七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section A(1a-2c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section A(1a-2c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section A(1a-2c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section A(1a-2c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Canyouplaytheguitar Unit1 What sthenameofthesong 歌曲 Whatquestions 问题 dotheyask Canyousing Yes Ican Canyoudance No Ican t Ican tdance Canyouswim Yes Ican Canyoufly No Ican t Ican tfly 1 2 3 4 speakEnglish playping pong playchess draw Canyou Yes Ican No Ican t playtheguitar draw dance speakEnglish playtheguitar playchess swim Canyou Yes Ican ButIcan t No Ican t ButIcan Pairwork结对活动 playtheguitar WhatcanMr Zhengdo Canhe Yes hecan No hecan t playchess dance Guess猜 playping pong swim dance playtheguitar playchess swim Mr Zhengcan and Buthecan t or playping pong Whatcanthesepeopledo Matchtheactivitieswiththepeople 1 sing 2 swim 3 dance 4 draw 5 playchess 6 speakEnglish 7 playtheguitar 1a e EnglishClub Swimmingclub g d b c a f b f d c a g e ChessClub MusicClub ArtClub the club the club the club the club the club English music swimming chess art A IwanttojointheEnglishclub IcanspeakEnglish AndIliketospeakEnglish It sintersting B Whatclubdoyouwanttojoin A Iwanttojointhe club Ican liketo 参加 加入 1b Listenandnumbertheconversations 1 3 A Canyouswim B No Ican t A Iwanttojointheartclub B Canyoudraw A Yes Ican A Iwanttojointhemusicclub B Oh canyousing A Yes Ican 1 2 3 No Ican t Iwanttojointhemusicclub Canyouswim Iwanttojointheartclub Yes Ican Canyoudraw Oh canyousing Yes Ican Frank Jane Grace Swimmingclub ArtClub MusicClub A WhatclubdoesJane Gracewanttojoin B Shewantstojointhe club A Canshe B Yes shecan No shecan t 2aListentothesetwoconversationsandcircletheclubsyouhear Englishclubartclubmusicclubchessclubswimmingclub Lisawantstojointhe club butshecan tplay 2 Bobwantstojointhe club Helikestospeak 3 Marylikesmusic Shecan and Boblikesmusic too Theywanttojointhe club 2b Listenagain Completethesentences English English sing dance music chess chess WhatclubdoesBobwanttojoinatfirst 起初 WhatclubdoBobandMarywanttojoinatlast 最后 听力原文 1 Whatclubdoyouwanttojoin Iwanttojointhechessclub Canyouplaychess No Ican t Whataboutyou John Ican Hi Mary Herearealltheclubs Whatclubdoyouwanttojoin Bob IwanttojointheEnglishclub IlikespeakEnglish Howaboutyou Hmm Iwanttojointhechessclub Canyouplaychess No Idon tlikechess Doyoulikemusic Oh yes Icansinganddance Ilikemusic Me too Let sjointhemusicclub 2 Whatclubsdoyouhaveinourschool Doyouwanttohavemore 更多 clubs EnglishClub Swimmingclub ChessClub MusicClub ArtClub Ourheadmaster 校长 Mr Liwantstohavemore 更多 clubsinourschool Hewantstoknowwhatclubsyouwanttojoin Askyourthreeclassmatesthesequestions 1 Whatclubdoyouwanttojoin 2 Why 参考理由 1 Iliketo It s 2 Ican Mary WritealettertoMr Li把你的调查结果写成一封信给李校长 DearMr Li Wealllikeclubs becausetheyareveryfunandrelaxing Inmygroup 小组 IwanttojointheEnglishclub Iliketo Marywantstojointheartclub Shecandraw theartclub Shecandraw Homework Finishtheletter

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