九年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi课件 (新版)外研版.ppt

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九年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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九年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
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九年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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Module1TravelUnit1Wetouredthecitybybusandbytaxi 学习目标 1 掌握U1单词 词组2 完成听力练习 Formsoftransport Lookatthefollowingpicturesandtalkaboutthem plane train 学习目标 单词学习 subway bus 学习目标 单词学习 taxi bike 学习目标 单词学习 ship coach car 学习目标 单词学习 Whichoftheseformsoftransportdoyou mostlike leastlike travelmostoften travelleastoften Canyousaywhy taxi coach train plane bike ship 学习目标 单词学习 Youareveryhappy becauseyouaregoingtotravel 学习目标 单词学习 IfyouaregoingtovisitSummerPalaceinBeijing howwillyougothere 学习目标 单词学习 IfyouaregoingtovisitDisneylandinHongkong howwillyougothere 学习目标 单词学习 Newwords 1flight2becauseof3direct4pilot5succeed6aslongas7school leaver8exactly 1航班 飞行2因为 由于3径直地 直接地4飞行员5成功 做成6只要7毕业生8确切地 完全 学习目标 单词学习 Listenandcompletethetable CA938 LondonBeijing 10 8 11 30pm 5 30pm 学习目标 听力 时差 Thetravellingishappy butIamunhappy doyouknowwhy 学习目标 阅读 学习目标 阅读 学习目标 阅读 LinglingTonyDamingBetty BeijingHongKongHenantheUK ListenandfindtheplacesLingling Tony Daming Bettytravel Listenandread 学习目标 阅读 Reading 学习目标 reading 当堂检测 完成练习T3 4 5 Readandcompletethetable wenttostaywithhisfamilyintheUK wenttoHongKongbyplane touredBeijingbybusandbytaxi Readagainandanswerthequestions Whendoyouthinktheconversationtakesplace 2 AccordingtoLingling whyistravelsodifficultinwinter 3 WhatareDaming LinglingandBettylookingforwardtothisterm Ittakesplaceatthebeginningofanewterm Becauseit sthebusiestseasoninChinabecauseofSpringFestival Theyarelookingforwardtotheschoolleavers party

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