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用单词所给的适当形式填空 1 Where be youfrom 2 I be fromBeijing aream3 Hisname be JohnBrown 4 SallyandMichael be fromJapan 5 Welcometo English England6 she nameisMaria Her7 Pleasegivethisletterto she her8 Idon tknow they them 根据要求完成句子 1 LiuYingisfromShanghai 划线提问 LiuYingfrom Whereis2 HeisYukio 改为一般疑问句 IsheYukio 3 I mZhouweilun 同义句转换 Zhouweilun Mynameis4 AreyoufromEnglish 做肯定回答 根据汉语提示完成句子 Whatclassareyouin I min 九年七班 Classseven GradeNineWhat syour 电话号码 phonenumberWhois 那 She sNancy 几岁 areyou I m 十三岁 What sthis 用英语 It s 一个苹果 inEnglishanapple 大扰了 Isthis 一把尺子 Excusemearuler 不用谢 1 这是个橘子吗 不 它不是橘子 anorange it 2 你怎么拼写 apple doyou apple 3 这用英语怎么讲 this 4 Whatare 那些 Theyare 十二辆公共汽车 5 Areyouin 同一个班级 答案 Isit Yesis Howspell What sinEnglish thosetwelvebuses thesameclass 句型转换 1 AretheseEnglishbook 作肯定回答 Yes 2 Thatisabox 改为复数形式 3 WhataretheseinEnglish 改为单数句 inEnglish 4 Theyareschoolbags 改为否定句 They 答案 theyare Thoseareboxes Whatisit aren tschoolbags 用be is am are 或have has填空 1 I fromHenanbuthe Anhui 2 Myhair shortbutshe longhair 3 Thatgirl bigeyesandbigears 4 Herfeet smallandherhands small too 5 They roundfaces 答案 amis ishas has are are have 句型转换 1 Hehaslongarmsandlegs 一般疑问 he longarmsandlegs 2 TheyarefromEngland 同义句 They England 3Weareindifferentgrades 用same改写 Weare in same 4 Doyouandyoursisterlookdifferent No 答案 Doeshave comeform notthegrade wearen t 翻译题 1 这支笔是我的 Thepenismine 2 请把这封信给他 Pleasgivehimtheletter 3 这是你的学校吗 Isthisyourscool 4 这是我的笔 Thisismypen 5 这是谁的自行车 是她的 Whosebikeisthis Itishers 6 简 这是你的吗 不 不是我的 是安的Jane isthisyours No it snotmine it sAn s 7 他的鞋子是白色而我的是红的 Hisshoesesarewhite andminearered 1 HeisLisa sgrandfather SheisLisa sgrandmother 合并成一句 Theyare 2 in is sister the girl my red 连成句子 3 TheboyisLily sbrother 同义句转换 Lily s is 4 ThewomanonthesofaisTom smon Tom smon 答案 Lisa sgrandparents Thegirlinredismysister brothertheboy Whois 1 我家里有4个人 Theyarefourpeople 2 他们是谁 3 you anybrother 你有兄弟吗 4 yourfather 你父亲在哪里工作 Heworks 在农场 5 Whoistheyoungwoman 穿红色衣服的 She smyEnglishteacher Please 请坐 Doyouhavea 笔友 答案 inmyfamily Whoarethey Dohave Wheredowork inthefarm inred haveasit penpal 一 单选题 1 Theteacherteaches Chinese A IB meC myD mine2 Mymotherisathome She mygrandpa A lookafterB looksafterC lookatD looksat3 Look Thisisaphoto mysister A inB onC ofD with 4 Mymotherisanurse Sheworks AinhospitalB inahospitalC athospitalD atahospital5 Johngrandparentslive him ShanghaiA in withB with inC in inD with with6 Myfatherisa A cookerB cookC cooksD cooking 7 Thecat likeahat A lookB islookC islooksD looks8 Mr Liu meEnglish A teachB teachesC toteachD teachs9 Istheman blue father Yes heis A in Tim sandMary sB in TimandMary sC with TimandMary sD with Tim sandMary s 10 looksafterRose A WhodoesB WhoC WhoseD How11 Is nameKate No nameLily A Lucysister sB Lucy ssisterC LucysisterD Lucy ssister s12 Idon tlikeapples butmymother themalot A verywell like Bmuch likesCatall likesD verymuch likenotatall一点也不 13 Wouldyoulike milkplease No thanks AnyB someC acupD cupof14 What somemilk Goodidea A InB onC ofD about 一 单选题 16 WhereisMaryfrom Sheisfrom andsheis A English EnglishB England EnglishC England EnglandD English English 17 Canyou No Ican t A swimB swimingC swimmingD swims 18 HisnameisJohnSmith Wecancallhim A MrsSmithB MrsJohnC MrJohnD MrSmith 19 IsAlice toMike Yes sheis A nextB behindC frontD in 20 somemilkinthefridge A TherehaveB TherehasC ThereareD Thereis 21 LucyisDavid sdaughter butDavidisn tLucy smother DavidisLucy s A motherB fatherC uncleD aunt 22 Linda gotabike Herparents gotacar A have haveB has hasC have hasD has have 23 Isthisyourpen A Yes it sB No itisC Yes itisD Yes it snot 24 Pleasesitdown MissLi A No IstandB ThankyouC HelloD Goodbye 25 Samlikeschocolates hedoesn tlikemilk A andB orC butD so 26 Isthis dictionary No dictionaryisinthebag A you myB you IC your myD your I 27 LiMing upatseveno clockeveryday A isgetB getsC isgetingD isgetting 28 HappyNewYear A Yes I mhappyB ThankyouallthesameC VerywellD Thesametoyou 29 Henry hishomeworkatschool A doesn tdoB doesn tC don tdoD doesn tdoes 30 isthecoat It swhite A WhatB WhereC WhatcolourD How 31 WehavetwoChineselessons Friday A onB atC inD of 32 Thisisaphotoofmy birthday Look Weareveryhappy A mumB mum sC motherD motheris 33 Nicetomeetyou A Howareyou B Goodmorning C Nicetomeetyou too D Thankyou 34 It shalf seven Let sgotoschool A atB inC pastD to 1 我们想去动物园 We togotothezoo 2 我们也可以看到猴子 狮子 老虎和大象 Wecanseemonkeys and too 3 让我们9点在我家碰面吧 Let smeet 9o clock myhome 4 打扰了 请问几点了 Excuseme thetime please 答案 want lionselephant atin What s 1 六点了 该起床了 Itissixo clock Itistimeto 2 该是回家的时候了 Itistime 3 现在8点了 该是去动物园了 It s8o clock It stime 4 几点了 该看动物的时间了吗 What sthe ittimeto animals 答案 getup togohome timeIssee

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