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直击中考 单项填空 D 1 安徽中考 Itisnecessaryforschoolstotheneedofallthestudents development A cutB hideC refuseD satisfy A 2 宜昌中考 HaveyouheardofacoolwashingmachinecalledBicycleWashingMachine Yes it sanewbyagroupofChineseuniversitystudents A inventionB informationC instructionD introduction B 3 黄冈中考 Couldyoutakeouttherubbishanddothedishes Tony Sure Mumwillbemadifsheseesthis Ithink A matterB messC troubleD difficulty D 4 乌鲁木齐中考 IsawMrWhiteinhisofficejustnow No itbehim HehasBeijingandwillcomebacknextFriday A mustn t gonetoB mustn t beentoC can t beentoD can t goneto B 5 广东中考 Suewasn thappybecauseshetheconcertgivenbyherfavouritesinger A missesB missedC willmissD ismissing C 6 河北中考 Don ttakethedictionaryaway Iit A useB usedC amusingD haveused C 7 天水中考 I lllendyouthestorybookassoonasIit A willfinishreadingB willfinishtoreadC finishreadingD finishtoread B 8 达州中考 What sthematter Jack IdownwhileIontheice Igothurtbadly A wasfelling skatedB fell wasskatingC fell skatedD wasfalling skating A 9 天津中考 Theearthisaplanetanditaroundthesun A goesB goC willgoD went C 10 武威中考 Thestoryisreally Itmakesallofuslaughalot A correctB boringC humorousD direct 阅读理解 安徽中考 Children sgamesinancientChinaDuringancienttimes childrendidn thavemuchtoenjoythemselves However theycameupwithinterestinggamestoplayintheirchildhood D 1 Accordingtothetext thegameofkickingastoneballwas A playedinsummerB likeflyingkitesC inventedinBeijingD popularinNorthChina C 2 Howishide and seekusuallyplayed A Oneplaysandotherswatch B Otherslaughandonemustcry C Othershideandonetriestofind D Onerunsandotherstrytocatch A 3 Whatdoestheunderlinedword feature meaninChinese A 特征B 地貌C 五官D 影片 D 4 Whichancientgameislikewatchingafilm A Kickingstoneballs B Flyingkites C Playinghide and seek D Watchingshadowplays

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