七年级英语下册《Module 4 Unit 3 Language in use》课件 外研版.ppt

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M4unit3 1 Icanlookaftermyself itwon tbeeasyforme 2 theylovedme Ifeltabitunhappywiththem 3 Myclockrings loudly itwillcertainlywakemeup Although although that 用适当的单词补全句子 Languagepractice so 自主学习 Grammar 1 so that 引导的结果状语从句so that 太 以至于 so后面接形容词或副词 表示程度 that后接从句表示这一程度造成的影响或结果 结果状语从句和让步状语从句 启导精思 e g 1 Weweresonoisythatournext doorneighborcametocomplain 我们太吵了 以致隔壁邻居前来抱怨 2 IwassocarelessthatIforgotsomethingimportant 我真是粗心 以致忘记了重要的事情 3 HespeakssofastthatIcannotunderstandhim 他说话太快了 以致我没理解他的意思 so that 太 形容词 副词 以至于 程度 启导精思 2 让步状语从句 although though though常用语口语 引导的让步状语从句 尽管 但是 e g 1 Icanlookaftermyself althoughitwon tbeeasyforme 我还是可以照顾自己的 虽然这对我来说不容易 2 AlthoughKevinisalone heisveryhappyatfirst 尽管凯文独自一人 在家 但他刚开始还是挺高兴的 启导精思 注意 汉语中 虽然 尽管 与 但是 往往同时使用 但在英语中却不是这样 e g Idonotoftenmakedinner butIcancook 我不经常做饭 但是我会做 AlthoughIdonotoftenmakedinner Icancook 虽然我不经常做饭 但是我会做 对比这两个句子可以看出 在英语中 although与but通常是不能同时使用的 启导精思 adj adv n many much few little 不能同时 so that 结果 让步 启导精思 Module4unit3 1 LinFenghastoworklate shealwayswearsasmileonherface BecauseB IfC UnitlD Though2 Mymotherpreferstotakeabustoheroffice shehasacarofherown ifB becauseC althoughD until3 Ithinkhe sbeendrinking I mnotcompletelysure A ifB thoughC untilD as 因为 句子如果直到 才虽然 4 I masingeris aninterestingTVshow manypeoplelikewatchingit so thatB such thatC so asD such as5 Hewas tired hecouldnotgoonwalking too toB such thatC so that so adj adv 从句 such 名词 词组 从句 HomeAlonefortheFirstTimeMyparentshavegonetoShanghaionbusiness soIstayathomealone Inthemorning Itidiedupmybedroomandwashedmyclothes Atnoon Icookedforthefirsttime Itwasaverysimple butsimplydeliciouslunch Intheafternoon Ididmyhomeworkfirst andthenwatchedTV AlthoughI veneverstayedathomealonebefore I mdoingverywell I mreallyproudofmyself 一 ordershuttaskcoupleaddressplatformringburnsofaempty 1 ThismorningIwenttoworkinsuchahurrythatI thekeytomyofficeathome A forgotB leftC missedD lost2 Doyouhave totellus somethingnewB anythingnewC newsomethingD newanything3 Itwas lovelyweather wedecidedtospendthedayonthebeach such thatB so thatC too toD enough to 4 Wewenttotherailwaystationandsawourfriends A overB withC offD on5 I dlovetogotoBeijing A SodoIB SoamIC NeitheramID SowouldI6 Pleasecheckyourhomeworkto therearenomistakes A thinkofB tryoutC findoutD makesure seesb off为某人送行 7 MrsBiggsisilltodayandsheis togiveusalecture gladB unableC freeD unhappy8 Inmyopinion isimpossibleforustogettherebefore7pm itB thisC thatD there beunabletodosth 不能做某事 9 MrBrownhasgotabadcold hedoesn twanttotaketheafternoonoff BeforeB BecauseC SinceD Although10 I mleavingforParistomorrow HaveagoodtripB GoodluckC ThesametoyouD Welldone take off请假 Whatarethetwomajordutiesforpoliceofficersaccordingtothepassage Keeppeoplesafeandprotectpeople sproperty B Killbadpeopleanddirecttraffic C Answercallsandfightwithbadpeople D Lookformissingpersonsandanswerquestions P1L1 3 Theyhelpkeeppeoplesafeandtheyprotectpeople sproperty 财产 2 Accordingtothepassage policeofficershelpkeeppeoplesafeinmanywaysEXCEPT A answeringcallsforhelpB directingtrafficC catchingcriminalsD findingmissingdogs P1L3 6 3 Theunderlinedword speeding means inChinese A 正常行驶B 超速行驶C 减速行驶D 低速行驶4 Fromthepassageweknowthat A beingapoliceofficerisveryeasyB thepolice sworkisnottiringordangerousC wecallthepolicewhenwefeelsafeD mostofthepolicehavereceivedspecialtraining P3L4whenthepoliceseeaspeedingcar theywillstopit P4L3 5Mostofthemhavereceivedspecialtrainingtodowithsuddenorspecialaccidents 5 WhichoneisTRUEaccordingtothepassage A Aspeedingcarcancauseanaccident B Mostpoliceofficerspatrolonfoot C Wecan tseepoliceofficersinparks D Apersonwhoistryingtoopenthedoorwillbecaughtbythepolice 1 hewastired hekeptonworking A ThoughB ButC AsD If2 Althoughheisveryold heisquitestrong A B butC howeverD because3 Susanwasn tlateforclass shegotuplate A butB andC althoughD but 虽然但是随着如果 但是然而因为 4 Heis oldtowalkonhisown A tooB soC suchD as5 Hestudiedmedicine hecouldbecomeadoctor A soB sothatC suchthatD suchas6 Ihurriedtoschool gotoschoolintime A soB inordertoC sothatD suchthat too to 太 而不能 为了 inorderto V原 sothat如此 以至于 目的 7 Idon toftenmakedinner Icancook A AlthoughB ButC IfD Assoonas8 Ididn tgobyplane Iwasafraidofflyinghigh A becauseB soC althoughD but9 Theteamwalkedveryfast theywerethefirsttogettothetop A soB sothatC inordertoD suchthat 虽然但是如果一 就 因为所以虽然但是 为了sothat 句子 inoderto V原 10 Hisfatherwalked fast hecouldn tcatchupwithhim A so thatB such thatC too toD such as11 TheboycanspeakbothEnglishandFrench heisonlyten A becauseB sinceC althoughD but12 Heis afamouswriterthatallpeopleinChinaknowhim A suchB tooC soD as so 形容词 that 从句 因为既然虽然但是 such 名词 that 从句 13 We dbetterhurry itisgettingdark A ifB becauseC inordertoD and14 carefulwiththetrafficwhenyouwalkonthestreet A BeB BeingC AreD Been15 hehasmadeuphismind wecandonothingbuttosaygoodlucktohim A AsB SinceC BecauseD When 既然 祈使句 V原放句首 16 thesunwasnotyetup manypeoplewerealreadytakingexerciseinthesquare A becauseB sinceC althoughD but17 Iknockedonthedoorbut answered A somebodyB nobodyC anybodyD everybody18 It sbadforyou youeattoomuchjunkfood A ifB becauseC inordertoD and 19 Ifourparentsdoeverythingforourchildren wewon tlearntodependon A themB usC themselvesD ourselves20 Hewas tired hefellasleepassoonashelaydown A too toB so thatC such thatD enough that So 形容词 that 句子 1 出门时确保你关好门 2 睡觉前你应该关掉电脑 3 我妈妈每天早晨六点钟把我叫醒 4 他说英语说得非常好 尽管他才五岁 5 他昨晚睡得太晚以至于今天上课睡着了 Makesureyouclosethedoorbeforeyougoout Youshouldturnoffthecomputerbeforeyougotosleep Mymotherwakesmeupat6 00ameveryday Althoughheisfiveyearsold hespeaksEnglishverywell Heslepttoolatelastnightsothathefellasleepinclasstoday Charleswasamiddle agedman He 1 inavillage Charleswascomplainingallthetime Whenthedaywassunny Charlessaid 2 wastoohot Whenthebirdswere 3 hesaidtheyweretooloud Charlessaidpartieswere 4 crowdedandflowersweretoocolorful Oneday Charleswalkedaroundhisgarden Hecomplainedthatthecarrotsweretooorange 5 hethoughtthetreesweretootall Then abluebirdarrivedathis 6 lived it singing too And garden Itwasamagicbird 7 birdsaid Iheardenoughofyourcomplaining Youcomplainalldayandnight Iamgoingtogiveyouthreewishes thenmaybeyou ll 8 complaining Onlythreewishes Whycan tIhave 9 thanthree askedCharles Forgetit Nowishesforyou shoutedthebird Thenitflew 10 Theywereprobablytheworstwishesintheworld complainedCharles stop more The away


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