七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles Self check课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles Self check课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles Self check课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles Self check课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Unit10I dlikesomenoodles Selfcheck Let schant What what whatwouldyoulike Beef beef I dlikesomebeef What what whatwouldhelike Mutton mutton he dlikesomemutton What what whatwouldshelike Fish fish she dlikesomefish What what whatwouldtheylike Chicken chicken they dlikesomechicken Welcome CanIhelpyou WhatcanIdoforyou MayIhaveamenu please Wouldyoulikesomethingtodrink MayItakeyourorder please Whatwouldyoulike Doyouhavetoday sspecial Couldyoutellmehowtoeatthis I dlike please MayIhave please ThisisnotwhatIordered Check please 麻烦请结帐 Howmucharethey Thankyoualot 饭店用语 1 Putthewordsyoulearnedindifferentgroups beefchickenmutton carrottomatoonion orangestrawberryapple greenteaorangejuicewater dumplingsporridge 2Completethesentenceswiththecorrectformofthetherebestructure 1 Customer Excuseme afly 苍蝇 inmyporridge Waiter Don tworry 别急 sir Thatspider 蜘蛛 onyourbreadwillsoongethim thereis 2 Customer twofliesinmyfishsoup Waiter Idon tknow Butweareshortoffish 3 Customer Weorderedmuttonnoodles but anymuttoninthenoodles Waiters Putonyourglassesandyoucanseethemutton Thereare thereisn t 3Writeaconversationwiththehelpoftheclues Inarestaurant Waiter Askfortheorder Customer Askaboutwhatisthefood Waiter Askforthesizeoftheorder Customer Thankthewaiter 词汇 1 Chinaisal countrywithlonghistory 2 Whats ofshoeswouldyoulike 3 Weoftenhaverice meat 西红柿 forluncheveryday 4 The 马铃薯 areverydelicious 美味的 arge ize tomatoes potatoes 5 Johnlikes 粥 pizza 比萨 saladandiceteaverymuch 6 Theyusually 订购 foodanddrinkinthisrestaurant 7 Myfavoritedrinkis 橘汁 orangejuice porridge order 8 星期四 isthefifthdayofaweek 9 T isbetweenMondayandWednesday 10 Mytelephonen is834 8394 11 What syou rea It s558BridgeStreet umber uesday ddress Thursday Whatsizeof you Iwouldlikea Whatsizeof you Iwouldlikea Whatsizeof you Iwouldlikea S M L cakewould smallbirthday cake ice creamwould largeice cream T shirtwould mediumT shirt 看图填空 like like like 收集英语广告词 可能的话自己试着设计一份 Justdoit 只管去做 耐克运动鞋 Thetasteisgreat 味道好极了 雀巢咖啡 Poetryinmotion dancingclosetome 动态的诗 向我舞近 丰田汽车 Goodtothelastdrop 滴滴香浓 意犹未尽 麦斯威尔咖啡 Impossiblemadepossible 使不可能变为可能 佳能打印机 Let smakethingsbetter 让我们做得更好 飞利浦电子 Obeyyourthirst 服从你的渴望 雪碧 CometowheretheflavorisMarlboroCountry 光临风韵之境 万宝路世界 万宝路香烟 Tome thepastisblackandwhite butthefutureisalwayscolor 对我而言 过去平淡无奇 而未来 却是绚烂缤纷 轩尼诗酒 Intelligenceeverywhere 智慧演绎 无处不在 摩托罗拉手机 Thechoiceofanewgeneration 新一代的选择 百事可乐 Exercises 1 Jimdoesn tliketomatoes potatoes cabbages A andB withC orD for2 Mybrother dumplingswithbeefverymuch butIdon t A likeB don tlikeC doesn tlikeD likes3 There somefoodonthetable A haveB areC isD had C D C 4 I mhungry Iwouldlike alargebowlofdumplings A haveB eatC eatingD toeat5 Doyoulikenoodles chicken A withB ofC inD to6 Doyoulikeonionnoodles cabbagenoodles A andB withC orD but D A C 7 Whatsizeshoesdoyouwant A SmallshoesB Size36C 36sizeD Bigshoes8 Thereare tomatoesonthetable A manyB muchC alittleD any9 Wouldyoulike teawithiceinit A anyB someC afewD many B A B 10 Thenoodleswithorangejuice only 1 5 A isB areC forD with11 Whatsizebowlofdumplingswouldyoulike small medium large A andB withC orD but12 Heusually breakfastathome A eatB haveC hasD eats A C C 13 Mydaughterlikestoeatdumplings well noodles A so soB so asC as asD as so14 Myfamilyusually bread eggsandmilk breakfast A has forB eat forC have forD have on15 It s11o clock Please ourlunch A orderingB orderC toorderD orders C C B 16 Wheredoyouhavelunch Sunday A onB inC atD for17 Wouldyoulikeacupoftea A I dloveB Yes pleaseC No Iwouldn tD Sorry A B 18 Thereis withmyeyes Don tworry Letmehelpyou 2007衢州市 A wrongnothingB nothingwrongC wrongsomethingD somethingwrong D 1 我不喜欢汉堡包 比萨和冰茶 I hamburgers pizza icetea 2 你喜欢什么类型的茶 ofteawouldyoulike 3 我们也有色拉 也有橘汁和苏打 We havesalad orangejuiceandsoda 完成下列句子 don tlike Whatkind aswellas or also 4 他想要一个牛肉的中碗的面条 He dlikea bowlofnoodles 5 让我们列一份菜单吧 Let s 6 Myfatherwouldlikebeefdumplings 改为同义句 Myfather dumplings beef withbeef makeamenu wants with medium 7 CanIhelpyou 改为同义句 canI you 8 I dlikeasmallorangejuice 改为一般疑问句 you asmallorangejuice 9 He dlikealargebowlofporridge 对划线部分提问 bowlofporridgewouldhelike What dofor Would like Whatsize ThankYou

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