七年级英语下册 Moudle 8 Unit 3 Language in use课件 (新版)外研版.ppt

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Module8 Languageinuse Unit3 Finally shepushedthedoor Shedidn tlikethemiddlebedorthebigbed Didshepickanyflowersintheforest 本单元例句 Goldilockswalkedintheforestyesterday 昨天 金凤花姑娘在森林里散步 walk加个ed就构成了过去式 规则动词的过去时变化口诀要巧记 主语 v 过去式 其它 一般过去式II 行为动词 Grammar 何时双写 重读闭音节 结尾只有一个辅音字母时双写最后的辅音字母 再加 ed 注意 ed的读音 关键看动词的最后一个音素 请看下表 1BabyBear atthegirlinhisbed 2She thehouse 3Goldilocks outofbed 4She tothelittlehouse 5ThethreeBearsdidn t thedoorbecausetheywereoutintheforest pointed entered jumped answerenterhurryjumplikenoticepointreturntry Completethesentenceswiththecorrectformofthewordsinthebox hurried answer 6ThethreeBearsdidn t Goldilocksinbedatfirst 7Goldilocksdidn t tothatpartoftheforestagain 8 Didshe thesmallchairfirst No shedidn t Shetriedthebigchairfirst 9 Didshe thesmallbed Yes shedid like notice return try OnceuponatimetherewasasmallboycalledTom OnedayTom 1 togoforawalkinthedarkforest He 2 forashorttimeandthenhe 3 someflowers Next he 4 alittlehouse wanted walked picked answeraskbeenterknocklooknoticepickwalkwant Completethepassagewiththecorrectformofthewordsinthebox noticed He 5 onthedoorbutnobody 6 He 7 thehouse There 8 abigtable abigchair abigbowlandabigbear ThenTom 9 atthebowloffoodwithbigeyes Thebear 10 Tom Areyouhungry Trysomeofmyfood Tomtriedthefood Thentheyweregoodfriends knocked answered entered were pointed asked Nowworkinpairs Askandanswerthequestions 1DidTomwanttogoforawalkinthedarkforest 2Didhepickalotofblueflowers 3Didhenoticeahouse 4Didheknockonthedoorfirst Yes hedid No hedidn t Yes hedid Yes hedid I 根据所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Theoldman die lastnight 2 Tom finish allthefoodinhisbowl 3 Mylittlesisterrushedtomeand 大喊 loudly 4 I 注意到 thatstrangemanoverthere shouted finished noticed died II 根据汉语意思补全下列句子 1 她向四周看了看 注意到一所小房子 She her and alittlehouse 2 汤姆赶快来到那所房子 Tom thathouse lookedaround noticed hurriedto 3 我想到森林里散步 Iwantto intheforest 4 他决定去好好工作 He toworkhard 5 托尼睁开眼睛 一骨碌从床上跳起来 Tony hiseyes and thebed jumpedoutof opened goforawalk decided III 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 每空词数不限 1 I be busylastweek 2 JackandI be lateforschoolyesterday 3 I walk toschoollastMonday was were walked 4 Mary not visit herauntthismorning 5 There be alotofpeopleinthisvillagefiveyearsago 6 Thegirl stop atthegardenandpickedsomeflowers 7 I be not atschoolyesterday didn tvisit were stopped wasn t 8 There be somewaterinthecup 9 Tom arrive inBeijinglastmonth 10 Thechild cry becausetherewasnothinginhisbag was arrived cried 2 他敲了敲门 3 她向一间小房间里看了看 4 她把碗里的东西全吃了 5 她提起篮子 跑出了房间 Heknockedonthedoor Shelookedintoasmallroom Shefinishedallthefoodinthebowl Shehurriedoutofthehousewithherbasket Theydidn tnoticethegirlatfirst 1 他们起初没有注意到那个女孩 IV 翻译下列句子 Thankyou


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