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Unit3Lesson7 Shoppingforfood watermelons grapes beef carrots juice ham Brainstorm Ifit smybirthday Iwillbuy Warm up dollarpoundyuancentpoundKilo lb Prices Weights 英镑 磅 美分 公斤 价格 重量 Match 7 60 kg seven sixtyakilo 2 90 lb two andninetycentsapound 1 20 kg one twentyakilo yuan pound dollars dollaryuanpound Fillintheblanks 1 20 kg onepoundtwentyakilo 7 60 kg sevenyuansixtyakilo 2 90 lb twodollarsandninetycentsapound 数字 yuan 小数点后的数字 akilo 数字 dollar s and 小数点后的数字 cent s apound 数字 pound s 小数点后的数字 akilo Howtoread a b c 1 2 3 a c b Listenandmatch A Excuseme Howmuchare B They re akilo Howmanydoyouwant A I lltake B OK Let ssee That s A Ihavea bill Doyouhavechange B Yes Ido SouthMarket Vegetable UnitPrice kgNumber 6Total Bill Change tomatoes 7 60 8 74 50 41 26 Dialogue1 TheMeatShop Meat UnitPrice lbweight 3lbsTotal Bill Change beef 2 99 20 A Howmuchis B It s apound A OK CanIhavethreepounds please Hereis B Thankyou Here syourchange 8 97 11 03 Dialogue2 FreshFruitShop Fruit UnitPrice kgweight kgTotal apples 1 20 2 5 A These looknice Howmucharethey B Theyare akilo Howmanykilosdoyouwant A CanIhave please B Sure 3 What sthetotalcost Dialogue3 1 HowmuchmoneydoesthecustomerinDialogue1getback 2 HowmuchdoesthebeefinDialogue2cost What sthetotalcost 3 ThecustomerinDialogue3gettwelveapples Howmuchdoeseachapplecost 顾客 花费 每一个 买 Answerthequestions SouthMarket Vegetable UnitPrice kgNumber 6Total Bill Change tomatoes 41 26 50 8 74 7 60 HowmuchmoneydoesthecustomerinDialogue1getback 41 26 TheMeatShop Meat UnitPrice IbWeight 3IbsTotal Bill Change beef 11 03 2 99 8 97 20 2 HowmuchdoesthebeefinDialogue2cost What sthetotalcost 2 99apound 8 97 FreshFruitShop Fruit UnitPrice kgWeight kgTotal apples 1 20 2 5 3 3 ThecustomerinDialogue3gettwelveapples Howmuchdoeseachapplecost 0 25 1 How istheham 2 How aretheapples 3 A How doyouwant B Five 4 A How doyouwant B Onekilo much much many much Finishwithmuchormany 1 Howmuch thebananas 2 Thechicken 2 5akilo 3 Excuxeme Howmuch thepotatoes 4 Thebeef 3 99akilo are is are is Finishwithareoris FinishExercise2 4onpage88ofyourEnglishBook Homework

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