2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 5 Travelling abroad grammar课时作业(3).docx

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Unit 5 Travelling abroad grammar课时作业第一节完形填空I believe that with hard work and dedication (奉献) anything can be achieved. In life I had a _1_ that taught me this exact belief.The symbol that_2_ me of this hard work and dedication is my Lewandowski jersey (运动衫). This jersey has been an important_3_ of my life for a long time. In college, I _4_ it on many occasions to play soccer. The day I _5_ hard work and dedication could get a person to where he wanted to be, was just the _6_ day I received my jersey. My family was on a vacation in Poland. One day, my dad_7_ me to my first Polish International Friendly. This was a soccer_8_ that was played in Poland against other national teams. The purpose of the game was to work hard to win. My dad_9_ me my Lewandowski jersey before we entered the _10_. Lewandowski had been having an amazing season as Polands _11_ goal scoring striker. The day we went, Poland was playing Germany. Germany was the _12_ team in the world, and Poland was about the twentieth._13_, it was obvious that Germany was going to win easily. However, Lewandowski didnt_14_ it that way. He was determined to work hard and score some goals for Poland, and to hopefully win. Lewandowski_15_ twice alone and he together with his teammates continued to fight _16_ hard. I saw Lewandowski sweating and downright exhausted from the incredible(难以置信的) game._17_ the Polish team won.I saw what hard work looked like. I made up my mind to become the best that I can be. The jersey for me is a(n)_18_ of what it takes to become _19_ great. It shows me that it takes hard work and determination to_20_ the goals that we want to achieve.【话题】个人情感【文章大意】本文是记叙文。波兰运动员Lewandowski奋力拼搏战胜德国队的精神令作者备受鼓舞:只要努力拼搏,我们的目标就有可能实现。1A.problem BtruthCteacher Dlesson解析:D由下文的描述可知,“我”的这一信念来自于生活中的“经验教训(lesson)”一次观看足球比赛的经历。2A.reminds BinformsCwarns Dpersuades解析:A由下文的描述可知,让“我”“想起(reminds)”刻苦努力与奉献的是一件Lewandowski运动衣。3A.event BpartCdream Dmoment解析:B由下文中的on many occasions to play soccer可知,这件Lewandowski运动衣是“我”生活中重要的一“部分 (part)”。4A.liked BnoticedCwore Dvalued解析:C在大学时,“我”在很多踢足球的场合都“穿(wore)”那件运动衣。5A.imagined BguessedCdoubted Drealized答案:D6A.previous BsameCfollowing Dother解析:B由下文的描述可知,“我”“意识到(realized)”努力和奉献会让一个人成功正是“我”收到那件Lewandowski运动衣的“同一(same)”天。7A.invited BintroducedCtook Dallowed解析:C由下文的描述可知,父亲“带(took)”“我”去观看“我”有生以来看到的第一场国际间的足球赛。8A.game BteamCball Dactivity解析:A由下文中的The purpose of the game was to work hard to win可知, Polish International Friendly是国际水平的足球“比赛(game)”。9A.lent BfoundCgave Dbought答案:D10A.ground BtheaterCstadium Dhall解析:C由上下文的描述可知,父亲在进入“体育场(stadium)”前给“我”“买了(bought)”一件Lewandowski运动衣。11A.common BtopCproud Dlast解析:B由下文的描述可推知,Lewandowski是波兰队“顶尖的(top)”进球前锋。12A.best BnewestCbusiest Drapidest解析:A由下文中的Poland was about the twentieth和Germany was going to win easily可知,德国队是世界上“最好的 (best)”足球队。13A.Then BBesidesCInstead DTherefore解析:D由上下文的描述可知,波兰队和德国队实力悬殊,“因此(Therefore)”,德国队将轻松获胜。14A.play BlearnCsee Dkeep解析:C由下文中的He was determined to work hard and score some goals for Poland, and to hopefully win可知,然而, Lewandowski并不这么“看(see)”。15A.competed BscoredCrested Dappeared解析:B由下文中的the Polish team won可知,Lewandowski“进球(scored)”两次。16A.extremely BexactlyCsimply Dregularly解析:ALewandowski和其他队友继续“奋战(fight extremely hard)”。17A.In time BIn totalCAt once DAt last解析:D最终“(At last)”,波兰队获胜。18A.memory BsignCeffort Dattempt解析:B由上文中的symbol可知,这件运动衣对于“我”来说是一种“标志(sign)”。19A.anything BeverythingCsomething Dnothing解析:C由文中的描述可知,此处指如何成为“伟大的人(something great)”。20A.reach BcatchCbuild Ddecide解析:A由该空后的the goals that we want to achieve可知,要达到目标需要决心和努力工作。第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)2019山东预测 Im writing to tell you that a great time we had at the Sour Grapes concert last weekend. Its great pity that you didnt come. The concert, which took place in the football stadium for the three time, was so exciting and lasted for two and a half hours. There were about 80,000 peoples there. While we were waiting to get in, and the band arrived by car. Taking a close look for them made us feel so happily. Ill send you some photos taking by my classmate Alex. By the way, the Sour Grapes would give a big concert in the same place next month. Perhaps you can see him then.答案:Im writing to tell you tha a great time we had at the Sour Grapes concert last weekend. Its great pity that you didnt come. The concert, which took place in the football stadium for the thre time, was so exciting and lasted for two and a half hours. There were about 80,000 people there. While we were waiting to get in, the band arrived by car. Taking a close look fo them made us feel so happil. Ill send you some photos takin by my classmate Alex. By the way, the Sour Grapes woul give a big concert in the same place next month. Perhaps you can see hi then.that改为what。考查宾语从句的连接词。本句是一个含有感叹句的复合句。此处是“whata/anadj.n.”的感叹句型,在句中作tell的宾语,故将that改为what。great前加a。考查冠词。Its a (great) pity that.表示“很遗憾”,为固定句型。three改为third。此处指的是第三次,要用序数词。peoples改为people。考查名词单复数。people作可数名词时表示“民族”;作“人们”讲时,属于集合名词,不能加s。删除and。考查连词。本句是含有While引导的时间状语从句的复合句,此时,主句和从句之间不能再出现连词。for改为at。考查介词。take/have a look at“看”,为固定短语。happily改为happy。考查形容词。feel在本句中是系动词,表示“感受到”,其后应接形容词作表语。taking改为taken。考查非谓语动词。photos与动词take之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,所以要用过去分词修饰photos。would改为will。考查时态。Sour Grapes将在下个月在同一地点举办演唱会,故要用一般将来时。him改为them。考查代词。根据上文中提到的them和乐队里不止一个成员的常识可知,这里应该用them。第三节书面表达(满分25分)2019南昌模拟 假定你是李华,计划申请去英国的一所学校学习,希望你的英国朋友Tony帮忙推荐学校,请给他写封邮件,内容包括:1自我情况介绍;2期望推荐学校;3表示感谢。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【范文赏读】Dear Tony,How is everything going? Im planning to study in the UK, but I have no idea which school I should choose. Could you give me some advice?I do well in listening and reading but have trouble in writing and speaking. So are there any schools aiming at improving students writing and speaking abilities? Whats more, I dont want to study all the time. Its boring.I prefer a school that can offer some courses in sailing, volleyball, boating or other sports besides language study. I would appreciate it if you could offer some suggestions.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua【一句多译】Listening and reading are my strengths, but writing and speaking are my weaknesses.表达方式一:Additionally, I dont want to study all the time, which is boring.表达方式二:In addition, I want to have fun besides studying. You know studying all the time is boring.表达方式一:So a school offering some courses in sailing, volleyball, boating or other sports besides language study is preferred.表达方式二:Id like to choose a school with some courses in sailing, volleyball, boating or other sports besides language study.第四节. 语法填空2019郑州预测 I lost my last debate in the recent National High School Academic Debate & Speech Tournament held in Shanghai. But instead of focusing on my _1_ (fail), I stopped to reflect on my experiences in the past few years _2_ a debater.In general, preparing for new debate topics usually _3_ (include) brainstorming arguments, researching a resolution (解决), and doing debate practice. So if you spot a debating group, you might see us sitting together after school, or even all day at weekends, discussing arguments and researching evidence. You might also notice us arguing _4_ (fierce) anywhere we can.Not only are they supportive, but my debate friends also have similar passions and interests to mine. As we discuss debate topics, my fellow debaters and I can talk about anything, from _5_ best way of rehabilitating (改造) criminals to the negative points of free immigration policies. However, our discussions are more than just a way _6_ (practice) our debating skills. In my mind, they help us to become calm and consider _7_ (win) and solving real problems as well.To me, the debating community is a great place _8_ people help each other not only because theyre interested in a higher cause, but because they care about how people from different _9_ (background) can lead better lives. Im grateful to each of my debate friends and every single minute we got to spend together. Indeed, my high school life would be incomplete without them. So even though I _10_ (defeat) in my last debate, Im still thankful for being part of my wonderful debate family.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者虽然在一次辩论赛中失败了,但停下来反思过去几年作为一名辩手的经历,作者依然觉得获益匪浅。1答案与解析:failure考查词性转换。根据空前的形容词性物主代词my可知,此处应用名词,故填fail的名词形式failure。2答案与解析:as考查介词。但“我”并没有把注意力集中到自己的失败上,而是停下来反思过去几年自己作为一名辩手的经历。根据句意可知此处用介词as,表示“作为”。3答案与解析:includes考查主谓一致。本句中主语为preparing for new debate topics,是动名词短语,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。4答案与解析:fiercely考查词性转换。你也有可能注意到在任何我们能辩论的地方我们都在激烈地论证。空处修饰arguing,应用副词。5答案与解析:the考查冠词。形容词的最高级前要用定冠词the,故此处应填the。6答案与解析:to practice考查非谓语动词。然而,我们的讨论不仅仅是练习我们辩论技巧的一种方法。此处to do形式作定语。7答案与解析:winning考查非谓语动词。在“我”看来,它们有助于我们变得镇静,也帮助我们考虑赢得辩论比赛和解决真正的问题。动词consider“考虑”后跟动词ing形式作宾语。8答案与解析:where考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,在从句中作状语,先行词为place,故用where。9答案与解析:backgrounds考查名词单复数。因为他们关心的是来自不同背景的人如何能过上更好的生活。background作“出身,个人背景”讲时为可数名词,空前有different修饰,故此处应用其复数形式。10答案与解析:was defeated考查时态和语态。因此,尽管在上次的辩论中“我”被击败了,但“我”仍然感谢自己是非常棒的辩论家族的一员。根据句意可知此处用被动语态,且此处描述的是过去的事情,故用一般过去时的被动语态。


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