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中考复习专题 祈使句 祈使句 一 含义祈使句指的是表示命令 请求 建议或劝告的句子 其主语you常省略 谓语动词用原型 句末用感叹句或句号 读降调 记住 VBLD 正确使用祈使句 祈使句 祈使句 无主语 只用动词就可以 表示请求或命令 加上please表客气 如果变成否定句 Don t开头是规律 Notalking 是警示 祈使句用法要牢记 记住 VBLD 正确使用祈使句1 V 结构 动态句 行为动词原形V 宾语 其他 Givemeacupoftea please Standup Openthedoor please Putupyourhand s please Pleasesitdown Drawtheconclusion 得出结论 祈使句的结构如下 Please dosth Please Don tdosth 肯定 否定 1 Jim meahand A givesB isgivingC willgiveD give2 careful Jenny Thereisatreeinfrontofyou A AmB C BeD Was3 Let s ourtime A notwasteB nowastingC nottowasteD nowaste4 higher andyouwillseethehouse OK A IfyoustandB TostandC WhenyoustandD Stand Exercises 5 Please doit A heB lethimC letheD him6 letanyoneopenthedoor A Don tB WillC NotD No7 Don tbelateagain Sorry A ImayB ImustC IwillD Iwon t8 Callmewhenyougethome OK A ImustB IcanC IwillD Imay Exercises 实战 2008 资阳中考 exerciseeveryday mychild It sgoodforyourhealth Fathersaid A TakingB TotakeC TakeD Takes 正确答案 C 记住 VBLD 正确使用祈使句2 B 结构 静态句 Be 表语 名词 形容词 其他 Becareful Bequiet Beagoodstudent Beatrueman 祈使句的句型 Bequiet Pleasehaveaseat David payattention Don tbeafraid Pleasedonotmakeanoise Alan don tbelate 1 动词 2 Please 动词 3 人名 动词 肯定 否定 在动词前面加don t否定 实战 2008 南通中考 Sorryforbeinglateagain hereontimenexttime oryou llbepunished A BeB BeingC TobeD Been 正确答案 A 记住 VBLD 正确使用祈使句3 L 结构 使役句 Let 人称代词宾格 V 原形 其他 表示一种建议 用于第一 三人称 Letmehelpyou Letushavearest Let sgooutforawalk Let scleantheclassroom Lettheboycomein Lethimsitbesideyou Givingorders instructions 祈使句 是表示请求 命令 建议等句子 通常说话的对象是第二人称you you常被省略 祈使句常见题型 1 Let s not 动词原形 Eg Let sgohometogether let snottalkintheclass 2 let s shallwe 3 Letsb willyou 4 祈使句 willyou 反意疑问句 实战 重庆 Theworkishardforyou mehelpyou Let sB LetC LettingD Letto 正确答案 B 记住 VBLD 正确使用祈使句4 D 结构 否定句 Don t 祈使句 Don tbecareless Don tbelateforschool Don topenthewindow Don tletthechildrenplayontheroad 实战 2008 嘉兴中考 Sara talkloudly Thebabyissleepingrightnow A DoB DoesC Don tD Doesn t 正确答案 C 6 forgettowritetomewhenyou gettherenextTuesday A Don t willB Please willC Please D Don t 7 Please doit A heB heletC lethimD him8 comein please A WillB DoC Won tD Did9 careful A BedoB DobeC NotD Notdo10 letanyoneopenthedoor A Don tB WillC NotD No D C B B A 11 LetJohnfinishtheworkallbyhimself A shallweB willyouC doyouD dowe12 Let sgohome shallwe A That sright B That sallC That sallrightD Allright13 Pleaseturnonthelight A areyouB shallweC shallID willyou14 Don ttellhimthefactnow A shallweB shallyouC willyouD doyou15 Letthechildrennotmakesomuchnoise A shallweB willyouC shallID doyou B D D C B 16 6and4 andyouwillgetten A AddedB AddingC ToaddD Add17 lateagain orI llreportittoyourfather A Don tbeB Youaren tC Can tbeD Aren t18 Don tinterruptherwhensheisspeaking A won tyouB willyouC shallweD shan twe19 getoffthelorryuntilitstops A DoB Can tC D Don t20 Let snotbeginoursupperuntilfathercomesback A willyouB won tyouC shallweD shan twe D A B D C Homework1 Pleaseopenyourbooks 变否定 Please yourbooks yourbooks please 2 Let sdoittogether 变否定 Let s ittogether 3 LetJackcleantheblackboard LetJack theblackboard 4 Closethewindow 5 Let splaygames 6 LetusgototheGreatWall 7 Closeyoureyes please pleasecloseyoureyes Thanks

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