七年级英语上册 Unit 1 This is me Reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Unit 1 This is me Reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 1 This is me Reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 1 This is me Reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第3页
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Unit1Thisisme ReadingII Luckynumbers 1 2 3 5 6 7 4 Millie 12 schoolshort love Use I toretell 2 Let s letsbdosth让某人做某事让我们一起去购物Let sgoshopping让我打扫教室Letmecleantheclassroom Canyoumakemoresentences 1 她十二岁Sheis12yearsold sheisa12 year oldgirl likedoingsth lovedoingsth enjoydoingsth Millielovesreading SheisintheReadingClub Tomloves Heisinthe John Heisinthe swimming SwimmingClub lovesrunning RunningClub WhatdoesMillielovedoing likedoingsth 喜欢做某事 1 我喜欢听音乐但是他喜欢听收音机 Ilike enjoylisteningtomusicbuthelikes enjoyslisteningtotheradio lovedoingsth 热爱做某事 2 我热爱跑步但是我堂兄热爱游泳 Ilove enjoy likerunningbutmycousinloves enjoys likesswimming enjoydoingsth 喜欢做某事 Simontalllike love afterschool Use he toretell Sandytallandslimhairlike Use She toretell Daniel wearisfromisgoodat comefrom be amisare from 来自于 Simon的父母来自于上海 我的父母来自北京 他不是来自英国 Simon sparentscomefromShanghai Simon sparentsarefromShanghai MyparentscomefromBeijing MyparentsarefromBeijing Hedoesn tcomefromEngland Heisn tfromEngland be am is are goodatsth doingsth Begoodat dowellin becleverat1 我数学学得很好 2 他善于打篮球 3 她很善于游泳吗 Iamgoodatmaths Heisgoodatplayingbasketball Isshegoodatswimming wearglasses戴眼镜 他经常戴眼镜 Heoftenwearsglasses wearapairofglasses 戴一副眼镜 Congratulations Exercise 1 Shelikes read booksonSundays 2 Theboyloves play footballafterschool 3 Childrenenjoy eat snacksintheevening 4 Amyisgoodat swim 5 Let s wait forDanielafterschool 6 MissLin love herstudents Herstudents like hertoo reading playing eating swimming wait loves like Exercises 1 SimoncomesfromShanghai Simon Shanghai 2 Millie scousinoftenhelpsothers Millie scousinisvery 3 Daniellikesplayingcomputergames Daniel computergames isfrom helpful loves enjoysplaying 4 Amylovesswimming Amy swimming 5 Amy擅长游泳吗 Amy swimming 6 格蕾丝的双胞胎兄弟不戴眼镜 他很有趣 乐于助人 Grace stwinbrother He s 7 你喜欢放学后听音乐吗 你加入歌唱俱乐部了吗 Doyouenjoy afterschool Areyou theSingingClub likes enjoys Is goodat doesn twearglasses listeningtomusic in funnyandhelpful 8 鲍勃的表哥在跑步俱乐部 9 他的妈妈是从哪里来的 她从云南来 10 他们擅长画画 让他们画吧 Bob scousinisintheRunningClub Whereishismotherfrom Wheredoeshismothercomefrom Sheis comesfromYunnan Theyaregoodatdrawing Letthemdraw Letsb dosth Translation 翻译 米莉十二岁了 她出生在上海 她喜欢听音乐 而且她在音乐俱乐部里 她也擅长游泳 Millieis12yearsold andshewasborninShanghai Sheloveslisteningtomusic andsheisintheMusicClub Sheisgoodatswimming too Makeaconclusion AgeNameLivingplaceAppearance外貌特征Hobbiesothers Myprofile Whatisyourname Mynameis Wheredoyoulive Ilivein Howoldareyou Iam HairIhave hairand eyes tall Iam Ilike SaysomethingaboutyourselfName Age Class Grade Livingplace Appearance whatyouarelike Hobbies whatyoulike Others myprofile

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