七年级英语下册 Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section A1课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section A1课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section A1课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Unit2Whattimedoyougotoschool SectionAPeriod1 Objectives TolearntotalkaboutdailyroutinesTolearntosayWhattimeisit TolearntoaskaboutandsaytimesTolearntouseadverbsoffrequency Words Expressionsdressgetdressgetupgetupshowertakeashowerusuallyo clock 穿衣服 连衣裙穿上衣服起床 站起起床淋浴 淋浴器淋浴 洗澡通常 只用于正点 点钟 Whattimeisit It seighto clock It selevenfifteen It shalfpastthree It stwentytoseven It stenpastsix It sninetwenty past分钟数不超过30分 halfpast to分钟数超过30分 o clock 时间表达法 1 点钟数 分钟数6 10sixten7 25seventwenty five 2 分钟数 past 点钟数 分钟数不超过30分 6 15aquarterpastsix7 20twentypastseven8 30halfpasteight 3 差分钟数 to 下一点钟数 分钟数超过30分 8 45aquartertonine9 50tentoten Mybusymorning getup brushteeth shower eat gotoschool getdressed Iusuallyat6o clock getup Iusuallyatsixten brushteeth takeashower Iusuallyatsixthirty eatbreakfast Iusuallyatseveno clock Iusuallyatseventwenty getdressed gotoschool Iusuallyatseventhirty Pairwork Talkaboutyourbusymorning A Whattimedoyougetup B Iusuallygetupatsixo clock A Whattimedoyougotoschool B Iusuallygotoschoolatseventhirty Yourbusymorning 1a Matchtheactivitieswiththepictures getup 2 gotoschool 3 getdressed 4 brushteeth 5 eatbreakfast 6 takeashower c b a d e f 1b Listenandmatchthetimeswithactions Drawlinesfromtheclockstothepictures getup 2 gotoschool 3 getdressed 4 brushteeth 5 eatbreakfast 6 takeashower 6 30 7 30 7 20 6 40 7 00 6 40 1 WhattimedoesRickusuallygetup Heusuallygetsupatsixthirty Heusuallybrushesteethandtakesashoweratsixforty 3 WhattimedoesRickusuallyeatbreakfast Heusuallyeatsbreakfastatseveno clock 2 WhattimedoesRickusuallybrushteethandtakeashower Heusuallygetsdressedatseventwenty 5 WhattimedoesRickusuallygotoschool Heusuallygoestoschoolatseventhirty 4 WhattimedoesRickusuallygetdressed 1c StudentAistheinterviewer StudentBisRick AskandanswerquestionsaboutRick sday A Whattimedoyouusuallytakeashower Rick B Iusuallytakeashoweratsixforty Languagepoints Whattimedoyouusuallytakeashower Rick whattime与when都可用于询问时间 但whattime所问的时间范围较小 一般询问比较精确的时间 而when 什么时候 所问的时间范围比whattime要大 可询问小的时间点 也可询问日期 例如 Whattime Whendoyouusuallyhavebreakfast 你通常几点 什么时候吃早饭 WhenisTeachers Day 教师节是什么时候 2a Listentotheconversationandcompletethesentences two two one 2b Listenagain CompletetheshowerscheduleforJim sfamily NameBobMaryJackJimAnnaTime5 30 5 50 6 15 6 30 6 45 2c Nowtalkaboutyourself 2d Role playtheconversation Interviewer Scotthasaninterestingjob Heworksataradiostation Scott Fromtwelveo clockatnighttosixo clockinthemorning Interviewer Whattimedoyouusuallygetup Scott Ateightthirtyatnight ThenIeatbreakfastatnine Interviewer That safunnytimeforbreakfast Scott Yeah Afterthat Iusuallyexerciseatabouttentwenty Interviewer Whendoyougotowork Scott Ateleveno clock soI mneverlateforwork Interview yourpartner sweekend Report Jimgetsupat8o clock Heeatsbreakfastat8 30 Survey thetimetogetup Report Jimgetsupatfiveo clock Marygetsupatfivethirty Tomgetsupatsixo clock XXistheearliest 1 Timeislife 2 Everysecondcounts 3 Alltimeisnotimewhenitispast 4 Timeismoney 时间就是生命 分秒必争 光阴一去不复返 一寸光阴一寸金 知识拓展 Whattimedoyouusuallygetup Iusuallygetupatsixthirty Whattimedotheygetdressed Theyalwaysgetdressedatseventwenty WhattimedoesRickeatbreakfast Heeatsbreakfastatseveno clock 课时重点回顾 Review WhendoesScottgotowork Healwaysgoestoworkateleveno clock He sneverlate Whendoyourfriendsexercise Theyusuallyexerciseonweekends 课时重点回顾 Review seveno clocka m tenthirtya m twothirtyp m seveno clockp m What sthetime Translateandwritethemdown 1 你通常什么时候起床 我通常七点起床 2 阿莉西亚通常几点洗澡 她通常八点洗澡 Whattimedoyouusuallygetup Iusuallygetupatseveno clock WhattimedoesAliciatakeashower Sheusuallytakesashowerateighto clock Thankyou


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