七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section B课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section B课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section B课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section B课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Unit1Canyouplaytheguitar SectionB 用词的适当形式填空 1 Canyou swim inthewater 2 Myteacherwants buy aping pongbat 3 he want tojointhemusicclub 4 Hecan t play thepiano butheplaysbasketballvery good 5 Canyouhelpmewith swim swim tobuy Does want play well swimming drums playthedrums playtheviolin violin piano playthepiano guitar playtheguitar guitar drums violin piano Canyouplaythe Canyouplayitwell Yes Ican No Ican t 1bListenandnumberthewords 1 4 drums piano guitar violin 1 2 3 4 Listenandcirclethewordsandphrasesyouhear playtheviolinplaytheguitarplaythedrumsplaythepiano singdancedrawtellstories 1d Fillinthechartwiththewordsandphrasesin1d 1e playtheguitar singplaythedrums playthepiano playthepiano singdance TalkaboutwhatBill CindyandFrankcanandcan tdo 1f A CanBillplaytheguitar B Yes hecan buthecan tsing Workingroups Askandanswerlikethis Whatcanyoudo Ican butIcan t Languagepoints play的用法 1 2 3 playwith和 玩 play 球 棋 牌 play the乐器 Readandunderlinewhattheycando Hello I mPeter Iliketoplaybasketball IcanspeakEnglishandIcanalsoplaysoccer Hi I mMa Icanplayping pongandchess Iliketotalkandplaygameswithpeople Myname sAlan I mintheschoolmusicclub Icanplaytheguitarandthepiano Icansinganddance liketososth likedoingsthalso 用于肯定句的句中too 用于肯定句的句末 用 与主句隔开 Readandmatch A HelpforOldPeopleB MusicTeacherWantedC HelpwithSportsinEnglish 帮助老人 招聘音乐教师 帮助 Weneedhelpattheoldpeople shome AreyoufreeinJuly Areyougoodwitholdpeople Canyoutalktothemandplaygameswiththem Theycantellyoustories andyoucanmakefriends Itisinterestingandfun Pleasecallusat689 7729today A begoodwithsb sth善于应付 的 对 有办法的talktosb和 交谈tellsbsth告诉某人某事 某物 Areyoubusyafterschool No CanyouspeakEnglish Yes ThenweneedyoutohelpwithsportsforEnglish speakingstudents Itisrelaxingandeasy PleasecometotheStudents SportsCenter CallMr Brownat293 7742 C need需要 实义动词needsth need sb todosthhelp 帮助 动词help sb withsth在某方面帮助 某人 helpsb to dosth帮助某人做某事English speakingadj 说英语的 我们需要你帮助学英语的学生开展体育活动 Canyouplaythepianoortheviolin Doyouhavetimeontheweekend Theschoolneedshelptoteachmusic Itisnotdifficult PleasecallMrs Millerat555 3721 B play the 乐器or 或者 也不 用于否定句和疑问句中help在此处是名词 Matcheachpersonin2awithanadin2b WriteA BandC PeterAlanMaHuan C B A Writeanadforsportsclub StudentsWantedforSportsClub Homework TofinishSelfCheckDotheexercisesinyourtextbook

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