2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 4 Astronomy- the science of the stars Learning about language课时作业(5).docx

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2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 4 Astronomy- the science of the stars Learning about language课时作业(5).docx_第2页
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Unit 4 Astronomy- the science of the stars课时作业Learning about language.单句语法填空1While listening (listen), the secretary set down a series of what the manager said.2He was very embarrassed to_hear (hear) people speak so highly of him.3Smoking has a bad effect on your health, so youd better give it up.4Mrs Brown never takes any exerciseshe must be really unfit(fit)5In my opinion, the Internet does strengthen(strength) the relationships between my friends and me.6Dont they need to risk doing(do) so when just graduating from school?7It is illegal(legal) to abuse your power, whatever the reason.8Dogs have a very good sense of smell and are often used to search for survivors(survive) in an earthquake.9In my judgement(judge), you should feel ashamed of what you did in the meeting.10It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.阅读理解ABy choosing to study abroad in Spain, I agreed to be openminded about the people and the place where I would be living. Yet, when I landed in Spain, I was mentally unprepared for the many differences between American and Spanish culture. Luckily, as time went by, I enjoyed my life there.When it comes to cultural differences, you may be wondering: what are some tips for living in a new world?Accept the difference willingly. When I first arrived in Spain, I could not stop thinking about how everything was better in America, and by the time I came back to America, I could not stop thinking about how everything was better in Spain. “Better”_is_not_the_best_word_to_use_when_traveling_abroad. “Different” is the more appropriate word. The sooner you can accept this difference, the sooner you can begin the process of learning and feeling more like a global citizen. Remember people are different, but sometimes they really arent. While in Spain, you may wonder why people are dining so late in the evening, why fewer people own Apple products, why restaurants rarely provide indoor seating, and so much more. Instead of getting caught up in the human condition of always asking why, sometimes it can just be comforting to just recognize that we are all humans. We are motivated and influenced by very similar desires, ideas, and even fears. Separate yourself from American culture. If youre looking to find Americans, youll find them in Spain, but why would you choose to study abroad and then not fully immerse yourself in the culture? Be cautious of when you are judging or even rejecting the culture, and understand when to remind yourself of the purpose for the trip.【文章大意】本文为议论文,题材为社会文化类。初到一个陌生的国家,人们难免会感到不适应,对周遭的人或物充满好奇甚至不理解。本文针对这一现象提出了一些建议。1. How did the author react when she landed in Spain?AShe felt uneasy. BShe was relaxed.CShe was thrilled. DShe felt shocked.解析:A推理判断题。根据第一段的Yet, when I landed in Spain, I was mentally unprepared for the many differences between American and Spanish culture可知,作者感到很不自在。2. What does the underlined sentence in Para. 3 mean?AWed better do our best to accept the difference.BThings abroad arent necessarily worse but different.CTraveling abroad isnt always a pleasant experience.DThere are many words to describe experiences abroad.解析:B句意理解题。根据第三段的“Different”is the more appropriate word可知,作者意在表达当你出国后,对周遭的事物感到不适应开始念起本国的好并没有多大意义,因为它们并不一定不好,只是环境不同,不一样罢了。3. According to the text, how should we treat the locals when were abroad?AWe should turn to them if we have any doubts.BWe should remember theyre totally different.CWe should regard them as ordinary people.DWe should show sincere respect to them.解析:C细节理解题。根据第四段的Instead of getting caught up.be comforting to just recognize that we are all humans可知,没必要纠结于那么多为什么,以一颗平常心看待周遭,大家都是普通人,都有相似的情感诉求,都会被周围环境感染,所以顺其自然尽快融入大环境才是上上策。4. Which is a bad idea when studying abroad?ALearning the new culture from locals.BLearning and feeling like a global citizen.CJust keeping away from your own culture.DNot totally involving yourself in the new culture.解析:D细节理解题。根据最后一段but why would you choose to study abroad and then not fully immerse yourself in the culture可知,作者对这种不能完全融入当地文化的行为表示不赞赏。B Brain cancer now leads to more deaths of children than any other kind of childhood cancer in the United States. It now causes more deaths of children than leukemia(白血病) as treatment advances have allowed doctors to cure many bloodrelated cancers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on September 15,2016. In 1999, nearly one in three children who died of cancer had leukemia, while brain cancer caused the deaths of one in four. By 2014, the numbers had been exchanged. “Forms of leukemia that a generation ago were almost universally deadly now mostly can be cured,” said Sally Curtin, an author of the report, in a telephone interview. Overall, cancer death rates for children dropped 20 percent from 1999, continuing a trend that started in the mid 1970s, according to the National Center for Health Statistics study. Among 100,000 youth aged one to 19, cancer killed 2.28 in 2014. Other common sites of deadly childhood cancers included the bone and soft tissue. Combined with brain cancer and leukemia, these accounted for 81.6 percent of all childhood cancer deaths in 2014, the report said. Sally said that brain cancer deaths didnt change much as leukemia deaths dropped. In 2014, 445 children died from leukemia, down from 645 in 1999, the CDC reported. Deaths from childhood brain cancer, however, increased slightly from 516 in 1999 to 534 in 2014, the study found. Sally said childhood brain cancer is more difficult to treat, in part because the bloodbrain barrier protects the central nervous system from toxins(毒素). This makes it more difficult to deliver chemotherapy(化学疗法). “With leukemia, you are giving the therapy directly into the blood and therefore to the bone marrow which is exactly where the cancer is,” she said, calling for more research into childhood brain cancer.【文章大意】 本文为说明文,题材为健康保健类。脑癌已经超过白血病成为了美国最致命的儿童癌症。5. What can we infer from the first paragraph?ALeukemia can now be easily cured in the US.BLeukemia is no longer the deadliest bloodrelated cancer.CBrain cancer is now the most dangerous cancer in the US.DBrain cancer is now the deadliest childhood cancer in America.解析:D细节理解题。根据第一段的Brain cancer now leads to more deaths of children than any other kind of childhood cancer in the United States可知,在美国脑癌已经成为了最致命的儿童癌症。6. What do the figures show about childhood cancers after the mid 1970s?ADeaths first began to drop in 1999.BFewer and fewer deaths have been caused.CChildhood cancers remain a severe problem.DBrain cancer is still the most common cancer.解析:B细节理解题。根据第三段的Overall,cancer death rates for children dropped 20 percent from 1999,continuing a trend that started in the mid 1970s可知,自从上世纪70年代中叶以来,儿童癌症致死率一直在下降。7. How did Sally understand the two death numbers exchange?AMore and more children suffer from brain cancer.BCancer killed a lot of children with leukemia before 2014.CTreatment advances help many children recover from leukemia.DForms of leukemia have been reduced from generation to generation解析:C推理判断题。根据第一段和第五段的前两句可知,其实脑癌死亡人数并没有太大变化,只不过是医学进步大大降低了白血病的死亡率,进而脑癌成为了儿童癌症的“头号杀手”。8. According to the last paragraph, what is an important way to prevent deaths caused by leukemia?ASuccessfully delivering chemotherapy.BProtecting the central nervous system.CUsing toxins to fight cancer cells.DBuilding a bloodbrain barrier.解析:A推理判断题。根据末段的With leukemia, you are giving the therapy directly into the blood and therefore to the bone marrow which is exactly where the cancer is可知,化学疗法对于治疗白血病有效果。.七选五Everyone fantasizes about a lot of things in life. _1_ Here are four signs you are not doing what you are supposed to do. You can use them as a warning so that you can change yourself and make progress. _2_ Those are such things as surfing the Internet for hours, watching reality television shows repeatedly, playing video games all day and drinking too much. If these are what youve been doing all along, you are never going to complete what youve wanted to. Think for yourself. Are these things going to bring you any benefit? Will you enjoy success in life through doing these things? You need to start taking your life seriously and taking time to evaluate yourself, your goals and your dreams. Youre complaining too often. You might be unhappy with your job, your salary or the people around you and all you do is complain about things in a teaparty with your best friends. However, you should keep it in mind that complaining about things doesnt help you in any way. _3_ You are not sleeping on time. If you stay up late and dont get proper sleep, your mind does not function well. _4_ This keeps you away from what you really want to accomplish. You are not enjoying your life. _5_ Ones success is measured not by the amount of money theyve earned over the years or the fame theyve accumulated to reach their prominence(卓越), but by happiness. If you feel dissatisfied with yourself or the people around you, youre not enjoying your life and you are sure to fall back.ABut only some of them achieve what they desired(渴望)BYou feel sleepy the whole day and you just cant focus.CYou are wasting a lot of time doing meaningless things.DYou should try to enjoy yourself no matter what the situation is.E. You are putting off your most important task till “some other time”F. The first thing you need to do is keep yourself happy, if you want to achieve your goal.G. What you can do is start changing things you dont like and develop a positive attitude.【文章大意】 人人都向往成功,但总会有人不能如愿以偿。本文主要陈述了导致这种结果的几种行为。1解析:A本句与上一句构成转折关系,说明尽管人人都有很多美好的向往,但只有一部分人能心想事成,故选A项。2解析:C本句为该段主题句,说明人们往往在很多无意义的事情上浪费了时间,选项C中meaningless things与下句呼应,故选C项。干扰项E与下文无逻辑关系,故排除。3解析:G本句对上文进行总结,提出应有积极的态度,选项G中a positive attitude与上文complaining about things doesnt help you in any way对应,故选G项。4解析:B本句论证了前一句的内容,即熬夜的后果,一整天昏昏欲睡,无法集中注意力,故选B项。5解析:F本句对主题句进行了解释。即我们要成功的首要事情之一就是要让自己成为快乐的人,故选F项。

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