九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Topic 1 English is widely spoken around the world Section A课件 仁爱版.ppt

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九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Topic 1 English is widely spoken around the world Section A课件 仁爱版.ppt_第1页
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九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Topic 1 English is widely spoken around the world Section A课件 仁爱版.ppt_第2页
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九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Topic 1 English is widely spoken around the world Section A课件 仁爱版.ppt_第3页
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Unit3EnglishAroundtheWorld SectionA Topic1 HecomesfromAmerica HeisAmerican Englishisspokenbyhim HespeaksEnglish SheisfromChina SheisChinese ShespeaksChinese Chineseisspokenbyher AmericansspeakEnglish EnglishisspokenbyAmericans 被动语态 Theairispollutedbymanyfactories Manyfactoriespollutetheair Computersareusedbychildren Childrenusecomputers TheGreatWallisvisitedbymanypeople ManypeoplevisittheGreatWall 3 Moreandmorepoorchildren bythekindladyinthefuture help 1 Everyone toprotecttheenvironmenteveryday call 4 Sofar manydifficultproblemsintheschool bytheheadmaster solve havebeensolved Practice 用所给词的正确形式填空 2 Twotrees bythestudentyesterday plant wereplanted willbehelped 观察 be动词有 和 的变化 时态 人称 数 iscalled 各种时态的被动语态1 一般现在时2 一般过去时3 一般将来时4 现在进行时5 过去进行时6 现在完成时 am is are P P was were P P will be P P am is are being P P was were being P P have has been P P Pairwork Discussinpairstofindouthowtochangetheactivevoiceintothepassivevoice Thenmakemoresentences HowmanyDisneylandsarethereallovertheworld Four Disneyland DonaldDuck MickeyMouse cartooncharacters stick st k v 粘住 钉住 坚持 n 木棒 棍 枝条 Listenandanswer 1 WhereareWangJunfeng sparentsgoingtovisit 2 IsWangJingfenggoodatEnglish TheyaregoingtovisittheDisneyland No heisn t Completethepassageaccordingto1a WangJunfengandhisparentswillgotoDisneylandinAmericanextweek Disneyland bymillionsofpeoplethroughouttheworld Hewillhaveagoodchancetopractice becauseEnglishisimportantforcommunicationthere English asthemainlanguageinAmerica It alsowidely aroundtheworld is enjoyed English is spoken is used Listentothetapeandmarktrue T orfalse F 1 MickeyMousewascreatedbyWaltDisney 2 Disneywasonlyanartist 3 Oneday amousecameandplayedonthefloorofthegarage 4 Theartistandthemousebecamegoodfriends 5 Atlast hewaspleasedwithoneofhispicturesofthemouse HecalleditMickeyMouse T F T T T BeijingOperaisenjoyedbymostpeople MostpeopleenjoyBeijingOpera HOMEWORK Discusshowtousethepassivevoice 2 SearchsomeinformationabouttheDisneyland 3 Aftertheexample dotheexerciseofP54 3a 2 Theflowersinthegarden water oncetwoweeks Ourclassroom clean threetimeseveryday 3 Myhair notwash everyday 4 English speak widelyintheworld iscleaned arewatered isn twashed isspoken Exercise


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