七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Dream Homes Welcome to the unit课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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Unit1 Unit1Dreamhomes Welcometotheunit Presentation Chinaisabigcountry n 国家 n 首都 BeijingisthecapitalofChina thePalaceMuseum n 皇宫 宫殿 isthecapitaloftheUK London acity atown n 镇 城镇 palacen 皇宫 宫殿townn 镇 城镇Canadan 加拿大Francen 法国Japann 日本Russian 俄罗斯UK UnitedKingdom 英国nexttoprep 紧靠 在 近旁 Londonn 伦敦countryn 国家capitaln 首都 Newwords Simonwantstolearnaboutforeigncountries Hecollectedsomephotos Helphimwritethenamesofthecountriesunderthephotos CountriesandCapitals A MountFuji富士山 It sinatownnearTokyo Japan theWhiteHouse白宫 It sinWashingtonD C theUSA theEiffelTower艾菲尔铁塔 It sinParis France theCNTower加拿大国家电视塔 It sinToronto Canada theBigBen大本钟 It sinLondon theUK theRedSquare红场 It sinMoscow Russia Pairwork Tian anmenSquareisinBeijing BeijingisthecapitalofChina Where sRedSquare RedSquareisinthecapitalofRussia It sinMoscow JapanCanadaRussiatheUSAtheUKFrance LondonParisWashingtonDCMoscowOttawaTokyo Pleasematchthecapitalswiththecountries B Simon scousin Annie isaskingSimonquestionsabouttheplacesinPartA Nowlet slistentotheconversationandanswerthequestions 1 Whatcountryaretheytalkingabout They retalkingaboutJapan 2 What sinthephoto It sMountFuji 3 IsMountFujiinTokyo No It snearTokyo WorkinpairsandtalkabouttheplacesinPartA Usetheconversationasamodel Thecapitalofeachcountryislistedintheboxbelow LondonMoscowOttawaParisTokyoWashingtonD C Hewouldliketolivenexttoarestaurant Becausehelikeseatingverymuch Thebiggestone 1 WherewouldEddieliketolive 2 WhywouldEddieliketolivenexttoarestaurant 3 WhichisEddie sfavoriterestaurant Answerthequestionsaccordingtothevideo Eddiedoesn twanttoliveina However hewouldlike nexttoa He thebiggest inFifthStreetbest tolive restaurant palace likes one TalkaboutEddie sdreamhome 1 dreamhomes梦想家园2 liveinapalace住宫殿3 livenexttoarestaurant住在饭店隔壁4 big大的 bigger更大的 biggest最大的 Languagepoints 5 learnaboutsth 了解某事6 indifferentcounties在不同的国家7 What sthecapitalofCanada It sOttawa Itisthebiggestrestaurantintown WouldyouliketotraveltoFrance Yes I dloveto 1 你想到法国旅游吗 是的 我想去 2 这是镇里最大的饭店 Translation Whichcountryisthisphotofrom WhatisthecapitalofCanada TheUSAisnexttoCanada 3 加拿大的首都是哪儿 4 这张照片来自哪个国家 5 美国紧靠加拿大 Rememberthenewwordsandlanguagepointsinthislesson PreviewthenewwordsinReading

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