七年级英语下册《Unit 9 What does he look like Period 1》课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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Whocangetthebasketballeasily themotherorthegirl Ithinkthemothercangettheballeasily Becausethemotheristall andthegirlisshort Whatdoes looklike Unit9Whatdoeshelooklike SectionA11a 2d tall short be ofmediumheight 学习单词 1 师友朗读 Canyouread thin be ofmediumbuild heavy curlyhair straighthair longstraighthair long curly blondehair long straight blackhair 1aMatchthewordswiththepeopleinthepicture Youcanusesomelettersmorethanonce shorthair curlyhair longhair straighthair tall short mediumheight thin heavy mediumbuild g a f a f b h g h a e h g h 学习单词 2 教师检查 ThisisGongLi She sofmediumheight Shehasshort blackhair Shewearsglasses 二学习对话 1 师友感知 Whatdotheylooklike They reofmediumbuild A Isthatyourfriend B No itisn t A Whatdoeshelooklike Ishetallorshort B Well he sreally Andhehas 1b Listenandfillintheblanksinthepicturesin1a CanyoufindAmy sfriend Listening tall curlyhair 1c Oneofthepeopleinthepictureisyourfriend Describeyourfriend Yourpartnerwillfindhimorher 二学习对话 2教师引领 He sofmediumheight Hehascurlyhair Whatdoesyourfriendlooklike Isite Yes You reright He sshort Hehasshortstraighthair Whatdoesyourfriendlooklike Isitf Yes You reright She stallandheavy Shehaslongstraighthair Whatdoesyourfriendlooklike Isita Yes You reright IsDavidtallorshort DoesSallyhavelongorshorthair 3 Ispetertallorshort Heistall Shehaslonghair Heisshort 2a Listenandanswerthequestions Listening 三拓展提高1师友听练 curlyhair shorthair short ofmediumbuild ofmediumheight thin longstraighthair 2b Listenagain Fillinthechart Listening He sheavyandhehascurlyhair WhatdoesDavidlooklike 2c StudentAlooksatthechartin2b StudentBasksstudentAquestionsaboutoneofthepeopleandthendrawsapictureoftheperson She sthinandofmediumheight IsSallythinorheavy Doesshehaslonghair Yes Shehaslongstraighthair cinema glass glasses WhereareMikeandTonygoingtonight 2 Wherearetheygoingtomeet 2d Readtheconversationandanswerthequestions They regoingtothemovie Reading They regoingtomeetinfrontofthecinema 3 WhowillTonymeetfirstatthecinema 4 WhatdoesDavidlooklike David Heisofmediumheight andhasbrownhairandwearsglasses Mike Hi Tony Areyougoingtothemovietonight Tony Yes We remeetingatseven right Mike Yeah butImaybealittlelate MyfriendDavidisgoing too Justmeethiminfrontofthecinemafirst 2d Role playtheconversation Role play Tony Oh butIdon tknowhim Whatdoeshelooklike Mike Well hehasbrownhairandwearsglasses Tony OK Ishetallorshort Mike Heisn ttallorshort He sofmediumheight Tony OK sure Seeyoulaterthen 1 curly作形容词 意为 卷曲的 卷毛的 其反义词为straight 意为 直的 例如 Doesshehavecurlyhairorstraighthair 她的头发是卷发还是直发 Languagepoints 三 拓展提高 教师点拨 回顾 straight作副词 意为 直地 笔直地 例如 Gostraightalongandthenturnleft 2 height作名词意为 高度 例如 What stheheightofthetree 拓展 highadj 意为 高的 通常用来修饰高大的建筑物 例如 Mr Smithworksinthathighbuilding 3 thinadj 意为 瘦的 其反义词可以是heavy 也可以是fat 有点褒义 例如 Mycousinisalittlethin Mike sgrandpaisveryheavy 4 alittle意为 有点儿 用来修饰形容词 例如 It salittlecoldtonight 拓展 alittle意为 一些 少许 后跟不可数名词 例如 There salittlemeatinthebowl 碗里有点肉 5 glass作 玻璃 讲时 是不可数名词 作 玻璃杯 讲时为可数名词 而glasses则是 眼镜 之意 例如 2 Glassisbrokeneasily 玻璃很易碎 3 There snowaterinyourglasses 你的杯子里没有水了 4 Doesshewearglasses 她戴眼镜吗 1 We remeetingatseven right 我们七点见 对吗 right表示 对吗 是吧 用来对此前陈述内容进行确认核实 全句为Isthatright 口语中常用不完整的句子来表达意见或想法 1 Whatdoesyouraunt Shehaslong hair Andsheis height She salittle looklike ofmedium curly 小试身手 看图补全对话 heavy 2 Whatdoesyourmathteacher Hehas straight He s andof build Doeshewear Yes hedoes looklike shorthair short medium glasses 3 dothey Theyare 4 What she She What looklike tall haslongstraight does looklike hair Summary 询问某人的外貌特征句子 Whatdoes do 主语 looklike 看上去什么样 looklike看起来像 WhatdoesLiuXianglooklike 刘翔长什么样子 回答 主语 be 描述人物外貌特征的形容词 或 主语 have has 名词 Heistall 他很高 Hehasshorthair 他留有短发 四互助巩固 2教师强调 1 Whathaveyougraspedinthisclass 这节课你掌握了哪些知识 2 Whatdoyouthinkofyourpartnerandyourself Great Good Notbad 你们师友两人表现如何 五 总结归纳 1 师友归纳 RememberthesentencesintheGrammarFocus 2 Recite2dinSectionA GrammarFocus 总结归纳 2 教师总结 Thankyou

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