七年级英语上册《Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 1》课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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Unit6 Unit6 Doyoulikebananas SectionA1a 2d What sthat It s milk salad bread anice cream Leadin Whatarethose Theyare bananas oranges tomatoes strawberries hamburgers pears Fruit tomatoes oranges strawberries pears bananas Food bread hamburgers salad Presentation It shisbirthday birthdaydinner Ilikehamburgers Doyoulikehamburgers Yes Ido Let shavetomatoes Oh no Idon tliketomatoes Whataboutanice cream Soundsgood hamburgerstomatoesorangesice creamsaladbananasstrawberriespearsmilkbread d i f h b g c j e a 1a Matchthewordswiththethingsinthepicture Listenandnumbertheconversations 1 3 1b A Doyoulikesalad B No Idon t A Doyoulikebananas B Yes Ido A Doyoulikeoranges B Yes Ido 2 3 1 Listening 1c Doyoulikebananas Yes Ido Doyoulikesalad No Idon t Practicetheconversationabove Thenmakeyourownconversations Doyoulikeoranges Yes Ido Pairwork Doyoulike Yes Ido No Idon t Practice Listenandcirclethefoodyouhear 2a hamburgerspearstomatoesstrawberriesorangesice creamsaladbananas Listening Listenagain Fillintheblanks 2b Let shave Oh no No Idon tlike Ilikehamburgers Doyoulikehamburgers Yes Ido Doyoulike No Idon tlike ice cream tomatoes tomatoes ice cream Listening 2c Practicetheconversationsabove Giveanswersthataretrueforyou Ilikehamburgers Doyoulikehamburgers Yes Ido Pairwork Doyoulike Yes No Let shave Soundsgood No Idon tlikeit 1 It s birthday A Jack sB Bill sC John s2 doesn tlikesalad A TomB JackC John3 Johnlikesburgers salad applesand A strawberriesB pearsC banana Readthedialoguein2d Thenchoosetherightanswers B C A Reading Jack Hey John sbirthdaydinnerisnextweek Let sthinkaboutthefood Tom Sure Howaboutburgers vegetablesalad andsomefruit Bill Soundsgood Johnlikeshamburgers Jack Oh Idon tlikesalad 2d Pairwork Bill ButJohnlikessalad andit shisbirthday Jack Yes you reright Whataboutthefruit Tom IthinkJohnlikesstrawberriesandapples Bill OK Let shavestrawberriesandapplesthen tomatoes西红柿tomatoes是tomato的复数形式 Explanation 以字母o结尾的有生命词 其复数形式在词尾加 es 如图 Mysisterlikestomatoesverymuch 我姐姐喜欢吃西红柿 口诀 黑人英雄爱吃西红柿和马铃薯 potatoes negroes 黑人 heroes tomatoes 2 Howabout 相当于Whatabout 意为 怎么样 是一个用来征询别人的意见 向别人提建议的交际用语 about是介词 后跟名词 代词或动词 ing形式 Howaboutnineo clock 9点钟怎么样 Ilikestrawberries Howaboutyou 我喜欢草莓 你呢 Whatabouthavinghamburgers 吃汉堡包怎么样 3 Let shave 是一个祈使句 表示 让我们吃 喝 吧 Let shavesomeice cream 让我们吃些冰激凌吧 归纳 have是多义词 归纳如下 1 有 拥有 如 Ihaveanewwatch 我有块新手表 2 吃 喝 如 Let shavesomemilkandsomebread 让我们喝些牛奶 吃些面包 3 构成固定短语 havealook看一看 4 sureadv 用作副词 当然 肯定 一定常用来回答一般疑问句 意为 当然 的确 相当于yes或certainly 只是sure在英国英语中较为常用 而在美国英语中常用certainly Areyougoingwithus 你和我们一起去吗 Sure 当然啦 5 dinnern 中午或晚上吃的 正餐dinner指一日中的主餐 可中午吃 也可晚间吃 但多用于指宴请客人的正式的一餐 dinnerparty宴会dinnertable餐桌dinnertime吃饭时间 It stimefordinner 该吃晚饭了 6 weekn 周 星期Sundayisthefirstdayoftheweek 星期日是一周的第一天 lastweek上礼拜thisweek本周nextweek下周 7 thinkabout思考 思索 一般是短时间的较仔细的考虑 Whatdoyouthinkaboutthat 你认为怎么样 I llhavetothinkaboutit 我得想一想 thinkof想到 想象 设想多用来指 想起 认为 Icouldn tthinkofthenameofthatmananyhow 我怎么也想不出那人的名字来了 Let sthinkofsomequestionsaboutlife 让我们对生活设想一些问题吧 1 复习记忆本课所学的生词 2 做个小调查 编写四个问答句 分别询问一下你的家庭成员所喜欢的食物 Doyoulike Yes Ido No Idon t Homework fruit tomatoes oranges strawberries pears bananas Exercises hamburgers salad milk ice cream food bread 二 选词填空 Doyoulike strawberry strawberries 2 Herearesomenice tomatos tomatoes 3 Let s have has applesandbananas 4 Johnlikes milk milks andbread 5 Sam don t doesn t likevegetablesalad 6 Let splayvolleyball Sounds sound good 三 根据图片提示完成句子 1 youlike Yes Ido Ilike too 2 yourfatherlike No He like 3 Let s salad Oh no I salad 4 Let s and That good I them Dostrawberries Doespears doesn tpears have bananas don tlike haveice creamhamburgers soundslike Goodbye Thankyou

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