九年级英语下册 Module 1 Travel单元复习课件 (新版)外研版.ppt

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Travel Module1 Unit1Wetouredthecitybybusandbytaxi 第一课时 一 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 1 Sheisthe thin girlinourclass 2 We relookingforwardto travel aroundtheworld 3 Thisisoneof busy undergroundstationsinNewYork 4 It sonlyaboutanhour s fly fromQingdaotoBeijingbyair 5 Howabout go fishingtomorrow thinnest travelling thebusiest flight going 二 从方框中选择适当的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 takeplace sound goforawalk lookforwardto ontime6 Whataboutgoingonapicnictomorrowafternoon great 7 Celiais seeingherfavouritefilmstar 8 Themeeting inasmallvillage sofewpeopleknewaboutit 9 MrBrownhasgotintothehabitof afterdinnereveryday 10 Theplanelanded yesterdayafternoon Sounds lookingforwardto tookplace goingforawalk ontime 三 根据句意及汉语提示写单词 5 4分 20分 11 Tonywill 飞行 backtoHongKongtoday 12 Myfatherisaveryfamous 飞行员 inChina 13 Mike 成功 ingettingthejoblastmonth 14 I lltakeatrain 直接地 toLondontosavetime 15 Thenewhouseisverynice 确切地 whatwe vealwayswanted fly pilot succeeded direct exactly 四 单项选择 5 4分 20分 16 Itisthebiggestsquareintheworld Itisalwaysfull tourists A ofB withC toD at17 Theroadwascoveredwithsand theheavysandstorm 沙尘暴 A becauseB becauseofC soD 18 Wewillhaveanimportantexamthismonth A attheendofB attheendC intheendofD intheend A A B 19 Howwasyourholiday A Iwenttherebybus B Westayedtherefortendays C Notbad D Exactly 20 didyougotoDisneyland Byplane A WhatB HowC WhereD Which C B 五 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 5 6分 30分 21 据杰瑞说 大明驾照考试不合格 Jerry Damingfailedthedrivingtest 22 我们担心贝蒂能否准时到这儿 WeareworriedaboutwhetherBettywillbeabletoarrivehere 23 因为杰克 我们在雨中等了一个小时 Wespentanhourwaitingintherain Jack 24 只要格林先生邀请我 我就出席会议 I llattendthemeeting MrGreeninvitesme 25 吉娜已成功减了10公斤 Gina herweightby10kilos According to on time because of as so long as has succeeded in reducing losing 第二课时 一 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 1 Autumnisthe busy timeforthefarmers 2 I llvisitmy grandparent tomorrow Theyliveinthecountryside 3 Hello MayIspeaktoMrsWhite please Oh sorry She leave threeminutesago 4 SoyouthinkIshouldgiveupthejob exact 5 Alicedidn tgotoNewYorkCitybytrain She fly there busiest grandparents left Exactly flew 二 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 aslongas abit howabout becauseof takeplace6 Iam hungry 7 Theirweddingwill onSaturday 8 goingcampinginthemountain 9 Thetrainwaslate thefog 10 youdon tgiveup yourdreamswillcometrue abit takeplace Howabout becauseof Aslongas 三 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词 5 4分 20分 11 We realllookingforwardtov Parisnextyear 12 Doyouknowthearrivaltimeofthe 航班 13 Lastweekend wet thecitybybusandbytaxi 14 Youridea 听上去 sogreat 15 Therearesomany 毕业生 everyyear isiting flight oured sounds school leavers 四 单项选择 5 4分 20分 16 Wewillcertainlyenteragoodhighschool weworkhard A assoonasB aslongasC asfarasD evenif17 There s toworryabout she llbebettersoon A somethingB everythingC nothingD anything C B 18 Youhadbetter becauseyouhavetodrivebackhome A notdrinkingB notdrinkC don tdrinkD nottodrink19 whatLinglingsays travelissodifficult A BecauseofB AccordingtoC ThoughD As20 I mgoingforasummercampinQingdaonextmonth A WhatapityB NotatallC Don tworryD Haveagoodtime D B B 五 阅读理解 5 6分 30分 2015 四川乐山 DoyouknowsomethingabouttheholidaycampsinHongKong ThestudentsinHongKongusedtotakepartinanEnglishholidaycampintheirholidays Andtheirparentsweren twiththem thoughtheywereveryyoung Nowtheystillenjoytakingpartinmanykindsofholidaycampswithouttheirparents Manyparentslettheirchildrentakepartinsomekindsofholidaycampsinordertolearnsomepracticalknowledgeintheirlifeandalsolearnsomeknowledgeaboutlivingskills science readingandwriting Themostimportantforthechildrenistolearntolookafterthemselves HolidaycampsinHongKongarenotsoexpensive Mostfamiliescanaffordtosendtheirchildrenthereforfurtherstudyorformakingtheirbodiesstrong ItissaidthatstudentsinHongKonghavemuchknowledgeaboutmanythings Perhapsithassomethingtodowithallkindsofholidaycamps 21 StudentsinHongKongusuallytookpartin inthepast A anEnglishholidaycampB amathsholidaycampC ascienceholidaycamp22 WhenstudentsinHongKongareinholidaycamps theirparents A havetolookafterthemB don tgowiththemC muststayathome B A 23 ThemostimportantthingforthestudentstotakepartinholidaycampsinHongKongis A tolearnsomepracticalknowledgeinlifeB tolearnaboutlivingandlearningskillsC tolearntolookafterthemselves24 Thecostoftakingpartinaholidaycampis A veryhighB notfairC low25 Thestudentswhooftentakepartinholidaycampsusually A knowalotaboutmanythingsB showmuchinterestinsportsC haveastrongloveforfurtherstudy A C C Unit2It salongstory 第一课时 一 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 1 ItwaskindofRoss offer helptotheelderlyman 2 Mumboughttwo wallet yesterday oneforTobyandtheotherforme 3 Theticket office arriveswithaticketinhishand 4 Sitdownandmake you comfortable 5 Maria whoistheman sit nexttoMrGao He sMrLan ournewChineseteacher tooffer wallets officer yourself yourselves sitting 二 从方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空 每条短语限用一次 5 3分 15分 besurprisedto eachother getup havealookat getoff6 Sandy athalfpastsixinthemorningeveryday 7 Sir mayI yournewbook Sure Hereitis 8 AreyouintouchwithLinda Yes weoftenwriteto 9 Ladiesandgentlemen pleasecollectyourbagsand thetrain 10 BothDadandMum seemyreportcardwhenIshowedittothem getsup havealookat eachother getoff weresurprisedto 三 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词 5 4分 20分 11 Your 夹克 lookssonice Wheredidyoubuyit 12 Hisbrotherworksasano atapolicestationinZhoushan 13 How 笨的 Iam Imadesuchalow levelmistake 14 You vetakenmyglasses 先生 15 Pleaseshowmeyour 票 madam jacket fficer stupid sir ticket 四 单项选择 5 4分 20分 16 I mverytiredthesedaysinordertopreparefortheexam Whydon tyou music Itcanmakeyou A listento relaxB tolistento relaxedC listento torelaxD tolistento torelax17 Thechildren totakephotoslastmonth A aretaughtB weretaughtC havetaughtD taught B A 18 Tomistheman helpedusalotwithourwork A whoB whichC whereD when19 AtlastBetty thecompetition A beatB defeatedC gotD won20 Seeyou Bye A TakecareB NodealC NowayD Nicework A A D 五 根据汉语提示完成句子 5 6分 30分 21 我恐怕我们去不了你的生日聚会了 wecan tgotoyourbirthdayparty 22 安娜原以为我在医院工作 Anna I inahospital 23 请大家准备好车票 Please yourtickets 24 坐下来然后放松你自己 Sitdownandmake 25 你真是太好了 帮助我找到了座位 verykind you helpmefindmyseat I m afraid thought work get ready yourself relax relaxed It s of to 第二课时 一 语法填空 5 3分 15分 按照句子结构的语法性 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空 1 I mafraidyou re sit inmyseat 2 What yousay Ican thearverywell 3 Tickets please Pleasegetyourtickets 4 stupidofme 5 That sverynice you Thankyou sitting did ready How of 二 根据句意选用方框中的词填空 并注意形式变化 5 4分 20分 arrive stop strong be careful6 Ihavealwaysdreamedabout apilot Me too 7 Oh youarelookingsotired Whathappened Iranalongwaywithout 8 Besuretowatchyourbags atthetrainstation 9 Givemeacallassoonasyou there 10 Difficultiescanmakeus andbemorehopefulaboutthefuture being stopping carefully arrive stronger 三 单项选择 5 5分 25分 11 Don t thebusuntilitstops A turnoffB putonC getoffD setup12 WhenIwasfive Idrewwell A SodidIB SowasIC SoIwasD SoIdid13 It shottoday isn tit Yes itis Whynot yourjacket A takecareB takeplaceC takeafterD takeoff D C A 14 Lotsoffastfoodrestaurantsusethecolourred makecustomers A to eatingfasterB wantto eatfastC to eatfasterD to toeatfaster15 Pleasetellthestudents quietinclass A keepB keepingC tokeepD keeps C C 四 阅读理解 5 8分 40分 2015 贵州安顺 Tomandhiscousintookaboattrip Whentheygotontheboat everypassenger 乘客 shouldanswerthekeeperaquestion Ifthepassengeranswered yes heorshegotonegift ifthepassengeranswered no heorshegottwogifts Tomandhiscousinsawallaboutthis Nowitwastheirturn Thekeepercameuptothemandasked Areyouagoodsailor Tomwantedtogettwogifts soheanswered no loudly atthesametimehesaid Ihaveneverbeenasailor howcouldIbeagoodsailor Thekeepergavehimtwogifts Hiscousingavethesameanswer sohegottwogifts too Theboatstartedoff Thepassengersbegantoopentheirgifts Tomandhiscousindidthesame Theyfoundthatoneofthetwogiftswasasmallbottleofdrinkingwater theotherwasaseasicktablet 晕船药 Tomhadalookata yes passenger sgift Hiswasanicechocolate Tomshoutedatthekeeper Weareneverseasick Whydoyougiveusseasicktablets 16 Tomandhiscousin A wenttoeatchocolatesB wentonatripbyboatC workedforthekeeperD neededabottleofdrinkingwater B 17 Whendidthekeeperaskthepassengersquestions A Beforethetrip B Afterthetrip C Duringthetrip D Never 18 WhydidTomandhiscousinanswer no A Becausetheyfeltsickontheboat B Becausetheyweregoodsailors C Becausetheybothwantedtogettwogifts D Becausetheywantedtohavechocolates 19 Theunderlined 下画线 part agoodsailor means A 晕船B 不晕船C 好销售员D 好水手20 WhichofthefollowingstatementsisTRUE A Thekeepercheated 欺骗 Tomandhiscousin B Tomandhiscousindidn twanttheseasicktablets C Alltheotherpassengersanswered yes D Thekeeperdidn twanttogiveTomandhiscousinchocolates B A C D Unit3Languageinuse第一课时模块语法 名词 冠词 数词通过本单元的学习 要求同学们能够熟练掌握名词 冠词 数词的用法 1 名词单复数及所有格 1 英语的名词有可数名词与不可数名词之分 不可数名词只有单数形式 而可数名词有单数和复数两种形式 名词变复数有规则和不规则两种变化 2 可以在可数名词前面加 a an 或者词尾加 s 来表示数量的多少 如果要表达出不可数名词具体的数量 则可以用 计量词 不可数名词 来表示 如 aglassofwater 一杯水 若要表达不可数名词的复数概念 只需把计量词变成复数即可 如 twoglassesofwater 两杯水 some既可以修饰可数名词 也可以修饰不可数名词 如 someboys somemoney 3 名词所有格用来表示所有关系 一般用 s或of来表示名词的所有格 2 冠词分为不定冠词 a an 定冠词 the 和零冠词三种 零冠词指的是不用冠词的情况 不定冠词表示泛指 类指 定冠词表示特指 专指 类指 零冠词表示泛指 类指 a an仅用在单数可数名词前来表示 一 的意义 但不强调数目概念 只表示名词为不特定者 the用在可数名词单数 复数和不可数名词前均可 在零冠词的情况下 名词用单数复数均可 3 数词有基数词和序数词两类 基数词表示数量的大小 如one two three four等 序数词表示序数 如first second third fourth等 数词与不定代词 冠词 指示代词 形容词性物主代词等被统称作限定词 一 用适当的冠词填空 不需要冠词处填 1 Theyalwayshave breadfor dinner 2 Wecansee suninthedayand moonatnight 3 June1stis Children sDay 4 On Sunday theyoftenplay soccer 5 Hetoldmethat bookon deskwas Englishbook the the the the an 二 根据汉语提示完成下面的句子 每空词数不限 6 Let sgotothesupermarkettobuy 几包大米 7 Thereareoverten 男护士 inthishospital 8 Isthis 露西和莉莉 bedroom Yes itis 9 WhatcanIdoforyou madam Ineed 三把剪刀 10 Oh 你们的图书馆 looksfantastic Soitdoes somebagsofrice mennurses LucyandLily s threepairsofscissors yourlibrary 三 单项选择 11 Areallthestudentsfrom inyourclass No thereareonly3 inourclass Theothersarefromothercountries 2015 四川眉山 A Germany GermenB Germany GermansC German GermansD German Germany12 Wouldyoulikesome fordinner OK 2015 娄底 A tomatosB tomatoC tomatoes13 Herearesome Doyoulike 2015 安顺 A oranges themB orange itC oranges theyD oranges their A B C 14 Ipaid 10for thismorning A 4bottlemilksB 4bottlesofmilkC 4bottlesofmilksD 4milk15 Doyouknow boyoverthere Yes helikesplaying basketballverymuch 2015 呼和浩特 A the 不填B a theC a 不填D the a16 Whatdoyouknowaboutkitesurfing Itis excitingwatersport 2015 温州 A aB anC theD B A B 17 Boysandgirls pleaseturntoPage andlookatthe picture 2015 呼和浩特 A Fifth fiveB Five fiveC Fifth fifthD Five fifth18 Ittook peoplethreemonthstobuildthisgreatbuilding 2015 安顺 A twohundredsB hundredofC hundredsofD twohundredof D C 第二课时 一 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 1 The passenger onMH17losttheirlivesonJuly17th 2014 2 It stoo noise formetosleep 3 Edisonhadmorethanonethousand invent inhislife 4 Hegoestothecinema two aweek 5 Theyarethe hero inmyheart passengers noisy inventions twice heroes 二 根据句意及汉语提示写单词 5 3分 15分 6 Ihopeyouwillhaveagood 搭机旅行 thistime 7 Manyyoungboyswanttobe 飞行员 whentheygrowup 8 Don tmake 愚蠢的 mistakes 9 Whynotbuyanew 夹克 10 Heworkedhardand 成功 atlast flight pilots stupid jacket succeeded 三 单项选择 5 4分 20分 11 TheWorldCupiscoming Iwon t anygame I mlookingforwardto everymatchofit too A miss watchB miss watchingC tomiss watchD tomiss watched12 Yourdreamwillcometrue youputyourheartandsoulintoit A aslongasB asfarasC assoonasD asmuchas A B 13 Tomdidn tgohikingwithhisclassmates hisillness A becauseB becauseofC asD since14 MrLimakesme becauseitisbadformyhealth A don tsmokeB notsmokeC notsmokingD nottosmoke15 Oh MissYang whathappened Whyareyoureyes tears It sMid AutumnFestivaltoday butIcan tgettogetherwithmyfamily Ifeelso A filledof lonelyB filledwith aloneC fullof lonelyD fullof alone C B B 四 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 5 4分 20分 16 图书馆装满了书 Thelibrary books 17 只要你来 我就会去车站接你 youcome I llpickyouupatthestation 18 我正盼望着见你 I m you 19 我怎么样使自己舒服 HowdoI 20 他迟到是因为交通拥堵 Hewaslate theheavytraffic is full of filled with is As long as looking forward to seeing make myself comfortable because of 五 根据短文内容 从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空 使短文内容完整 每个单词限用一次 10 3分 30分 ride why encourage but drive bike pollute friend nice youMayisNationalBikeMonth amonth longeventtryingtogetcarsofftheroadsandsubwaytrainsempty It21 everyonetogetbackontotheirbicyclestoenjoyridingabikeasoftenastheycanduringthemonth Mayisthebeginningofwarmweather so22 notstartrightawayandenjoysunshine Ridetoprotecttheenvironment Ifyou rebikingtoschool youarehelpingreducetheair23 Bygettingyourfamilytostop24 andstartridingabike youcandoyourpartinimprovingtheenvironment encourages why pollution driving Behealthierandhappier Cyclingisn tjustgoodfortheenvironment It sgoodfor25 health too 26 abicyclehelpskeepyouhealthy Itnotonlyimprovesyourphysicalhealth 27 yourmental 精神的 stateofmindaswell Itcanreallyhelpyoubeahappierperson RidethisMay Sotakeoutyourold28 Paintthebikeblue Putona n 29 coat Inviteagroupof30 togetonthebikes Enjoyyourselves your Riding but bike nice friends 模块语篇与书面表达指导 一 完形填空 2015 贵州黔西南 Travellinghasbeen 1 withpeopleforalongtime Manyoftoday stravellersaretryingtofind 2 unusualexperienceoradventure 3 maybeagoodchoice Insteadof 4 yourvacationonabus inahotelorsittingonthebeach youmaywanttotryhiking Hikingisagreatwaytotravel Youwillgetcloseto 5 andtakeexercise Youcanseelotsofflowersandgrassatthesametime Hikingiseasytodoanddoesn thavetobeveryexpensive Youcanhikeclosetohomeortravelto 6 places Thebasic 7 youneedforhikingissimple goodshoes clothesandabackpack Youcanhikeinthemountainsinaforestoralongariver Ifyougowithyourfriends youcanhaveachancetotalkwiththem Hikingisfunand 8 butyoushouldn tforgetsafety Safetyisthefirst Herearesomebasictipsforsuccessfulhiking Don thike 9 Bringwater agoodmapandacellphone Wearahattoprotectyourself 10 thesun 1 A popularB famousC interestedD proud2 A aB anC theD two3 A SwimmingB HikingC ShoppingD Playingbasketball4 A spendingB spendC spendsD tospend5 A schoolB storeC cinemaD nature A B B A D 6 A anotherB theotherC otherD others7 A skillB WayC knowledgeD equipment8 A boredB boringC excitedD exciting9 A togetherB aloneC lonelyD busy10 A inB atC fromD to C C D D B 二 阅读理解 JanewasspendingherholidayinScotland Twodaysago shesentalettertoMaryandtodayMrandMrsBlackreceivedacardfromher WhatdoesJanesayinhercard Mum Letmehavealook Marysaid Janesaidinhercard I vevisitedalotofplaces Howareyouall Imissyouverymuch Marystoppedreadingthecardandsaid Thecardismuchshorterthanthelettertome Herletterwasfullofthings Letmereadittoyou IwenttoEdinburghbytrain Istayedthereforthreedaysandthenwenttothemountains Ihavemetalotofyoungpeoplethere Theyclimbedsomemountains Ihavebeentomanyfamouslakes IfindScotlandismuchmorebeautifulthanEngland Bytheway therestaurantisveryniceandIhavemademanynewfriends I mhavingawonderfultimeherenow 11 JanesentalettertoMary A todayB thedaybeforeyesterdayC yesterdayD threedaysago12 Marywas A MrsBlack smotherB Jane smotherC Jane sdaughterD MrsBlack sdaughter13 Janesaidthatshe A hadvisitedmanylakesB wasvisitingsomelakesC hadnotvisitedtheselakesD wouldsoonvisittheselakes A B D 14 Janethoughtthat A EnglandwasasbeautifulasScotlandB ScotlandwasnotsobeautifulasEnglandC EnglandwasmorebeautifulthanScotlandD EnglandwasnotsobeautifulasScotland15 FromJane scardandletterweknowthat A shedidn tlikeEnglandB shedidn tmakeanyfriendsC sheenjoyedherselfverymuchD shedidn tfeelhappy D C 三 任务型阅读 每空一词 2015 江苏扬州 Forme livinginCanadafor25years ChinaisanewworldthatIhavelongedtoexplore Thisspring IchoseYangzhoutobemyfirststopona16 monthtriparoundChina Itwaslikeloveatfirstsight At15 IboughtabookofcollectionofpoemsaboutTangDynasty Throughit IheardofYangzhouforthefirsttime IwasdeeplyattractedbyapoemwrittenbyLiBai SailingtoYangzhouinMarch Yangzhou sitting2 500yearsatthecrossingoftheYangtzeRiverandthe2 400 year oldGrandCanal 大运河 isoneofthefirst24historicandculturalcitiesinChina Intheoldtown therearemanyancientstreetsandhouses It sbesttovisitthecityinspring Springpaintsthecityinbrightcolors Yangzhouhasalwaysbeenfamousforitsgardens Amongthem theSlenderWestLake oneofthebiggestattractionsinthecity wasmyfirststop Theparkwithitsfantasticlandscapeandlotsofhistoryhasenoughtokeepatouristbusyforthewholeday WhatashameIsimplycouldaffordhalfaday MynextstopwasHeGarden oneofthebestprotectedgardensinYangzhou ItwasonceownedbythefamilyofHeZhidaoinQingDynasty HeZhidaosuccessfullybroughtChineseandWesternarchitectural 建筑的 featurestogether YangzhouisalsothestartingpointoftheGrandCanaltour TakingaboatalongthepartofthecanalinYangzhou Iwasamazedatthelivelinessofthisancientwaterwayandthecity shistoryandculture Luckily mytwo daytriptoYangzhouwasfilledwithpleasureandwonder ItmademehungryformoreChina China Reason s introduction s ancient old best Tourists Visitors People Travellers managed wondered thousand learn know explore find see 话题分析 本模块的话题是 旅游和休假 通过本模块的学习 学生能够对自己的旅游见闻和感受进行描述 现在 就让我们一起结合实例来看看此类文章的写作技巧吧 写作案例 假如你是李磊 请你根据以下内容提示给你的朋友小伟写一封邮件 告诉他你上个月去武汉旅行的经历 提示 1 上个月 你和父母一起乘火车去武汉 2 火车上非常舒适 也不太拥护 你们花了大约3个小时的时间到达武汉 3 武汉是中国最大的城市之一 它有很多名胜古迹 尤其以东湖闻名 你们乘计程车和公交车游览了武汉 4 在回来的路上 你丢了车票和包 要求 1 不要逐条翻译 可适当增减内容 2 70 100词 DearXiaowei LiLei 写作指导 1 开篇点题 介绍旅游的时间 地点 人物 2 简要介绍武汉风景名胜及旅游经历 3 记述旅游中美中不足的一点 即在返回的途中发生的故事 4 描述感受 Itwasreallyanunforgettableexperienceforme 范文 DearXiaowei Lastmonth myparentsandIwenttoWuhanbytrain Thetrainwasquitecomfortable anditwasn tfullofpeople Thescenerywasbeautifulandittookusabout3hourstoarriveinWuhan WuhanisoneofthebiggestcitiesinChina TherearemanyplacesofinterestinWuhan It sespeciallyfamousfortheEastLake Wetouredthecitybybusandbytaxi Whatawonderfulexperiencewehad Butunluckily onourwaybackfromWuhan Ilostmyticketandbag Iwasverysorryaboutit Thenmyfathershowedthetrainconductortheirticketsandexplainedwhathappened Thetrainconductorgavemeachancetotakethetrain Itwasreallyanunforgettableexperienceforme Yours LiLei

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