七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Grammar 1课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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Unit4 Unit4Findingyourway Grammar Presentation Thereisacageinthepicture cagen 笼子 鸟笼 Thecageisbeautiful asnake alion atiger agiraffe anegg anumbrella anorange anEnglishbook 1 第一次提到某人或某物时 Ihaveabook 2 泛指某一类的人或物 Apandaisverylovely 不定冠词a an的用法 判断一个单词用a还是用an 是根据其读音 而不是根据其首字母 以元音音素开头的词前用 an 以辅音音素开头的词前 a 如 anhour anapple anelephant ausefulbook等 Look Hereisapanda Thepandaiseatingbamboo Look Hereisanapple Theappleisred 1 指上文提到过的人或物 如 Lucyboughtanewbike thebikeisgreen 2 世界上独一无二的事物 如 thesunthemoon3 谈到彼此都知道的人或事物 如 Openthedoor please 定冠词the的用法 4 序数词和形容词最高级前 如 Sheisalwaysthefirsttogettoschool 5 乐器名词前用 如 playthepianoplaytheviolin6 定冠词与形容词连用表示一类人 加在姓氏前面表示一家人 如 therich有钱人theSmith史密斯一家 7 某些专用名词和习惯用语中用定冠词 如 theGreatWallbytheway 1 名词前已经有指示代词 this that these those 形容词性物主代词 my his our 或名词所有格等限定词 2 表示语言 学科 三餐 球类运动 棋类运动的名词前 不用冠词的情况 3 表示星期 月份 季节 某些节日的名词前 4 表示人名 国名 称呼语或头衔等专有名词前 5 某些固定短语中 如 bybike bybus atfirst atwork onfoot gotoschool gotobed 等 FuninthezooMillieandDanielaretalkingabouttheanimalsinthezoo Completetheirconversationwitha anorthe Millie Let sgotothePandaHousefirst Daniel Hereweare Icansee 1 pandathere It slyingonthegrass Millie Howcute Ilovepandas Look There s 2 babypanda It ssosmall a a Daniel Yes 3 babypandadoesn tlooklikeitsmother Millie Nowlet sgotoseesomelions Daniel Are 4 lionsin 5 openarea Millie No theyaren t Theyarein 6 verybigcage The the an a Daniel Isee Halfanhourlater Daniel Millie here s 7 bridge Whatcanyouseeacrossit Millie Oh 8 elephantisstandingoverthere Daniel Let sgoacross 9 bridgeandsee 10 elephant a an the the 在必要的地方用a an the填空 1 WhereisPeter Heisn tat school 2 Thereis orangeinthefridge 3 pencilonthedeskbelongstoSandy 4 Ihave newbike Iclean bikeeveryday an The a the 5 Dadoftengoesfishingin summer A CanIhelpyou B I mlookingfor pairofshoes Thestudentsoftengotoschoolby bike 8 Whoisgoodatplaying footballinyourclass 9 boyinaredcoatismycousin a The 10 Iliveon thirdfloor 11 Thereis h o u intheword hour 12 Simonlikestoplay pianobuthedoesn tliketoplay basketball 13 Beijingis capitalofChina the the the a an an inside Prepositionsofplace方位介词 outside on over above infrontof behind ontheleftof ontherightof under below beside nextto over在 的正上方under在 的正下方above在 的上方 表面不接触 below在 的下方on在 的上面 表面接触 over under above below on Doyouknowthesewords Let slearnthemtogether Canyoufillintheblankswiththeseprepositions 1 Thereisaface thedesk 2 Themoonis thedesk 3 Thesunis thedesk 4 Icanseeastar thedesk 5 Thereisatree thedesk desk over above under below on Theflowerareinfrontoftheshop Thetreesarebehindtheshop Theshopkeeperisinsidetheshop Lookandsay Theboyisoutsidetheshop Thefoodisabovethedrinks Thedrinksarebelowthefood Thesignisoverthebench Thedogisunderthebench IntheparkSandygoestotheparkeveryweekend Lookatthepicturebelowandcompleteherdescriptionwiththecorrectprepositionsofplace There sabeautifullakeinthepark Look Twoboysarerowingaboat 1 thelake 2 thelakethere safootballfield Someboysareplayingfootball 3 it Beside on on 4 thefootballfield therearetwotrees Ontheleft abirdissinging 5 onetree Ontheright twoboysaresitting 6 theothertree 7 thetwotrees threegirlsarechatting 8 thebench Infrontof Between in under on 1 Thefootballis thedoor soIcan tseeit 2 Don tstand us orwecan tseethefilmclearly 3 Thereisanelectricfan thedesk 4 Look Yourrubberis thechair Pickitup 5 Themoonisnow thetrees behind infrontof on under above 填入适当的介词使句子通顺 6 Eddiedoesn twanttolive thepalace 7 Stephenischattingwithhisfriends thebalcony 8 LiMingismyneighbour Hishouseis mine 9 ThePalaceMuseumisinthe ofBeijing 10 KittysitsontherightofSandy ItmeansSandysitsonKitty s in on centre left beside nextto Rememberthenewwordsinthislesson Finishtheexercisesintheworkbook

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