七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks Section A课件2 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks Section A课件2 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks Section A课件2 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Unit7 Unit7 Howmucharethesesocks SectionAGrammarFocus 3c hat T shirt jacket sweater skirt shorts shoes socks trousers dollars 看图说出下列物品的英语单词 1 sock 复数 2 shoe 复数 3 dollar 复数 4 big 反义词 5 long 反义词 6 white 反义词 7 多少钱 8 绿色的毛衣 9 红色的短裤 10 怎么样 11 要我帮助吗 12 三美元两双 13 我将买着它 们 shoes dollars short socks 按要求写出正确的单词或词组 small black howmuch theredshorts Howabout Whatabout thegreensweater CanIhelpyou threedollarsfortwopairs I lltakeit them Howmuchis are It s They re Workinpairs Askandanswer 1 那顶帽子多少钱 isthathat 2 五美元 five 3 这件T恤衫多少钱 thisT shirt 4 那件棕色的毛衣多少钱 八美元 isthat eight It sdollars Howmuch Howmuchbrownsweater Howmuchis It sdollars 一 重点句型 5 这些袜子多少钱 两美元 Howmuch twodollars 6 那黑色的裤子多少钱 九美元 arethose nice They re Howmuchbrowntrousers arethesesocks They redollars Howmuch询问价格 拓展 1 howmuch还可以用来询问数量的多少 但后面跟不可数名词 Howmuchmilkdoyouneed 你要多少牛奶 Twoboxes 两盒 2 howmuch还可以用来询问程度的深浅 Howmuchdoyouloveyourschool 你多么热爱你的学校 the this that these those 3a Makesentencesinthechartwiththewordsinthethreeboxes yellow greenpurple bluebrown redwhite black T shirt hattrousers skirtsweater socksshorts shoesjacket bag Howmuchis theyellowT shirt Howmuchare theblackshorts thepurplehat thisblackjacket thisgreenskirt thatredbag thatpurplesweater thebrownsocks theredshoes thesewhitetrousers theseblueshorts thosepurplesocks thosegreentrousers thatwhiteskirt thisbrownjacket theblueT shirt 在名词前面应先说定冠词the 或指示代词this these等 再说表示颜色的词 如 thebluebag那个蓝色的书包thoseblackshoes那黑色的鞋子 4 Theyarethreedollars 5 It sninedollars 6 It seightdollars 1 Howmuchisthathat 2 Howmuchisthebag 3 HowmuchistheT shirt It sfivedollars Practice 3b Lookatthepicturesandwritethequestionsandanswers It ssixdollars It stendollars Howmucharethesocks Howmuchisthissweater Howmuchisthatskirt Pairwork StudentsA lookatthepicturesin3bforaminuteandthencloseyourbook StudentB askquestions Howmuchisthathat It sfivedollars Howmuchis are It s They re 3c 1 复习记忆GrammarFocus部分的内容 2 你想买一个黑色书包上学用 模仿2d中的对话 编写一个与售货员的对话 一 用be动词的正确形式填空1 Howmuch thiscomputer 2 What thepriceofthedictionary 3 Howmuch theredshoes 4 Whatprice theblueT shirt 5 Howmuch thesebananas 6 Howmuch thoseblackshorts 7 Whatcolor yourbigsweater 8 Whatcolor yourlongtrousers Exercises is is are is are are is are 二 选词填空 1 Howmuch theblueshorts 2 CanI you Yes please 3 IlikethewhiteT shirt I ll it 4 Theblack onsalearefor 10dollars 5 Thegreenskirt verynice 6 We somepensandpencilsforschool 7 Thered onsaleisonlyeightdollars 8 This ofsocksareonlyonedollars be take shoe need pair help sweater look help are take socks looks need sweater pair 三 根据汉语提示写单词 1 Idon twantthissmallhat Iwanta 大的 one 2 I 需要 ashortsformyson 3 Look That 双 ofshoeslooksnice 4 Thesweaterandthejacketare100 美元 5 Doyoulikethered 袜子 6 多少钱 arethe 长的 T shirt 7 The 紫色的裙子 looksverynice big need pair purpleskirt dollars socks Howmuchlong 四 单项选择1 What doyoulike Green A clothesB colorC thing2 Mary s isredandwhite A T shirtB shoesC shorts3 Ineedapencilbox school A withB onC for B A C 4 Thesocksareonly2yuan I ll them A likeB takeC ask5 istheMP3 It s20dollars A WhatcolorB HowaboutC Howmuch B C 五 看图完成对话1 Howmuch the They 10yuan 2 How the 10 3 arethe 4yuan 4 these 9 areshorts are muchisT shirt It sdollars Howmuchsocks 10 10 4 9 Theyare Howmuchareshoes They redollars 六 辛蒂想买一双鞋子 补全她和导购员的对话 A Whatcolordoyoulike B Yes please C Doyouhavesmallones D I lltakethem E Howmucharethey F You rewelcome Clerk CanIhelpyou Cindy 1 Doyouhaveniceshoes Clerk Yes wedo 2 Cindy Ilikeblackandblue Clerk Whatabouttheseshoes Cindy Theyaregreat Buttheyarebig 3 B C A Clerk Yes Hereyouare Cindy 4 Clerk They re90dollars Cindy 5 Thankyou Clerk 6 D E F Thankyou

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