2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note grammar课时作业(8).docx

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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note grammar课时作业.阅读理解A2019合肥市质量检测A seemingly small gesture at a restaurant outside Houston that wasnt part of the job description for a Waffle House waitress has now had a big effect on her life.It happened last weekend, when 18yearold Evoni Williams was serving an elderly man breakfast. He needed help. So Williams leaned over the table with a fork and a knife and cut up his ham for him. It might have ended there, but a customer named Laura Wolf was struck enough to take a picture and post it online.“I didnt know the photo was taken until a couple of hours later,” Williams told the Houston Chronicle. “When I saw it, its just something I would do for anybody. I was so busy in here, and I actually took the time to stop and hear what he had to say instead of walking past him.”It apparently meant something to others too. As of Sunday, more than 130,000 people had reacted to the post and nearly 7,000 have shared it. But the story has extended beyond the Internet. Williams, a recent Texas City High School graduate, was honored at a ceremony, Thursday, with a $16,000 scholarship to Texas Southern University. Williams has reportedly been working fulltime at the Waffle House to earn money toward school. Texas Southern University has assigned a counselor to help her begin her degree and she is planning to study business management.Media at the local, national and international level have all picked up on the story. It is a moment among several in recent years, captured in a picture, put online, and capturing the attention of the Internet: like a New York City police officer giving a homeless man a pair of boots, or a restaurant goer whose wife died of cancer anonymously (匿名地) paying for the meal of another cancer patient.体裁:夹叙夹议文题材:社会生活主题:餐馆女服务员的善意之举【语篇解读】餐馆服务员Evoni Williams一次善意的行为被顾客Laura Wolf拍照并上传到网络,接着引起很多关注并由此得到了奖学金和学业上的帮助。【难句分析】When I saw it, its just something I would do for anybody.分析:本复合句中When引导时间状语从句,I would do for anybody为定语从句,修饰先行词something,其中省略了关系代词that。译文:当我看见它的时候,那只是一些我愿意为任何人做的事情。1Why did Laura Wolf take the photo and post it online?AShe was really into recording some small gestures.BShe wanted to draw attention to the restaurant.CShe was touched by the considerate waitress.DShe got paid by the restaurant to do so.答案与解析:C考查细节理解。根据第二段第四句中的“but a customer named Laura Wolf was struck enough to take a picture and post it online”可知,Laura Wolf拍照上传网上的原因是那位体贴的服务员的行为感动了她,故选C项。2What words can be used to best describe Evoni Williams?AIndependent and caring.BPatient and curious.CKind and generous.DEnergetic and lucky.答案与解析:A考查推理判断。根据第三段的最后两句“When I saw it, its just something I would do for anybody. instead of walking past him”和第四段倒数第二句“Williams has reportedly been working fulltime at the Waffle House to earn money toward school”可推知,Evoni Williams是一个独立且关心他人的人。3Why is a New York City police officer mentioned in the last paragraph?ATo prove the power of the media.BTo advocate helping those in need.CTo show more people tend to use the Internet.DTo argue the Internet is the center of attention.答案与解析:A考查推理判断。根据最后一段的前两句“Media at the local, national and international level have all picked up on the story. It is a moment among several in recent years, captured in a picture, put online, and capturing the attention of the Internet”可知,此处意在强调媒体有巨大的作用,后面举的三个例子应是为了说明这一结论,故选A。4Which of the following can be the best title for the text?AWide web, colorful lifeBSmall gesture, big effectCLittle effort, big rewardDYoung mind, great influence答案与解析:B考查标题判断。根据第一段“A seemingly small gesture at a restaurant outside Houston that wasnt part of the job description for a Waffle House waitress has now had a big effect on her life”及下文女服务员因一次小的善意之举而获得很多关注并得到大学奖学金和学业上的帮助可推知,这篇文章的主旨是“小举动,大影响”,故选B项。B2019成都第一次诊断Food blogs, celebrities, and nutritionists all advocate the benefits of eating organic (有机的) fruits and vegetables. But a new study published in Science Advances paints a more complex picture. While organic produce is likely slightly healthier to eat and, in some ways, more sustainable to grow, there are also downsides.Organic fruits and vegetables typically cost more than conventional ones. To get a certificate as organic, farmers must meet specific criteria, including growing produce without the use of genetic engineering and chemical inputs. Without these methods, the growing process typically requires more labor, time, and money, a cost that is passed down to consumers.Its true that in many ways, organic farming is more sustainable than conventional farming. But when it comes to environmental concerns such as greenhouse gas output and water loss, the comparison gets complex. Organic farms produce less greenhouse gas output per acre. However, because they are barred from using genetic engineering, pesticides (杀虫剂), and other methods that increase efficiency (效率), organic farms also produce an estimated 19% to 25% less yield than conventional farms. While there isnt a whole lot of research on the topic, the few studies that do exist suggest greenhouse gas output and water loss might actually be higher on organic farms, on a per unit basis, says study author Verena Seufert.In addition, while organic produce is likely more nutritious than conventional fruits and vegetables, theres not a lot of evidence to support the claim that these often slight differences influence consumer health. The same is true for the pesticide remainder. In developed countries, where pesticide use is tightly regulated, theres no scientific consensus on how these often slight differences influence human health.Still, Seufert stresses that if you can afford to eat organic produce, you should do so. Organic farms provide safer work environments for workers, plus they support great biodiversity. The real takeaway from her study is not that organic produce is bad but that the practice needs more studies to increase the yield without lowering sustainability.But if you cant afford to buy organic produce, dont stress too much, particularly from a nutritional perspective.【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文,主要介绍了有机农产品的一些情况,体现了学科核心素养中的“环保意识、健康饮食意识”的文化品格。【难句分析】In developed countries, where pesticide use is tightly regulated, theres no scientific consensus on how these often slight differences influence human health.分析:该句为主从复合句。句中where pesticide use is tightly regulated为where引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词developed countries;句中how these often slight differences influence human health为how引导的宾语从句,作介词on的宾语。译文:在发达国家,杀虫剂的使用受到严格管制,在这些常常是细微的差异如何影响人类健康方面,没有科学的共识。5What does the underlined word “downsides” in Paragraph 1 most probably mean?ADangers BDrawbacks.CBenefits. DDifferences.答案与解析:B考查词义猜测和归纳与构建能力。根据第一段最后一句“While organic produce is likely slightly healthier to eat and, in some ways, more sustainable to grow, there are also downsides”可知,虽然有机农产品可能稍微健康些,但在某些方面,也有其缺点。再结合语境和下文陈述的有机农产品的缺点可以判断,画线词应指有机农产品不好的一面,B项意为“缺点”,故B项正确。6Which key factor makes it hard to compare organic farming with conventional farming when it comes to environmental concerns?AThe yield. BThe price.CThe water loss. DThe labor.答案与解析:A考查细节理解和观察与比较的能力。根据题干关键词“hard to compare”定位至第三段第二句“But when it comes to environmental concerns such as greenhouse gas output and water loss, the comparison gets complex”,由此可知,当涉及诸如温室气体排放和水资源损失等环境问题时,比较传统农业和有机农业就困难了;根据第三段其他内容可知,虽然有机农业与传统农业相比更可持续,但因为不能使用基因工程技术、杀虫剂及其他提高效率的方法,有机农业的产量相对低,故产量是使得两者之间的比较变得困难的重要因素。A项意为“产量”,故A项正确。7Which of the following will the author most probably agree with?AFarmers work environment should be improved.BOrganic produce should be made more efficiently.CIt isnt wise for consumers to buy organic products.DThe pesticide remainder do no harm to peoples health.答案与解析:B考查推理判断。根据第三段第四句可知,由于禁止使用基因工程技术和杀虫剂等,有机农场的产量估计会比传统农场的产量低19%至25%。据此可以判断,应当提高有机农业的生产效率,故B项正确。第五段的最后一句亦是提示。8In the authors opinion, why should we support organic produce?AIts environmentally friendly.BIts more nutritious.CIt helps keep the variety of plants.DIts safer for consumers.答案与解析:C考查推理判断。根据第五段第二句“Organic farms provide safer work environments for workers, plus they support great biodiversity”可知,有机农场为工人提供更安全的工作环境,而且有机农场有助于保持生物多样性。据此可以判断,我们应当提倡有机农产品的原因之一是能保持生物的多样性,故C项正确。

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