2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 4 Astronomy- the science of the stars Learning about language课时作业(10).docx

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2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 4 Astronomy- the science of the stars Learning about language课时作业(10).docx_第1页
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2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 4 Astronomy- the science of the stars Learning about language课时作业(10).docx_第2页
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Unit 4 Astronomy- the science of the stars课时作业Learning about language.单句语法填空1So much of interest does Beijing offer that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all.2They set up many branches (branch) throughout the country.3Their efforts have transformed the bald hill into one covered with green trees all over.4The song conveys (convey) how deeply he loves his country.5The medical team made (make) up of two doctors and five nurses has arrived.6Body language is particularly (particular) important when we attempt to communicate across cultures.7The reason that/which he explained to us is that he hadnt read it before.8A more flexible (flexibly) approach to childcare arrangements is needed.9Eventually(eventual), the sky cleared up and we went to the beach.10I was in deep sorrow (sorry) when I heard the news that he had broken up.11The translation(translate) of the novel is perfect, which quite agrees with its native version.12With so many people communicating(communicate) in English every day, we can see it will be more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.阅读理解Beverly Cleary has sold 85 million copies of 41 books and if those numbers werent impressive enough she turned 100 on April 12. Though the world was a very different place when Cleary was a child, she has always believed that kids pretty much stay the same which explains the ongoing popularity of her beloved characters, like Ramona Quimby, Henry Huggins and Ralph S. Mouse.Cleary was in her early thirties and working parttime in a bookstore when she sat down at a typewriter to see if just maybe she could write a book for kids. She had worked as a librarian before World War , and she wished shed had books for young readers about children living everyday lives.“I think children want to read about normal, everyday kids,” she said. “Thats what I wanted to read about when I was growing up. I wanted to read about the sort of boys and girls that I knew in my neighborhood and in my school. I think children like to find themselves in books.” Her first book, Henry Huggins, came out in 1950. Henry had a friend named Beezus, and Beezus had a mischievous (爱恶作剧的) but lovable little sister named Ramona. Over the next 50 years, Cleary took Ramona all the way from nursery school to the fourth grade. Cleary says when she was writing Ramona, she took inspiration from a little girl who lived in the house behind hers as a child. Her books have hooked generations of children, including a young Jeff Kinney, who grew up to become the author of the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series.“I must have been about 8 or 9 years old when I first read Beverly Cleary,” Kinney recalled. “The book that really interested me was Ramona Quimby, Age 8.”“Most kids have parents, teachers, bullies(欺凌)we all experience these things,” Kinney said. “And Beverly Cleary understood that. Her work is still as closely connected with the subject today as when it first came out.”Now, generations of children have been fortunate enough to enjoy her stories of Klickitat Street.【文章大意】本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了美国童书作家Beverly Cleary的故事。1. What can we infer about Beverly Clearys works?AThey are about adults ordinary lives.BThey interest and delight young readers.CThey receive much criticism from other writers.DThey are based on Clearys childhood experiences.解析:B推理判断题。由第一段中的which explains the ongoing popularity of her beloved characters, like Ramona Quimby, Henry Huggins and Ralph S. Mouse可知,Beverly Cleary的作品深受孩子们的喜欢。2. What gave Cleary inspiration for Ramonas stories?AA neighborhood girl.BHer work as a librarian.CHer fourthgrade daughter.DHer work experience in a bookstore.解析:A细节理解题。由第四段中的Cleary says when she was writing Ramona, she took inspiration from a little girl who lived in the house behind hers as a child可知,Cleary在写关于Ramona的故事时,她的灵感来自于她小时候住在她家后面的一个小女孩。3. What does the underlined word “hooked” in Paragraph 5 mean?ADescribed. BPraised.CSurprised. DAttracted.解析:D词义猜测题。由倒数第三段中Kinney说的话可知,Cleary的书吸引了一代又一代的孩子,由此可以推断,hooked意为“吸引”。4. Which of the following can best describe Beverly Cleary?ABrave and patient.BGenerous and honest.CProductive and influential.DConsiderate and optimistic.解析:C推理判断题。本文主要讲述了美国童书作家Beverly Cleary的故事,由文中的描述可知,Beverly Cleary是一位多产且极具影响力的作家。.完形填空 Yesterday I was walking along a busy street when I noticed a young man selling toys and other little things. Normally I would _1_ and hurry past such vendors (小贩) before being asked to buy something. But I noticed this young man was _2_, so I stood for some time to _3_ how he sold his things. Soon, a young mother with a small child _4_ and the little child was _5_ by a toy. The mother asked for the _6_ and it was only one dollar. The mother said she was giving him 10 dollars and wanted the _7_ back. I was wondering how he would _8_ it. He told her to put the money in the bag hanging around his neck and take out whatever he _9_ her. I _10_ that the vendors whole way of _11_ depended on trusting people not to cheat him. I was so _12_ by how this young man trusted people that I _13_ a toy from him I didnt need. He said it cost a dollar and I _14_ told him that I had only 10 dollars. He told me to do the _15_ thing. So I put my 10 dollars in his bag and then put my hand in, _16_ I didnt take any change. Walking down the street, I saw another kid with his father walking so I _17_ him the little toy. I walked on, _18_ the two people would have a smile on their faces that day. I kept thinking the world would be a _19_ place if we could all learn to _20_ people more, like the young street vendor.【文章大意】 本文为记叙文,题材为日常生活类。作者在街上遇到一位盲人小贩卖东西,看见他让顾客自找零钱而意识到人与人之间应该相互信任。1A.hesitate Bconsider Cstop Dignore解析:D由hurry past such vendors before being asked to buy something可推断,作者平时看见小贩的时候都会对他们视而不见,赶紧走开,以免被要求买他们的东西。2A.deaf Bblind Cshy Danxious解析:B由下一段顾客自找零钱可推断,这个小贩是盲人。 3A.decide Bprove Csee Dremember解析:C根据下文作者所观察到的年轻母亲购物的经过可知,作者停下来想看看这位盲人是怎么卖东西的。4A.came by Bcame out Ctook risks Dtook action解析:A由the little child was _5_ by a toy可知,一位年轻母亲带着小孩走过来经过了小贩。5A.influenced Bsurprised Churt Dattracted解析:D根据下文年轻母亲掏钱买玩具可知,小孩被玩具吸引了。6A.style Bprice Ccolor Dway解析:B由it was only one dollar可推断,年轻母亲是在询问玩具价格。7A.money Btoy Cchange Dvendor解析:C玩具只需要1美元,但年轻的母亲给的是10美元。由此可知,小贩应给她找钱。8A.do Bknow Ccelebrate Dguarantee解析:A作者想知道小贩会如何做这件事,即给那位母亲找钱。9A.showed Bawarded Creturned Dowed解析:D零钱是小贩欠那位母亲的。10A.expected Bdisagreed Crealized Dopposed解析:C作者根据所观察到的年轻母亲购物的经过意识到小贩赚钱的方式依赖于对他人的信任。11A.living Bearning Cworking Dbehaving解析:B参见上题解析。12A.frightened Binspired Cencouraged Dtouched解析:D由下文I _13_ a toy from him I didnt need可知,作者为小贩对他人的信任而感动。13A.took Bstole Cthrew Dordered解析:A根据下文作者付钱的行为可推断,他尽管不需要但也买了一个小玩具。14A.even Bstill Ctoo Dalmost解析:C作者与年轻母亲一样也拿的是10美元,所以他也告诉小贩他只有10美元。15A.same Blast Cright Dsimple解析:A由So I put my 10 dollars in his bag and then put my hand in可推断,小贩也让作者做像那个年轻母亲一样的事。16A.and Bor Cso Dbut解析:Dput my hand in与I didnt take any change之间是转折关系。17A.served Btold Cbought Dgave解析:D由the two people would have a smile on their faces that day可推断,作者将买的小玩具送给了那个小孩。18A.hoping Bsaying Cadmitting Ddoubting解析:A本空后是作者的希望。19A.bigger Bsafer Cbetter Dstranger解析:C如果人人都相互信任这个世界将会更好。20A.depend on Bbelieve in Cturn to Dcare about解析:B由like the young street vendor可推断,此处指学着更信任他人。.短文改错The teacher who made the deepest impression with me is Wang Peng. Years ago, I was primary school student of Grade 5. He was a college student, and he comes to my home twice a week. He was clever, outgoing and very much energetic. He had some specially skills in teaching. At the beginning, it was bored for me to study English, and I showed little interest in them. He taught me to sing English song and told me many jokes in English. After several classes, I began to like studying English. Later, he graduated from college but found a job in another city. Before he left, he gave me a piece of advice to study English by practice it as much as possible. Many years later, I still remember his suggestion.答案:The teacher who made the deepest impression me is Wang Peng. Years ago, I was primary school student of Grade 5. He was a college student, and he to my home twice a week. He was clever, outgoing and very much energetic. He had some skills in teaching. At the beginning, it was for me to study English, and I showed little interest in . He taught me to sing English and told me many jokes in English. After several classes, I began to like studying English. Later, he graduated from college found a job in another city. Before he left, he gave me a piece of advice to study English by it as much as possible. Many years later, I still remember his suggestion.

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