七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section A课件2 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section A课件2 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section A课件2 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Unit12 Whatdidyoudolastweekend Unit12 SectionA GrammarFocus 3c Let swatchandlearn 上个周末你做什么了 2 我做了我的家庭作业 阅读GrammarFocus部分 完成下列句子 Ididmyhomework Whatdidyoudolastweekend GrammarFocus 我们去划船了 谁去探望了她的奶奶 5 是蓓基 上个周末她去了哪里 Whovisitedhergrandma Wheredidshegolastweekend Beckydid Wewentboating 7 她去了农场 8 她和谁一起去的 9 她和她的同学们一起去的 Whodidshegowith Shewenttothefarm Shewentwithherclassmates 一 一般过去时态的特殊疑问句 1 特殊疑问词 was were 主语 其他 上个周末你过得怎么样 yourlastweekend Howwas 探究乐园 昨天下午他们在哪里 theyyesterdayafternoon 昨天晚上谁在教室里 intheclassroomlastnight 昨天你为什么迟到了 youlateyesterday Wherewere Whowas Whywere 2 特殊疑问词 did 动词原形 主语 其他 昨天他做了什么事情 hedoyesterday 上个周末她参观了什么地方 she lastweekend 你和谁一起去的动物园 yougotothezoo 他们什么时候到达北京的 theyarriveinBeijing Wheredidvisit Whendid Whatdid Whodidwith 1 Igotupatnineyesterdaymorning yougetupyesterdaymorning 2 Wedidourhomeworklastnight you lastnight Whatdiddo Whendid 对下列句子中的划线部分提问 3 TheywereinthesupermarketlastSunday theylastSunday Mylastweekendwaskindofboring yourlastweekend Lindatookawalkwithherparentsafterdinner Lindatakeawalkwithafterdinner Howwas Wherewere Whodid Fillintheblankswithwho what whereorhow Writing A didyoudolastweekend B IplayedbadmintononSaturday A Soundsfun didyouplaywith B Iplayedwithmyfather He sreallygood What Who 3a 此类填空题 应主要根据答语的意思来确定问句中所缺的特殊疑问词是什么 第一句的答语是一活动 故第一空格处应填what 第二句答语强调了人物 故问句中的特殊词为who 2 A wasyourweekend B Itwasgreat Ihadsomuchfun A didyougo B Theweatherwasbeautiful soIwenttothebeachwithmyparents How Where 第一句的答语意为 它很棒 故问句应是询问周末过得怎么样 因此应填How 第二句答语回答了与父母亲去了海滩一事 故问句中应是询问地点 且问句中没有介词with 与 一起 因此应填where 3 A didJimlose B Helosthiskeys Heoftenlosesthings A That stoobad didhelosethem B Ihearditwasyesterday What When 第一句的答语意为 他丢了他的钥匙 再由问句中有lose一词 可知问句应是询问丢了什么 因此应填What 第二句答语回答听说是昨天 故问句中应是询问何时丢钥匙的 因此应填when AfamilyofmicewereinthekitchenonSaturdaymorningwhenthey abigcat BabyMouse afraidand ontohisfather sback Completethepassagewiththecorrectformsofthewordsinthebox Reading saybeclimbseerunaway 3b FatherMouseshoutedatthecat Woof woof Thecatquickly Wow Dad you regood BabyMouse Well son that swhyit simportanttolearnasecondlanguage answeredFatherMouse 这是一短文填空题 用所给动词的正确时态将短文内容补充完整 2 先应通读一遍短文来掌握文章的大意 然后通过文中的一些重点句子的时态来确定整个故事发生的时间 由第一句中的 were 及时间状语 onSaturdaymorning 可以确定本文的故事发生在过去 故除了一些直接引语句子外 应用一般过去时态 3 细读每一句话 根据上下文意来推敲空格处的意思 确定用哪一个词汇 写出其正确的形式 AfamilyofmicewereinthekitchenonSaturdaymorningwhenthey abigcat BabyMouse afraidand ontohisfather sback were saw climbed FatherMouseshoutedatthecat Woof woof Thecatquickly Wow Dad you regood BabyMouse Well son that swhyit simportanttolearnasecondlanguage answeredFatherMouse said ranaway 1 mouse意为 老鼠 复数形式为 mice 他们看到了两只老鼠 Theysawtwomice LanguagePoints 2 language意为 语言 是可数名词 英语 汉语 法语是三种不同的语言 English ChineseandFrencharethreedifferentlanguages 3 shoutat大声喊叫 后面要跟人或事物不要朝孩子们大声喊叫 Don tshoutatthechildren Thinkoftwothingsyoudidlastweekend Drawpicturesofthem Yourclassmatesguesswhatyoudid 3c WhatdidIdo Youwentwithyourdaughter Youwentboating Takesomephotosofyourvacationstoschool Askandansweraboutyourvacations WheredidyougoonDragonBoatDay Iwenttothecountryside Iwatchedtheboatrace Whatdidyoudothere Iplayedchess Whatdidyoudolastweekend Withmyuncle Whodidyouplaywith Practice A How yourlastweekend B Itwasgreat was 1 Lookatthepictures andreadtheconversationthenfillintheblanks A didyougo B Iwenttothe A didyougo B Iwentwithmyclassmates A didyoudothere B We and somephotos Where Whowith park What wentboatingtook Mr Joneswenttothemountainsforaholiday He tothetrainstationand onthetrainonSundaymorning walked got 2 从方框中选择恰当的单词 并用其正确形式填空 saylookgetwalkaskhave He anewhat Heoftenputhisheadoutofthewindowto atthemountains Butthewindpulledhishatoff Hequicklythrewhisoldbagoutofthewindow Somepeople Why He There snonameandaddressonmyhat butthere smynameandaddressonmybag look had asked said 1 RememberthesentencesintheGrammarFocus 2 Thinkofsixinterestingthingsyoudidinthelastmonth ThenwritethemdowninEnglish

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