2019年秋七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 3 What color is it(第2课时)分层训练课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019年秋七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 3 What color is it(第2课时)分层训练课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019年秋七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 3 What color is it(第2课时)分层训练课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019年秋七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 3 What color is it(第2课时)分层训练课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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第2课时分层训练 StarterUnit3Whatcolorisit 课内基础自测 课后巩固提升 课内基础自测 第2课时分层训练 Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Aa Hh Jj Kk Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz Ii Yy Oo Uu Qq Ww Rr 第2课时分层训练 用am is或are填空1 Whatcolor thequilt 2 How Tina 3 I ateacher 4 youGrace 5 It aredpen Are is is is am 课后巩固提升 第2课时分层训练 单项填空 1 isthequilt It syellow A WhatB What sC WhatcolorD What scolor C 第2课时分层训练 2 Whatcoloris pen It sblack A yourB youC ID yours 3 What sthisinEnglish isanegg A ThisB IC YouD It A D 第2课时分层训练 4 Howareyou fine thanks A You reB I mC It sD Heis 5 Isthis pen Yes it s orangepen A a aB a anC an aD an an 6 keyiswhite A IB MyC I mD You B B B 第2课时分层训练 完形填空Goodmorning 1 Cindy Lookatsomethingsinmyroom Thisisa 2 It smyquilt What 3 isit 4 pink And 5 thisinEnglish It s 6 It sanorangejacket That sabag 7 bagisblue 1 A I mB He sC She sD That s 2 A penB quiltC bagD orange A B 第2课时分层训练 3 A nameB thisC morningD color 4 A It sB ThisisC That sD Its 5 A where sB who sC what sD how s 6 A anjacketB thejacketC ajacketD jacket 7 A AnB AC D The D A C C D 第2课时分层训练 按要求完成下列各题 每空一词1 Thecupisgreen 对画线部分提问 thecup 2 It saquilt 对画线部分提问 3 What sthat 用orange作答 Whatcoloris What sthis that It sanorange 第2课时分层训练 4 Goodevening 作应答 5 根据答句写出问句 I mOK Howareyou Goodevening 第2课时分层训练 补全对话 每空一词Frank Goodafternoon Jenny Jenny Good1 Howareyou Frank Frank Fine thankyou Howareyou Jenny I mfine too Frank What sthis2 English Jenny It sajacket Frank 3 it please afternoon in Spell 第2课时分层训练 Jenny OK J A C K E T Frank What4 isit Jenny 5 blueandwhite It s color

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