七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town period 1课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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WelcometoSunshineTown Welcometotheunit 7BUnit3 WhatdoesEddieenjoydoing Heenjoyseatingandsleeping Theyareplayingbadmintonnow Theyloveplayingbadminton likeenjoy shoppingmall goshopping Ilikegoingshoppingintheshoppingmall 我喜欢在商场购物 cinema watchfilms Manypeopleenjoywatchingfilmsinthecinema 许多人喜欢在电影院看电影 footballfield playfootball Boysloveplayingfootballonthefootballfield 男孩们热爱在足球场踢足球 Chinesefood ManyforeignfriendslikeeatingChinesefood 许多外国朋友喜欢吃中国食物 Whatdoyoulike love enjoydoing shopping Chinesefood football films Listenandmatch Millie Amy Simon Sandy restaurant cinema footballfield shoppingmall Let sdosth Howtomakesuggestions Whataboutdoingsth Whynot don tyoudosth Shallwedosth Maybewecan IfsomeexchangestudentscometoLianyungangtomorrow wherecantheygo Thephrasesyoumayuse Wecantakethemto Let stakethemto Shallwegoto Wecan I dliketo Oh it smine ma n pron 我的 Newwords Thereisnothinginthefridge What sthechilddoing Sheisdrinkingatinofcoke tin n 听 罐 dogfood threetinsof i Heisorderinghisfood What sthemandoing vt 叫或点 饭菜 饮料等 What sthisinEnglish It sapizza pi ts n 比萨饼 minenothingwaitaminuteyuantinpizzaexchangestudent pron 我的pron 没有什么等一会儿n 元 人民币单位 n 罐 听n 比萨饼n 交流学生 Newwords Watchandanswer 1WhoiscomingtoseeEddie 2Isthereanythinginthefridge 3Howmuchmoneydotheyhave Listenandanswer 1WhoiscomingtoseeEddie 2Isthereanythinginthefridge 3Howmuchmoneydotheyhave Afriendofhis Fiveyuan No thereisn t Integratedskills AdayatthePalaceMuseum theSummerPalace BeihaiPark theTempleofHeaven thePalaceMuseum placesofinterest 名胜 worksofart Chinesepainting clocksandwatches throne r un golden thePalaceMuseum 10a m 10 30a m worksofart 11a m worksofart 1p m Chinesepaintings 2 30p m clocksandwatches PleasecorrectthemistakesinNeil snotes a m watches Baohe 10 30a m Huangji 1 Whatcantheydointhepark 2 HowfaristheparkfromNeil shotel Theycanrowaboatonthelake It sabout40minutesbybus 1 在故宫的一天2 不要错过他们3 金色宝座4 艺术品5 中国画 adayatthePalaceMuseum Don tmissthem thegoldenthrone worksofart Chinesepaintings Translatethephrases 6 还有很多7 划船8 在你的旅馆前面9 有许多东西可以看10 全面了解中国的历史 manymore rowaboat infrontofyourhotel Therearemanythingstosee learnallaboutChina shistory

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