 因而you常省去了 祈使句的开头是动词原形 如 Lookout 小心 Waithereforme 在这等我 Besuretocomehereontime 务必准时来到这里 21 03 2020 96 Listentomusicoutside Don tlistentomusicoutside Doyourhomeworkatschool Don tdoyourhomeworkatschool Don tlookoutofthewindow 不要向窗外看 祈使句的否定形式多以donot 常缩写成don t 开头 再加上动词原形 21 03 2020 97 祈使句表示请求 命令 劝说 号召 警告等 表示委婉的祈使语气 可在句首或句末加上please 若在句末加please 之前要用逗号隔开 祈使句有肯定祈使句与否定祈使句两种 祈使句的常见句型结构 Grammar 21 03 2020 98 1 肯定祈使句的常见句型结构 Do型 动词原形 宾语 其他 如 Openthedoor please Be型 Be 表语 如 Beagoodboy Let型 Let 宾语 动词原形 其他 或 Let s 动词原形 其他 如 Letmehelpyou 又如 Let splaytennis 21 03 2020 99 2 否定祈使句的常见句型结构 Do型和Be型的否定式 Don t 动词原形 be 其他 如 Don tforgetme 又如 Don tbelate Let型的否定式 Don t let 宾语 动词原形 其他 或 Let s not 动词原形 其他 如 Don tlethimgoback 又如 Let snotgoswimming 警示语 No 名词 动词 ing形式 如 Notalking 21 03 2020 100 Canweeatintheclassroom No wecan t butwecaneatinthedininghall Canwewearahatinclass Yes wecan No wecan t Doeshehavetowearauniformatschool Yes hedoes No hedoesn t Whatdoyouhavetodo Wehavetobequietinthelibrary 课时重点回顾 Review 21 03 2020 101 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Don t listen tomusicinthelibrary 2 Dowehaveto clean theroomeveryday 3 Youcan t wear sunglassesintheclassroom 4 Please arrive atschoolontime 准时 5 Johnisoftenlatefor class class listen clean wear arrive 21 03 2020 102 将下面的句子改为祈使句 每空一词 1 Youcancomein please 2 Icanhelpyou me you 3 Youcan teatinclass inclass 4 Youcan tbelateforschool lateforschool 5 Youcan ttakephotoshere photoshere Comein Lethelp Don teat Don tbe No 21 03 2020 103 late don t forschool arrive2 music listento intheclassroom don t3 eat can t intheclassroom we Formsentences Don tarrivelateforschool Don tlistentomusicintheclassroom Wecan teatintheclassroom 21 03 2020 104 Homework Writedowntensentencesaboutwhatyoucanorcan tdoinyourhouse Wecan teatinbed Wecan tfight 21 03 2020 105 Unit4Don teatinclass 遂宁市蓬溪大石中学陈清华 21 03 2020 106 SectionBPeriodThree 21 03 2020 107 1 Don tarrivelateforclass 2 Don truninthehallways 3 Don teatintheclassroom 4 Don tlistentomusicintheclassroomsorthehallways 5 Don tfight Whataretherulesatyourschool 21 03 2020 108 Revision Askandanswer Canweeatinschool Wecaneatinthedininghall butwecan teatintheclassroom Canyouwearhatsinschool Yes wecan No wecan t Doyouhavetowearauniformatschool Yes wedo No wedon t 21 03 2020 109 Review Wordsandexpressions 21 03 2020 110 Readthewordsandexpressionsloudly 21 03 2020 111 outgooutpracticedishdothedishesbefore adv 外出外出 娱乐 v n 练习n 碟 盘清洗餐具prep conj 在 以前adv 以前 Wordsandexpressions 21 03 2020 112 Objectives TolearntotalkaboutrulesathomeTolearntouseimperativesTolearntousecanforpermissionTolearntousemodalverbshaveto must 21 03 2020 113 Lookandsay 21 03 2020 114 Canyouruninthehallways No wecan t 21 03 2020 115 Canyougooutonschoolnights No wecan t 21 03 2020 116 Doyouhavetopracticeyourguitareveryday Yes Ido 21 03 2020 117 Doyou doyourhomeworkafterschool Yes Ido haveto 21 03 2020 118 CanyouwatchTVafterschool No wecan t 21 03 2020 119 Readtherulesinthechartin1b Thenmatchthepictures a h withtherules 1a 21 03 2020 120 Listenandputan forthingsDavecan tdoanda forthingshehastodo 1b a h c e 21 03 2020 121 b g d f 21 03 2020 122 Listenagain WritewhenDavehastofollowtherulesinthechartin1b Choosefromthephrasesinthebox 1c onschoolnightseverySaturdaybeforedinnerintheeveningonschooldaysafterdinnerafterschooleverymorning 21 03 2020 123 a h c e onschoolnights onschoolday afterschool beforedinner 21 03 2020 124 b g d f afterdinner intheevening everymorning everySaturday 21 03 2020 125 TalkabouttherulesinDave shouse 1d Pairwork 21 03 2020 126 21 03 2020 127 FAMILYRULES Don ttalkloudlyathome Lookandsay 21 03 2020 128 Don twatchTVlateatnight FAMILYRULES 21 03 2020 129 Don teatinbed FAMILYRULES 21 03 2020 130 CleanthebedroomonSaturdays FAMILYRULES 21 03 2020 131 Don tgetuplateonSundays FAMILYRULES 21 03 2020 132 Don ttalkloudlyatnight FAMILYRULES 21 03 2020 133 课时重点回顾 Review dothedishesafterdinner gooutonschoolnights toobad havetobehomebyteno clock havesomanyrules doone shomeworkafterschool practiceone sguitarbeforedinner cleanone sroom everyweekend watchTVafterschool 21 03 2020 134 选择适当的单词用其正确形式完成句子 wash loudly by later child1 Therainstopped teninthemorning 2 Mysister herclotheseveryweekend 3 Ihavetogotothe PalaceeverySunday 4 Aweek MsChenwenttoParis 5 Wecan ttalk inthehospital loudly by washes Children s later 21 03 2020 135 根据句意选词填空 1 Don t No runinthestreet It sdangerous 2 Youneedto bring wear yourhatandscarf It scoldoutside 3 You haveto can sithere There snobodyontheseat 座位 4 Thequestionsaredifficult Ican tfindalltheanswers by in 11 30 5 It sSundayandthereare toomany toomuch peopleonthebus 21 03 2020 136 Translateandwritethemdown 1 学生不得不每天打扫教室 2 她不得不每天穿校服吗 3 我放学后不得不做家庭作业 Doesshehavetowearauniformeveryday Studentshavetocleanclassroomseveryday Ihavetodohomeworkafterschool 21 03 2020 137 Preview TopreviewthenewwordsandexpressionsTopreviewtheletterfromMollyBrown 21 03 2020 138 Thankyou 21 03 2020 139 Unit4Don teatinclass 遂宁市蓬溪大石中学陈清华 21 03 2020 140 SectionBPeriodFour 21 03 2020 141 Review Wordsandexpressions 21 03 2020 142 Readthewordsandexpressionsloudly 21 03 2020 143 make one s beddirtykitchenmorenoisyrelaxreadterriblefeel 铺床adj 脏的n 厨房adj pron 更多 的 adj 吵闹的v 放松 休息v 读 阅读adj 非常讨厌的 可怕的v 感受 觉得 Wordsandexpressions 21 03 2020 144 strictbestrict withsb rememberfollowfollowtherulesluckkeephairlearn adj 严格的 严厉的 对某人 要求严格v 记住 记起v 遵循 跟随遵守规则n 幸运 运气v 保持 保留n 头发 毛发v 学习 学会 Wordsandexpressions 21 03 2020 145 Objectives TolearntowriterulesathomeandschoolTolearntousehaveto must canandcan t 21 03 2020 146 Whataretherulesinyourhouse Lookatthefollowingpicturesandsaytherules Thinkaboutit 21 03 2020 147 MyFamilyRules Don ttalkloudlyathome 21 03 2020 148 Don t lateatnight watchTV 21 03 2020 149 Don t eatinthebed 21 03 2020 150 He cleanthebedroomonSunday hasto 21 03 2020 151 toolateonSunday Don tgetup 21 03 2020 152 lateatnight Don tplaytheguitar 21 03 2020 153 Whenyouareunhappyaboutsomething whodoyouliketotalkto Pairwork 2a 21 03 2020 154 Clickit 2b 21 03 2020 155 21 03 2020 156 DearMolly Iknowhowyoufell Peoplealwaystellus don tdothis or Youdon tdothat Butthinkaboutit Molly Therealotofthingsyoucando Youcanplaybasketballonweekends YoucanplaywatchTVafteryoureadabook Parentsandschoolsaresometimesstrict butrmember theymakerulestohelpyou Wehavetofollowthem Goodluck Drknow 2b Readtheletters UnderlinetherulesforMolly 2b 21 03 2020 157 21 03 2020 158 1 IsMollyBrownhappy Whyorwhynot 2 Whendoesshehavetogetupeverymorning No sheisn t Becauseshehasmanyrulesinherfamily Shehastogetupatsixo clock Readandanswer 21 03 2020 159 3 Cansheplaybasketballafterschool Why 4 CanshewatchTVafterdinner 5 Whendoesshehavetogotobed No shecan t Becauseshemustdoherhomework No shecan t ShemustreadabookbeforeshecanwatchTV Shehastogotobedbeforeteno clock 21 03 2020 160 6 Cansheleavethedirtydishesinthekitchen 7 Whyshehavetoruntoschool 8 Doesshehaveanyfun No shecan t Becauseshecan tbelateforschool No shedoesn t 21 03 2020 161 Discussion Ifyou reDrKnow whatsuggestions 建议 意见 wouldyouliketogiveMollyBrown Pleasediscussingroupsoffour thentelltheclassyoursuggestions 21 03 2020 162 Molly playbasketballonschooldays butshe playitonweekends 2 Molly doherhomeworkfirstwhenshegetshome 3 Molly watchTVbeforeshereadsabookafterdinner 4 Atschool Molly benoisyoreatinclass 5 Parentsandschoolsmakerulestohelpstudents Sostudents followtherules can t can Readthelettersagainandcompletethesentenceswithhaveto must canorcan t 2c haveto can t can t must 21 03 2020 163 DearDr Know youhelpme I mnothappybecausetheretoomanyrulesathome Everymorning I getupatsixo clock Atschool I wearaschooluniform andI keepmyhairshort Afterschool CompleteZhaoPei sletterstoDr Knowusinghaveto must canorcan t 3a Can haveto haveto haveto 21 03 2020 164 I playwithmyfriendsorwatchTVbecauseI domyhomework I relaxonweekendseitherbecauseI learntoplaythepiano Ineverhavefun What Ido ZhaoPei can t must can t haveto can 21 03 2020 165 Completethechartwiththerulesinyourhomeandschool Check therulesyouthinkareunfair 3b WritealettertoDr Know Tellhimaboutalltherulesandhowyoufeelaboutthem 3c 21 03 2020 166 21 03 2020 167 Selfcheck 1fillintheblankswiththewordsinthebos MynmeisTimmytheMouse Imustgetupearlyat6 30a m everymorning ThenIhavetogotothekicthentogettofoodforGrandpa Inever tothekichenbecauseIhavetogettherebeforethecatgetsup MygrandpaalwaystellsmeIcan t I himbecauseIdon twantthecattogetme Mygrandpa withme butIthinkit sbestto arrivelatelistentobenoisyfollowtherulesbestrict arrivelate benoisy listento bestrict followtherules 21 03 2020 168 2Usecan can t haveto mustanddon ttowriteabouttherulesatschool 2 Listentotheteacher Wemust havetolistentotheteacher 3 Don tbenoisyinthelibrary Wecan tbenoisyinthelibrary 4 SpeakEnglishinEnglishclass Wemust havetospeakEnglishinEnglishclass 5 Eatinthedinninghall Wemust havetoeatinthedinninghall Showtime Whataretherulesinyourhouse Andareyouhappy Pleasetelltheclassaboutthem 21 03 2020 169 Ifyouhaveachancetomakesomerulesforyourparents whatruleswouldyouliketomake 21 03 2020 170 Tasks 1 Workingroupsoffourandgivesomesuggestionstoparents forexample Nosmoking dad 2 Writealettertotheminagoodwaytomakethemacceptthesuggestions 21 03 2020 171 Dearparents Iknowyoulovemeverymuch NowI vegrownup Weshouldrespecteachother Ihavesomesuggestionsforyou Wouldyouliketohavealookatthesuggestions 1 Pleasedon tsmokeinthehouse 2 3 Love Amodel 21 03 2020 172 Guessinggame Keepquietanddon tm

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