七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Will people have robots Secion A(1a-2d)课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Will people have robots Secion A(1a-2d)课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Will people have robots Secion A(1a-2d)课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Will people have robots Secion A(1a-2d)课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt_第3页
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SectionA 1a 2d Willpeoplehaverobots lifeinthefuture Keepapet havemyowncar workinAmerica havealotofmoney marrywithahandsomeguy becomeapianist Intenyears Marywill Howwillyouandyourfamilybedifferentin20years 1 Whatwillyou yourparentsdoatthattime 2 Wherewillyoulive 3 Whatwillyouhaveinyourhome 4 Whatwillyouhaveformeals 5 Whatwillyourcityandcountrybelike inthefuture Peoplewillhaverobotsathome Peoplewilllivetobe200yearsold Kidswon tgotoschool Therewillonlybeonecountry Whatwillourlifebelikeinthefuture 6 Peoplewilllivetobe200yearsold Somemorepredictionsaboutthingsin100years 1 Peoplewillhaverobotsintheirhomes 2 Peoplewon tusemoney Everythingwillbefree 3 Bookswillonlybeoncomputers notonpaper 4 Kidswon tgotoschool They llstudyathomeoncomputers 5 Therewillonlybeonecountry Agreeordisagree 1bListenandcirclethepredictionsyouhearinactivity1a 1 Peoplewillhaverobotsintheirhomes 2 Peoplewon tusemoney Everythingwillbefree 3 Bookswillonlybeoncomputers notonpaper 4 Kidswon tgotoschool They llstudyathomeoncomputers 5 Therewillonlybeonecountry 6 Peoplewilllivetobe200yearsold 1b Listenandfillintheblanks Doyouthinkpeoplewillhave1 intheirhomesin100years IsawarobotonTV andit2 thekitchen Well Idon tthinkpeoplewilluse3 Doyouthinkeverythingwillbe4 Ithinktherewillbeonlyone5 Onlyonecountryinthewholeworld Willtherebeworldpeace Ihope6 Ibetkids7 gotoschool They llstudyathomeon8 Oh I9 Yeah therewillalways10 schools robots cleaned money free country so won t computers disagree be 1cPAIRWORKAskandanswerquestionsaboutthepredictionsinactivity1a A Willpeopleusemoneyin100years B No theywon t Everythingwillbefree Willpeoplelivetobe200yearsold A Yes theywill 一百年后 in 时间段 从现在的时间为起点 在 之后 常用于一般将来时 1 He llbebackintwodays after 时间段 从过去的时间为起点 在 之后 常用于过去时 2 HestartedonSundaymorningandarrivedinBeijingafterthreedays after 时间点 常用于将来时 3 Thematchwillbeginaftertwoo clockthisafternoon 2aListenandcirclethewordsyouhear 1 Therewillbemore less fewerpeople 2 Therewillbemore less fewerfreetime 3 Therewillbemore less fewercars 4 Therewillbemore less fewerpollution 5 Therewillbemore less fewertrees 污染 Remember many more mostmuch more mostfew fewer fewestlittle less least修饰可数名词修饰不可数名词few little表示肯定afew alittle表示否定 2bListenagain Check thepredictionsyouhear 1 Therewillbefewerpeople 2 Therewillbelessfreetime 3 Peoplewilluselesssubwaysless 4 Therewillbemorepollution 5 Citieswillbeverybigandcrowded 2cGROUPWORKLookatactivity2b Makeconversationsaboutthepredictions A Ithinktherewillbemorepollution B Well Idon tagree ButIthinktherewillbefewertrees A Iagree GrammarFocus 一般将来时 用bedoing表示将来 主要意义是表示按计划 安排即将发生的动作 常用于位置转移的动词 如 go come leave arrive drive fly return work sleep stay play do have wear等 也可用于其他动作动词 WeareleavingforShanghainextMonday Wearemovingtoadifferenthotelthedayaftertomorrow 2 主语 begoingto do 动词的原形 表示打算 计划等Iamgoingtotakejobsnextsummer Thereisgoingtobeafootballmatchafterclass Therearegoingtobetwofootballmatchesafterclass 3 主语 will do 动词的原形 注 如果主语是I we 可用shall 动词的原形Theywillbuildanewroadinthispartofthecitynextyear Shewillbeagoodteacherinthefuture Therewillbeafootballmatchafterclass Shallwegotothemovieswithyou 4 everything pron 每件事物 不定代词 Everythingisreadyfortheparty 谓语用单数 everythingimportant 定语后置 5 paper n 纸 纸张 不可数 apieceofpaperPleasegivemesomepaper Iwanttowritetohim 论文 试卷 可数 6 livetobe 活到 Iwanttolivetobe100yearsold 7 free adj 1 免费的Everythingwillbefree 2 空闲的Areyoufreethisevening 时态 一般将来时 一般将来时常用特色词 Therebe 句型的一般将来时肯定句 Therewillbe 名词 其他成份 注意 无论后面加单数名词或复数形式 be都必须用原形 Therewillbeonlyonecountry 否定句 在will后面加not Therewon tbeonlyonecountry 一般疑问句 把will提到there之前 Willtherebeonlyonecountry Yes therewill No therewon t Exercises 用will或won t完成对话 A Howareyougoing B Well I mlookingforajobinahospital A Whatkindofhospitaljob youget B Well IknowI beasecretary Idon tknowhowtotype MaybeI beanurse Ilikehelpingpeople A youhavethesamejobinfiveyears B No I A What youdo B I changejobs I getajobinahospital will will will Will will will won t won t Therewillbe句型练习 1 将会有更多的树 2 将会有更少的车子 3 将会有更少的污染 4 我认为一年后将会有更少的空闲时间 Therewillbemoretrees Therewillbefewercars Therewillbelesspollution Ithinktherewillbelessfreetimeinayear ReadandwritetheGrammarFocus Bye

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