七年级英语下册 Module 6 Around town Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Module 6 Around town Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Module 6 Around town Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Module 6 Around town Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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BeihaiPark Review BeihaiPark Askingtheway Canyoutellmethewayto Couldyoutellmehowto Whereis Istherea an nearhere Givingdirections goacrossgoalongturnleft rightontheleft rightopposite BeihaiPark Pairwork Askingandshowingways Makingashortconversationwithyourpartner thenaskingatleasttwogroupstoshowtheirconversation Module6Aroundtown Unit2TheLondonEyeisonyourright PeriodI LearningAims MastersomenewwordsKnowsomeplacesofLondon tu n skwe n mIdl n adj feIm s adj peIntI n fr m fr m prep mi t n b v prep 参观 旅行 tour 广场 square 中间 中等的 famous 著名的 from 油画 middle 从 出发 painting 米 metre STEPI vocabulary 在 之上 above rIv n klI adj brId n reIlweI n p st prep t 3 t n fInI v haI adj 河 江 river 天气 晴朗的 clear 桥 railway 铁路 church 路过 越过 bridge 教堂 past 结束 完成 finish high 高的 参观 旅行 tour 广场 square 中间 中等的 famous 著名的 from 油画 middle 从 出发 painting 米 metre CHECKING 在 之上 above tu n skwe n mIdl n adj feIm s adj peIntI n fr m fr m prep mi t n b v prep 河 江 river 天气 晴朗的 clear 桥 railway 铁路 church 路过 越过 bridge 教堂 past 结束 完成 finish high 高的 rIv n klI adj brId n reIlweI n p st prep t 3 t n fInI v haI adj Canyounamethepictures StepII Presentation TowerBridge thefirstbridgeonRiverThames 塔桥 BuckinghamPalace theQueenElizabethII 白金汉宫 livesthere HousesofParliament 议会大厦 thepoliticalcentreofBritish BigBen afamousbigclockintheworld 大本钟 TowerofLondon over900yearsold 伦敦塔 LondonEye It s135metreshigh 伦敦眼 BrainStorm Speakoutthenamesofthepicturesasquicklyasyoucan BuckinghamPalace TowerofLondon NationalGallery HousesofParliament LondonEye TowerBridge Watchapieceofvideoandmarkwhichpicturesarementionedinthevideo 堂堂清 单词拼写 1 广场 2 著名的 3 游览 4 晴朗的 5 油画 6 江 河 7 米 8 在 上方 9 完成 10 桥 11 中间 12 铁路 13 教堂 14 高的 15 路过 16 从 出发 square famous tour clear painting river metre above finish bridge middle railway church high past from Readandrememberthenewwordsandthenameofthoseplaces HOMEWORK Module6Aroundtown Unit2TheLondonEyeisonyourright PeriodII Learningaims Readthepassagetoimproveourreadingskills Mastermoreusefulexpressionsofshowingways Revise namethesepictures BuckinghamPalace TowerofLondon NationalGallery HousesofParliament LondonEye TowerBridge StepI listeningandreading Listenandreadthepassage thenfinishthemapwiththeplacesinActivity1 Tips WhenyoureadEnglish theremaybenewwordsorphrases Someofthemmaybenameswhichyouoftencan ttranslate Lookatwordswhichbeginwithcapitallettersanddecideiftheyarenames NationalGallery BuckinghamPalace HouseofParliament LondonEye TowerofLondon STEPII carefulreading Readthepassagecarefully thenfinishsomeexercises Thesquareis ofLondon isamuseumcalled toBuckinghamPalace theQueenlivesthere Part1 thesquare BuckinghamPalace Para 1 inthemiddle Opposite theNationalGallery Walkalongtheredstreet BuckinghamPalace Part2 youcangototheHouseofParliamentandBigBen TheLondonEyeis anditis metreshigh BigBen Para 2 Turnleft opposite 135 BigBen ThebestwaytoseeLondonis theriver theLondonEyeis theboatatTowerBridge theTowerofLondonis thebridge Itis yearsold Part3 TowerofLondon Para 3toPara4 byboat Goalong onyourright Getoff nextto over900 TowerBridge Part4 thesquare Para 5 TowerBridge station King sstreet church thesquare gopast turnleft gopast back NationalGallery BuckinghamPalace HouseofParliament LondonEye TowerofLondon STEPIII Retell Asktwotouristguidestoshowustheroutes Completethesentences 1 Wheredoesthe start Fromthe oppositetheNationalGallery 2 What stheNationalGallery It sa museumwithlotsofpaintings 3 HowhighdoestheLondonEyetakeyou theRiverThames Onehundredandthirty five 4 WhatcanyouseefromtheLondonEye Ona day mostofLondon 5 whereistheTowerofLondon It snexttoafamous abovebridgeclearfameousmetresquaretoure tour Square famous above metres clear bridge Homework Readthepassageatleastthreetimes Writedirectionsfromyourschooltoyourhome


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