七年级英语下册 Moudle 3 Unit 3 Language in use课件 (新版)外研版.ppt

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Module3 Makingplans Unit3 Languageinuse Objectives Tolearntousethesimplefuture begoingto verb Theimportantphrases 1 检查我的电子邮件2 复习功课3 有一节钢琴课4 看电影5 帮助做家务6 去野餐7 在周末8 在星期六的早晨9 其他的什么人10 和某人一起来 1 Checkmyemail2 gooverlessons3 Haveapianolesson4 Seeamovie5 Helpwiththehousework6 Haveapicnic7 Attheweekend8 OnSaturdaymorning9 Whoelse10 Comewithsb 11 加入到某人中来12 在公园见面13 独自待在家中14 期待 期盼15 观看一场比赛16 见其他的球迷17 交一些新朋友18 穿队服19 为队员加油20 赢得比赛21 玩得高兴 11 Joinsb12 Meetinthepark13 Stayathomealone14 Lookforwardto15 Watchafootballmatch16 Meetotherfans17 Makesomenewfriends18 Weartheteamshirt19 Cheertheplayers20 Winthematch21 Enjoyoneself 22 在五一暑假期间23 在五一的早晨24 晚起25 看书26 和家人出去27 在乡下散步28 捡垃圾29 在我朋友家附近的公园30 在家度过暑假31 参加夏令营32 和一个澳大利亚家庭呆在一起 22 DuringtheMayDay23 Onthemorningof1stMay24 Getuplate25 Readabook26 Gooutwithmyfamily27 Takeawalkinthecountry28 Collectlitter29 Intheparknearmyfriend shouse30 Spendthesummerholiday31 Goonasummercamp32 StaywithanAustralianfamily 33 去观光34 在沙滩上35 呆在床上36 早起37 在暑假期间 33 Gosightseeing34 Onthebeach35 Stayinthebed36 Getupearly37 Duringthesummerholiday I mgoingtocheckmyemail LinglingandIaregoingtohaveapicnic Linglingisgoingtohaveapianolesson SheisgoingtolearnJapanesenextyear I mgoingtodomyhomework We regoingtolistentosomemusic Ishegoingtogetupearly Whatareyougoingtodo Whatareyougoingtodoattheweekend Arewegoingtomeethere No wearen t 本单元例句 Imusthurry IthinkI mgoingtobelate I mgoingtobeavolleyballplayer Sheisgoingtocheckheremailthisevening Heisgoingtohaveapianolessonthisweekend We regoingtohaveapartythisFriday Theyaregoingtohaveapicnicthisweekend Theyaregoingtomeetoutsidetheschoolgate Theplayisgoingtobeproducednextmonth AreyougoingtodonextSunday begoingto v 原形 请看以下9个例句的谓语构成有什么共同点 一般将来时begoingto 一般将来时的基本构成 助动词is am aregoingto 动词原形 主要用来表示打算或计划要做某事 主语是人 如 SheisgoingtolearnJapanesenextyear Thereisgoingtobeafootballmatchtonight 1 一般将来时表示某人打算或准备做的事情或即将发生的事 begoingto的用法 She sgoingtoplaythepiano 今天下午我和爸爸打算去看京剧 今天我们要开会 Wearegoingtohaveameetingtoday 我打算拉小提琴 I mgoingtoplaytheviolin 她打算弹钢琴 2 有迹象要发生的事 明天将会是个好天 It sgoingtobeafinedaytomorrow 看天空 要下雨了 Lookatthesky itisgoingtorain 我认为天快下雪了 Ithinkit sgoingtosnow 看看这些黑云 将有一场大雨 Lookatthedarkclouds thereisgoingtobeheavyrain 3 有些位置移到的动词可以用进行时表示将要发生的动作 例如 come go leave stay arrive等 公共汽车就要了来了 Thebusiscoming 他们今天晚上离开上海 TheyareleavingShanghaithisevening begoingto中的be动词要随着句子主语的人称或数的变化而变化 begoingto的主谓变化 我打算去公园 他们准备干什么 他打算去买一块新手表 I mgoingtothepark Whataretheygoingtodo He sgoingtobuyanewwatch 一般将来时的否定形式是 be am is are notgoingto 动词原形Heisgoingtohaveaswimtomorrow 改为否定句 Heisnot isn t goingtohaveaswimtomorrow begoingto的否定形式和一般疑问形式 把下面几个句子改成否定句 Iamgoingtoflykitesthisafternoon Wearegoingtoplaycomputergamestonight Heisgoingtomakeamodelplanetomorrow Iamnotgoingtoflykitesthisafternoon Wearen tgoingtoplaycomputergamestonight Heisn tgoingtomakeamodelplanetomorrow Heisgoingtohaveaswimtomorrow 改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答 Ishegoingtohaveaswimtomorrow Yes heis 一般将来时的一般疑问形式是 把be am is are 直接放于句首 some改为any and改为or 第一二人称互换 简略答语中的动词要与主语保持一致 Iamgoingtobuyacomputerbookthisafternoon 改为一般疑问句并作否定回答 Areyougoingtobuyacomputerbookthisafternoon No I mnot 1 问人Who I mgoingtoNewYorksoon Who sgoingtoNewYorksoon 2 问干什么What do Myfatherisgoingtowatcharacewithmethisafternoon Whatisyourfathergoingtodowithyouthisafternoon 3 问什么时候When She sgoingtogotobedatnine Whenisshegoingtobed 4 同义句 begoingto willIamgoingtogoswimmingtomorrow 明天 Iwillgoswimmingtomorrow begoingto的特殊疑问形式 在一般将来时中 常常会有表示将来的时间状语 tomorrow nextweek thisafternoon等 Annaisgoingtocleantherefrigeratortomorrowafternoon 安娜打算明天下午清理冰箱 表示将来的时间状语 2Completethesentenceswiththecorrectformofthewordsandexpressionfromthebox 1Wearegoingto amoviethisweekend 2Theyaregoingto footballonSunday 3Bettywantstogoshopping She sgoingto someclothes see play buy 4I mgoingto apianolessononSaturdaymorning 5Damingisn tgoingto inbedonSundaymorning He sgoingto early 6Linglingwantstogoforawalk She sgoingto inthepark 7Tonyisgoingto toasummercampduringthesummerholiday He sgoingto alotoffriendsandhavefun have stay getup walk go make 3Putthewordsinthecorrectordertomakequestions 1check you going are to email your 2they on in park are going to Sunday litter collect the 3some going is new buy Betty to evening 4this a you see going are to movie evening 5computer Tony to play a is going game Areyougoingtocheckyouremail AretheygoingtocollectlitterintheparkonSunday IsBettygoingtobuysomenewclothes Areyougoingtoseeamoviethisevening IsTonygoingtoplayacomputergame begoingto 跟 动原 计划 准备或打算 表可能 有必然 通过现象来判断 be的形式要注意 它要随着人称变 否定句 很简单 not加在be后面 疑问句 需牢记 be应提到主语前 语法总结 1 Ifitdoesn trainnextSunday we have aclasstrip 2 He swim inthatrivertomorrow aregoingtohave isgoingtoswim 一 用begoingto 动词的正确形式填空 3 MrSmith cook forhisfamilythisafternoon 4 yourclassmates play computergamesnextSaturday 5 She notgo sightseeingthisweek isgoingtocook Aregoingtoplay isn tgoingtogo Quiz 1 There ameetingtomorrowafternoon A willbegoingtoB willgoingtobeC isgoingtobeD willgotobe2 Charlie herenextmonth A isn tworkingB doesn tworkingC isn tgoingtoworkingD won tworkHe verybusythisweek he freenextweek A willbe isB is isC willbe willbeD is willbe 二 单项选择 4 I m toAustralia A goB goesC willgoD going5 you freetomorrow No I freethedayaftertomorrow A Are goingto willB Are goingtobe willC Are goingto willbeD Are goingtobe willbe 3 你妈妈这个周末去购物吗 是 她要去买一些水果 yourmother goshoppingthis Yes she She buysomefruit 4 你们打算什么时候见面 Whattime you meet 三 根据汉语意思 完成填空 1 我打算明天和朋友去野炊 I haveapicnicwithmyfriends 2 下个星期一你打算去干嘛 我想去打篮球 What nextMonday I playbasketball amgoingto areyougoingtodo amgoingto Isgoingto weekend isisgoingto aregoingto Toreviewthegrammarwehavelearnedtoday Homework Preview PreviewthedialogueinUnit1 2 LearnthenewwordsandexpressionsinUnit1byheart Thankyou

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