九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Section A2课件 新人教版.ppt

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九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Section A2课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Section A2课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Section A2课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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SectionA 3a 4c A Itmightbeamanridingahorse B Iagree Butitcouldalsobeamapofisland Let sguess Itmightbeavase Itcouldbetwofaces Itmightbeayoungwoman Itcouldbeanoldwoman noisepolicemanwolflaboratorycoatsleepy Newwords 1 Whatcanyouseeinthepicture Thereisawomanlookingoutofthewindow 2 Whatcanweknowaboutthewoman Reading 3a Sheisalittlefrightenedandconfused 3 Whereisthearticlefrom It sanewspaperarticle 4 Whatisthepassageabout ThepassageisaboutstrangeeventsinBellTowerneighborhood 5 Whatisthestrangething Whatdothepeoplethinkofit Readthepassagecarefullyandcompletethechartin3c Readthearticleanddecidewhichmightbethetitle A AsmallandQuietTown B SrangeHappeningsinMyTown C Animalsinourneighborhood Post reading Readthearticleandfindwordstomatchthemeanings nervousorworried areawherepeoplelive youngpeople animallikeaverylargedog personinthenextdoor personwhomakesnoise uneasy neighborhood teenager bear neighbor noise maker Languagepoints Languagepoints 辨析noise sound voicenoise表示噪音 喧闹指的是人们不愿听到的声音或嘈杂声 它可以作可数名词也可以用作不可数名词 例如 Iheardsomestrangenoiseslastnight 昨夜我听见一些奇怪的响声There salotofnoisehere 这个地方人声嘈杂 sound泛指任何声音不论其高低 是否悦耳等 例如 Iheardthesoundofrunningwater 我听见流水声 Lighttravelsfasterthansound 光比声音传播得快 voice用于人时指说话 歌唱或发笑的声音也可指发言权用于其它方面时常含悦耳之声如鸟鸣声乐器声音等 例如Pleasespeakinaloudervoice 请大声说 GrammarFocus Choosetherightanswer 1 whosebookisthis ItbeLucy s Look Hernameisonthecover A canB mustC mayD could2 Ittookmenearlyfortyminutestowalkhere Haveadrink please Youbethirsty A willB mustC shouldD can3 Whenyoucrosstheroad youbeverycareful A mustB shouldC canD may B A A Workon4a Choosethewaytocompleteeachsentenceusingthewordsinthebrackets 1 A Where sJean B I mnotsure She is mightbe mustbe inthelaboratory 2 A Everyoneisgoingtothepoolafterschool B Really It mustbe can tbe couldbe hotoutdoors 3 A That sthephone B Hmm Iwonderwhoit mustbe couldbe shouldbe 4 A IwonderiftheseareJim sglasses B They can tbe mightbe couldbe his Hedoesn twearglasses 5 A Ihearwaterrunninginthebathroom B It couldbe mustbe can tbe Carla Shewasthinkingoftakingashower mightbe mustbe couldbe can tbe mustbe Workon4b Completetheseresponses 1 A Manypeoplearewearingcoats B theweathermustbe 2 A Sallyhasbenncoughingalot B Shemightbe 3 A Thisrestaurantisalwaysverycrowded B Thefood 4 A WheneverItrytoreadthisbook Ifeelsleepy B Itcan t Writing Lookatthepicturein4candwriteaboutthepersonwholiveshere WordsandexpressionsnoisepolicemanwolflaboratorycoatsleepySentencestructureTheremustbesomethingvisitingthehomesinourneighborhood butwhatisit Thenoisemakerishavingtoomuchfuncreatingfearintheneighborhood summary 课堂达标 用所给词的适当形式填空1 Inspring peopleoftenfeel sleep 2 It ssaidthatthereare wolf visitingthevillage 3 We llhavefun take avacationinEurope 4 Theremustbesomeboys play gamesontheplayground 5 Whenyoumeettrouble pleasecallthe policeman forhelp 1 sleepy2 wolves3 taking4 playing5 policemen 句型转换1 MustIparkthecarhere 否定回答 you 2 ThispersonmustbeanEnglishteacher 改为否定句 Thisperson beanEnglishteacher 3 Itissobigthatitcan tbeadog Itis big beadog 4 MissZhangwasunhappywhensheheardthenews 完成反意疑问句 MissZhangwasunhappywhensheheardthenews 5 Ithinksomebodyhaspickeditup 改为否定句 I think haspickeditup 1 No needn t2 can t3 too to4 wasn tshe5 don t anybody Homework Reviewthenewlanguageitems Writeapassagetoguessaboutwhatwashappeninginthesmalltownusingthesenotes Chufamily latenightfootstepsinthehallway mightbetheneighborsLaoZheng someonetryingtogetinthewindow mightbethewindXiaoNing findsgarbageinfrontofherhouse mightbecats


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