七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Section B课件1 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Section B课件1 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Section B课件1 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Unit5 SectionB1a 2c friendly shy Matchthedescriptionwordswiththeanimals 1 smart 2 friendly 3 beautiful 4 cute 5 lazy 6 scary 7 small 8 shy d f e b 1a f a f c e d Ilike because Describetheanimalsinthepictures Ilikepandasbecausethey rekindofshy Ilikeelephantsbecausethey rekindofsmart Ilikegiraffesbecausethey rekindofbeautiful I don t like because Idon tlikekoalasbecausethey rereallylazy Idon tliketigersbecausethey reveryscary Idon tlikelionsbecausethey rereallyscary 1 smart3 beautiful5 lazy7 small2 friendly4 cute6 scary8 shy Listenandcirclethedescriptionwordsyouhearin1a 1b Listenagain Whatwordsdotheyusetodescribetheanimals Fillinthechart 1c beautiful shy cute interesting smart lazy 1d Talkabouttheanimalsyouknowwithyourpartner Ilikeelephants Ilikedogsbecausethey refriendlyandsmart Whatanimalsdoyoulike Why Becausetheyarecute Whatanimalsdoyoulike Whatanimaldoyoulike Ilikegiraffes They refunny Whataboutyou Ilikecats Why Becausethey reclean tree ivory water zoo flag cut danger symbol kill save forget place Thailand 2a Check theanimalsyouthinkareingreatdanger Ithinkpandasareingreatdanger lions elephants pandas giraffes koalas tigers 2b Readthiswebsitearticleandcheck thebesttitleforit WhatIsanElephant CometoThailandLet sSavetheElephantsElephantsAreGoodPets Readthearticleagainthenanswerthequestionsbelow Wherearethestudentsfrom 2 Areelephantssmartanimals They refromThailand Yes theyare 3 Whyareelephantsingreatdanger 4 WhenisThaiElephantDay Becausepeoplecutdownmanytreesandtheykillelephantsfortheirivory It sonMarch13th Howtosavethemdon tcutdowntoomany don t thingsmadeofivory isThaiElephantDay Abilitiescanplay canalso wellcan placeswithfoodandwater Factsandfigurespeople manytreespeoplekillthemfor todaythereare over before ImportanceinThailandfirstflaghad symbolof 2c Readthearticleagainandcompletethemindmap ELEPHANTS 1 通读全文 掌握文章的大意 2 读题目要求 第一方框为 大象的重要性 第二方框为 有关大象的一些实事及其特征 第三方框为 大象的能力 第四方框为 如何挽救大象 根据这几方面的内容再回到短文中去寻找答案 3 可知第一段末尾的两句说明了大象的重要性 第二段叙述了大象的一些能力 第三段叙述了一些有关大象的事实 如何挽救大象也应根据第三段的内容来填写 Factsandfigurespeople manytreespeoplekillthemfor todaythereare over before ImportanceinThailandfirstflaghad symbolof awhiteelephantonit goodluck cutdown ivory only3 000elephants 100 000 ELEPHANTS Howtosavethemdon tcutdowntoomany don t thingsmadeofivory isThaiElephantDay Abilitiescanplay canalso wellcan placeswithfoodandwater ELEPHANTS soccerormusic draw remember trees buy March13th 1 oneof 名词复数形式意为 之一 Jackisoneofmyfriends 杰克是我的朋友之一 注意 当 oneof 名词复数形式 作主语时 当作整体看 用单数 OneofthelionsisfromAfrica 狮子中的一只是来自非洲 Languagepoints 2 getlost迷途 迷路Thelittlegirlcan tfindherhome Shegetslost 小女孩找不到家了 她迷路了 3 bein great danger处于 极大 危险之中 Theboyfallsintothelake He singreatdanger 小男孩落入湖中 他处于极大危险中 4 cutdown砍伐Don tcutdowntrees 不要砍伐树木 5 over 数量 超过 在 之上Overonehundredpeopleareinthelibrary 有超过一百人在图书馆里 There sasmallbridgeovertheriver 在河上面有一座小桥 1 我们挽救五十多只猫 Wesaved fifty 2 狗是我所喜欢的动物之一 Dogsare ofmyfavorite 3 长城是中国的象征 TheGreatWallisa of symbolChina overcats oneanimals 4 一头大象能走很远的路且不会迷路 Anelephantcanwalk along and 5 扬子鳄处于极度危险之中 Yangtzecrocodiles forway nevergetslost areingreatdanger 1 Mr Linjumpedintotheriverto theboy 2 TheBritish isinred whiteandblue 3 Theletter V isa ofvictory 胜利 4 Don t wildanimals They reourfriends kill save symbol flag flag kill place save cutdown over forget symbol 选词填空 5 Theyhaveto theappletree 6 Don t totakeyourschoolbagshome OK Mr Brown 7 sixhundredstudentsgoestoschoolbybike 8 Aparkisagood forfun cutdown forget Over place 1 熟读2b中的短文 2 试着复述2b课文

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