九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section A(Grammar-4c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section A(Grammar-4c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section A(Grammar-4c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section A(Grammar-4c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Unit5 SectionA Unit5Whataretheshirtsmadeof 4a 4c 1 不论 无论2 即便 即使3 避免做某事4 生产于5 日常用品6 手机7 高科技产品 everydaythings eventhough nomatter avoiddoingsth bemadein mobilephone high technologyproducts Isitmadeofsilver ItwasmadeinThailand Whatisthemodelplanemadeof WhereisteaproducedinChina Howisitgrown Itisplantedonthesideofmountains Theyarepickedbyhandandthenaresentforprocessing Readthesentencesbelow payingattentiontotheunderlinedparts PassiveVoice 被动语态 PassiveVoice 结构 be V p p am are is 动词的过去分词 一般现在时的被动语态 ManypeoplespeakEnglish 主动句与被动句之间的转换 Englishisspokenbymanypeople 主语谓语动词主动语态的过去式宾语 主语谓语动词被动语态的过去分词介词 宾语 Peopleplayfootballallovertheworld 2 TheoldmanonTVtellsastoryonSunday 3 Studentslistentothekindteachercarefully Footballisplayedbypeopleallovertheworld AstoryistoldbytheoldmanonTVonSunday Thekindteacherislistenedtobystudentscarefully 把下列的主动句变为被动句 1 Sunglasses use forprotectingpeople seyes 2 Apicture put upontheblackboard 3 French speak inFrance areused isput isspoken 用所给动词的正确形式填空 4 Whichlanguage themostwidely speak intheworld 5 Thestudents often tell totakecareoftheirdesksandchairs 6 Vegetables eggsandfruits sell inthisshop is spoken are told aresold 1 TeaisgrowninSouthChina 改为主动语态 People inSouthChina 2 Peopleusemetalformakingmachines 改为被动语态 Metal makingmachines grow tea 按要求改写下列句子 一空一词 is used for 3 TheyproducesilkinSuzhou 改为被动句 Silk inSuzhou 4 Wecallmathsthelanguageofscience 改为被动句 Maths thelanguageofscience is produced is called 1 Cotton 棉花 inthesoutheastofChina A isgrownB aregrownC growsD grow2 TheGreatWall allovertheworld A knowsB knewC isknownD wasknown A 选择正确答案 C 3 Insomepartsoftheworld tea withmilkandsugar A isservingB isservedC servesD served4 Doyouoftencleanyourclassroom Yes Ourclassroom everyday A cleanB cleansC iscleanedD iscleaning B C 被动语态的几种句型 1 肯定句主语 be 过去分词 by Asweetsongissungbyheronthestage 2 否定句主语 be not 过去分词 by 3 一般疑问句Be 主语 过去分词 by Asweetsongisn tsungbyheronthestage Isasweetsongsungbyheronthestage 4 特殊疑问句疑问词 be 主语 过去分词 by Whereisasweetsongsungbyher Doyouwateryourflowerseveryday 变为被动句 Treesandflowersareplantedeveryyeartomakeourcountrymorebeautiful 变为疑问句 Areyourflowerswateredbyyoueveryday Aretreesandflowersplantedeveryyeartomakeourcountrymorebeautiful 按要求改写下列句子 3 ThisEnglishsongissungbythegirlsafterclass 改为否定句 改为一般疑问句 并做肯定和否定回答 对划线提问 ThisEnglishsongisnotsungbythegirlsafterclass IsthisEnglishsongsungbythegirlsafterclass WhenisthisEnglishsongsungbythegirls 被动语态的运用 1 不知道谁是动作的执行者或没有必要知道谁是动作的执行者时 Thehouseisquiteold Itwasbuiltin1950 这座房子太旧了 它是1950年建的 Whenwilltheroadbeopenedtotraffic 这条路什么时候通车 2 需要强调动作的对象即宾语时 Calculatorcan tbeusedinthemathexam 计算器不能用于数学考试 Hewasawardedfirstprizeinthatcontest 他在比赛中获得了第一 有时为了礼貌等原因不愿说出行为者 这时也常用被动语态 Theconstructionofthenewlabmustbecompletedbytheendofnextmonth 新实验室必须在下个月底前完工 Youarerequestedtogiveaperformance 请你给我们表演一个节目 3 主动语态变为被动语态的注意事项 含有双宾语 即直接宾语 常指事物 和间接宾语 常指人 的句子 每个宾语都可变为被动语态的主语 即其被动语态有两种形式 但多以间接宾语作主语 Jacktoldusthetruth WeweretoldthetruthbyJack Thetruthwastold to usbyJack Hepassesmethefootball 改成被动语态 I thefootballbyhim Thefootball mebyhim am passed is passed to 1 你的衬衫是棉的吗 yourshirts cotton 2 是的 而且它们产于美国 Yes theyare Andtheywere theUS 3 飞机模型是由什么制成 themodelplane of GrammarFocus madein Aremadeof What smade 4 它是由旧木头和玻璃制成 It smadeof and 5 茶产自中国哪里 tea inChina 6 茶产自很多不同的地区 It sproducedinmany 7 茶是如何制成的 istea Whereisproduced differentareas usedwoodglass Howproduced 8 茶树种植在山坡上 当茶叶长成后 它们被手工采摘下来 然后送去加工 Teaplants onthesidesofthemountains Whentheleavesareready they byhandandthen forprocessing aregrown arepicked aresent 9 在杭州人们种植茶叶 People inHangzhou Tea bypeople inHangzhou growtea isgrown 4a Completethesentenceswiththecorrectformsoftheverbsinbrackets 1 Childrenunder18 notallow towatchthisshowwithouttheirparents aren tallowed 2 We pay bythebossonthelastFridayofeachmonth 3 A Whatlanguage speak inGermany B MostpeoplespeakGerman butmanycanspeakEnglish too arepaid n 老板 上司 isspoken 德国 4 Mostoftheearth ssurface cover bywater 5 Theclassroom clean bythestudentseveryday iscovered iscleaned n 表面 表层 4b Rewritethesentencesusingthepassivevoice 1 Farmersplanttheteaonthesidesofmountains Theteaisplantedonthesidesofmountainsbyfarmers 2 Thisshopusesthebestmaterialstomakedresses Thebestmaterialsareusedtomakedressesbythisshop n 材料 原料 3 Carelessdrivingcausesmanytrafficaccidents 4 Thepostmanbringslettersandpostcardstopeople shome Lettersandpostcardsarebroughttopeople shomebythepostman Manytrafficaccidentsarecausedbycarelessdriving n 交通 路上行驶的车辆 n 邮递员 5 Ourfamilydoesnotusethissilverplateveryoften Thissilverplateisn tusedveryoftenbyourfamily Askfiveclassmatesaboutsomethingtheyarewearingorhaveintheirschoolbags Thelistofwordsbelowmayhelpyou pencil jacket sweater T shirt shoes cap gloves ring 4c n 尤指有帽舌的 帽子 n 分手指的 手套 What syourpencilmadeof It smadeofwood Wherewasitmade ItwasmadeinShanghai What syourjacketmadeof It smadeofsilk Wherewasitmade ItwasmadeinHangzhou What syourT shirtmadeof It smadeofcotton Wherewasitmade ItwasmadeinBeijing What reyourglovesmadeof They remadeofwool Whereweretheymade theyweremadeinNeimeng What syourringmadeof It smadeofsilver Wherewasitmade ItwasmadeinGuangzhou Homework ReciteandcopythenewwordsinPages33 35 Finish4ainSectionAinPage36 FinishtheworkbookofSectionA3a 4c

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