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Unit3Languageinuse 1 Themuseumisbetweenthebankandtherestaurant 教材P37 博物馆在银行和饭店之间 解读 between and 意为 在 和 之间 既可以指地点也可以指时间 There sariverbetweenthemountainandthevillage 在大山和村子之间有一条河 Thelibraryopensbetweensevenandten 图书馆开放时间为七点到十点之间 注意连接两个人称代词时 between and 后用人称代词的宾格形式 There ssomethingbetweenhimandher 他和她之间有些问题 2 Oppositethemuseum ontheothersideoftheRiverNeva isStPeter sChurch 教材P37 在博物馆的对面 涅瓦河的另一边是圣彼得教堂 解读 ontheothersideof 意为 在 的另一边 Theyplantsomeflowersontheothersideofthestreet 在街道的另一边他们栽了一些花 注意ontheothersideof 作定语 要位于所修饰的名词之后 Thebuildingontheothersideoftheriveristherailwaystation 河对面的那座建筑是火车站 方位表达方式1 仔细观察例句 感悟方位介词或介词短语的用法 1 Turnleftatthethirdstreetontheleft 2 Nexttothebridgeisafarm 3 Themuseumisbetweentheparkandthesupermarket 4 Themuseumisontheothersideoftheriver 2 方位介词的分类表示位置的介词 短语 on at in by near between among under above below acrossfrom nextto等表示方向的介词 短语 to into out outof across along down up past through opposite等 3 方位介词的用法 1 at表示在某地点 一般指较小的地方 例如 atthecornerof 在 拐角处 2 in表示 在 里面 一般指较大的地方 问路与指路的常用语一 问路常用语 1 Excuseme whereisthe 打搅了 在哪里 2 Excuseme isthere nearhere 打搅了 这儿附近有 吗 3 Excuseme canyoutellmethewayto 打搅了 您能告诉我去 的路吗 4 Excuseme howcanIgetto 打搅了 我怎样去 5 Excuseme whichisthewayto 打搅了 哪条路通往 6 Where s please 请问 在哪里 7 Doyouknowthewayto 您知道去 的路吗 8 Canyoutellmehowtogetto 您能告诉我怎样到达 吗 二 指路常用语 1 Goalong up down 沿着 2 Turnleft Turnright 向左拐 向右拐 3 Gopast across 经过 穿过 4 It soverthere It sbehind nextto infrontof near ontheright leftof outside ontheothersideof 在那边 在 的后面 旁边 前面 附近 右边 左边 外面 另一边 5 It sabout metresontheleft right 在左边 右边大约 米处 6 It sbetween and 在 和 之间 7 Takeataxi bus 坐出租车 公交车 31 between2 nextto3 opposite4 across5 Turnleft6 onyourright5Possibleanswer DearPaul I mreallylookingforwardtoyourvisit Therearethreeveryinterestingplacestoseeinmyhometown Theyarethesciencemuseum abeautifulparkandabigmarket Theparkisnearmyhome Togetthere wecantakeabusorwecanwalk Thenwecanwalktothesciencemuseum It snearthetrainstation Thenwecanbuysomesouvenirsatthemarket Togettothemarket wetakeabusfromoppositethesciencemuseum Hopetoseeyousoon Yours Mark RevisionmoduleA2Possibleanswers 5Possibleanswers 1 Robotswon tdoeasyjobsbecausetheywilldoalltheheavyanddifficultjobs 2 Flyingwillbeexpensivebecauseoilwillbeexpensive 3 Peoplewon thaveshortholidaysbecausetheirworkinghourswillbeshortandtheywillhavealotoffreetime 4 Robotsandmachineswon tdointerestingjobsbecausepeoplewillwanttodothem 5 Therewon tbecoldwindsbecausetheworldwillbequitewarm 61 can tride2 canplay3 cansee4 Can help5 can tgo81 Whose2 yours3 mine4 his5 his6 his7 His8 your9 my 9Possibleanswers 101 email2 picnic3 T shirt4 robots5 supermarket6 underground111 2 3 4 5 听力原文 Betty Whatareyougoingtodointhefuture Tony Tony Well I mnotsure IwanttobeanursebecauseI mgoodatscience Butmymotherwouldlikemetobeateacherlikeher Betty Mm interesting Doyouwanttobeateacher Tony No TeachingissodifficultandIdon tthinkIcandoitwell Andmaybetherewillbenoteachersinthefutureandstudentscanlearnaloneathome Whataboutyou Daming Daming MyparentswantmetobeadoctorsoIcanhelppeopleinhospital Butyousee I mgoodatsportandIcanplayfootballverywell SoIwanttobeafootballplayerinthefutureandhelpChinawintheWorldCup Tony Wow Thenyouwillbearealstar 131 2 3 4 141 TheweatheriswarmsoI mwearingmyT shirt 2 We retakingtheplanebecauseit salongway 3 ItakethebustoschoolbecauseIlivealongwayaway 4 IlikestrawberriessoI mgoingtobuysomeatthemarket 5 Sheisgoingtothelostandfoundofficebecauseshecan tfindhercamera 16Possibleanswer MyfavouriteplaceinChinaisHangzhou It salargecityintheeastofthecountry Icangettherebytrain Ithasaverybeautifullake WestLake IcanseetheSuCausewayandtheLeifengPagoda IcanbuysilkandteainHangzhou IlikeHangzhoubecauseitisverybeautifulandinteresting

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