九年级英语下册 Modules 5-6月月清课件 (新版)外研版.ppt

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Modules 5 6 综合测试题 月月清三 听力部分 B C A B C 二 听对话 选择最佳答案 每段对话读两遍 5 1分 5分 M It s4 30pmnow We dbetterbegintodecoratethelivingroom W Don tworry TheChristmasPartywillbegininthreehours 6 WhenwilltheChristmasPartybegin A At4 30pm B At7 00pm C At7 30pm M Whatwouldyouliketodrink teaorcoffee W Coffee please 7 Whatwouldthewomanliketodrink A Water B Coffee C Tea M I mafraidyouarenotallowedtosmokeinthereadingroom W Oh sorry 8 Wherearethespeakers A Inthereadingroom B Inthecinema C Inthetheatre C B A W CanItakethebill please M Twenty sevenpounds madam W Here sfiftypounds 9 Howmuchchangewillthewomanget A 27 B 23 C 50 W YougraduatedfromNo 16MiddleSchool didn tyou M Yes Twomonthsago 10 Wheredidtheboystudytwomonthsago A InNo 60MiddleSchool B InNo 6MiddleSchool C InNo 16MiddleSchool B C 三 听较长对话 选择最佳答案 每段对话读两遍 5 1分 5分 听第一段对话 回答第11 12小题 M Tina canIaskyouaquestion W Certainly whatisit M Whatwillyoudoifyouseemegetanelectricshock W Iwillhityouwithapieceofwood M Butyoumayhurtme IfIwereyou Iwouldpulltheelectricityawayfromyouwithadrystickinsteadofhittingyou 11 WhatwillTinadoifsheseesthemangetanelectricshock A Shewillpullhimwithherhand B Shewillhithimwithapieceofwood C Shewillaskothersforhelp 12 WhenwillthemanpulltheelectricityawayfromTina A Whenatrafficaccidenthappens B WhenTinaisshakingwildly C WhenanelectricshockhappenstoTina B C 听第二段对话 回答第13 15小题 M What sthematter Nancy W Ihadanaccidentyesterday M Howdidithappen W WhenIwasoperatingonapatientwhohadcancer Igotacough thenIfeltitdifficulttobreathe thenIdidn tknowwhathappenednext M Thatwasterrible Howlonghadyouworkedbeforethat W Forabouttwentyhours M Youweretootired Youmustlookafteryourself 13 WhatisNancy A Sheisadoctor B Sheisapatient C Sheisateacher 14 Whatwaswrongwiththepatient A Hehadanaccident B Hehadcancer C Hehadabadcough 15 WhendidNancybreathehard A Atdinner B Whenshecoughed C Aftertheoperation A B B 四 听短文 选择最佳答案 短文读两遍 5 1分 5分 Breakfastisveryimportant Tobuildastrongbodyandkeephealthy everyoneshouldeatagoodbreakfast Manyparentsdon tgettheirchildrentoeatbreakfast becausetheydon thavebreakfastthemselves It sbadfortheirhealth Withoutbreakfast childrenmaynotgrowasfastastheyshouldandplayorstudyaswellastheyshould Theymayoftenbeill andwhenthey reill itmaytakethemlongertorecoveragain Ifyouwantastrongandhealthybody don tforgettohaveagoodbreakfast 16 Ifweeatagoodbreakfast wewill A besadinthemorningB makeourbodiesstrongandkeephealthyC eatlesslunch B 17 Accordingtothepassage agoodbreakfastmeans A meatandfishB alotoffoodC therightfood 18 Manychildrendon teatbreakfast because A theirparentsdon tgiveagoodexampletothemB theydon tlikebreakfastC theyhavenotimeinthemorning 19 WhichofthefollowingisNOTright A Peoplecan tbehealthywithoutfood B Thereisnoneedforchildrentohaveagoodbreakfast C Breakfastisasimportantastheothertwomealsoftheday 20 Inthepassagethewriterwantstotellus A howtoeatbreakfastB peoplecan tworkwithoutbreakfastC breakfastisimportanttopeople C A B C 笔试部分 五 单项选择 15 1分 15分 21 Timmy howoftendoyougoto chessclubinourschool Twiceaweek A aB anC theD 22 Mumcutthecakeintosixpieces aknife A forB byC withD from 23 Thanksforthe toyourbirthdayparty butI mafraidIcan tcome Oh whatapity A keyB replyC answerD invitation 24 Ihearthenewclassmateisunabletosee That strue Shewasborn A sillyB blindC lazyD deaf 25 Thetwoboysusedtobeveryclosefriends didn tthey Yes theydid Butasmallthing theirrelationship A harmedB improvedC continuedD developed C C D B A 26 Jimmy whereisyoursister It stimeforlunch She herbedroom A paintsB ispaintingC haspaintedD willpaint 27 The2016OlympicGames inRiodeJaneiro Brazil I mlookingforwardtoit A willholdB isholdingC washeldD willbeheld 28 Ross didyoucomefirstinthehighjump No Actually thesportsmeetingwas becauseoftheheavysnow A takenoffB setoffC calledoffD turnedoff 29 Lucyissuchakindgirlthatsheisalwaysdoingeverythingshecan me A helpB tohelpC helpsD helping 30 Susanfound necessarytobuyacarsinceherhousewasfarfromhercompany A itB oneC thatD this B D C B A 31 Wheredoyouhavedinneratweekends Iusuallyhavedinnerathome but Igotoarestaurant A atatimeB onceinawhileC atalltimesD atthesametime 32 Mygrandpaisillinhospital Oh I msorrytohearthat Ihopeit s A seriousnothingB nothingseriousC somethingseriousD serioussomething 33 Oh Idon tthinkIcanmakeafinecake It stoodifficult Don tworry Justdo Isay A asB becauseC untilD before 34 willyoufinishyourfilmreport Kate Inanhour A HowsoonB HowoftenC HowlongD Howmany 35 Betty doyouthinkJackwillcome Healwayskeepshisword A I mafraidnotB Idon tthinksoC IagreewithyouD Ofcoursehewill B B A A D 六 完形填空 10 1分 10分 Haveyoueverwantedtowriteanovel Maybeyouhaveastoryinmind 36 don tknowhowtoputitonpaper Well thefirstthingyoushouldhaveisagood 37 forwriting Ifitisbecauseyouwanttobecomerichandfamous thenyouwillfindithard Successful 38 saytheywritebecausesomethinginsidethemmakesthemwantto Inotherwords theyhaveaneedtowrite 39 thatneed youwillneverwriteanythingreallyinteresting Ifyoudohaveastrongwishtotellyourstory 40 thatitwilltakealotoftimeandeffort So youshould 41 aplan Somepeoplesaytheycanjuststartwritingandthewordsjustkeepcoming Ifyoucanwriteyournovelthisway youarevery 42 Butitseemsthatmostwritersneedtoorganizetheirideasfirst Theplandoesn thavetohaveeverydetail Andyoucanaddtoitandchangeitasyoutellyourstory Onceyouhavemadeaplan youcanstart 43 Butdon tgoonandon tellingeveryboringdetail Makesuretheplot 情节 buildsuptoan 44 point Also don thavetoomanycharacters Otherwise thereaderswillgetconfused 糊涂的 aboutwhoiswho Mostpeoplereadnovelsto 45 Theydon twanttothinktoomuchaboutthem 36 A forB butC soD or 37 A storyB letterC reasonD problem 38 A writersB scientistsC paintersD musicians 39 A UnderB AboutC WithD Without 40 A suggestB expectC forgetD remember 41 A makeB fightC agreeD change 42 A sorryB luckyC sillyD hopeless 43 A talkingB drawingC writingD reading 44 A awakeB extraC ancientD exciting 45 A relaxB exerciseC liveD practise B C A D D A B C D A 46 InChina whenyouarefull whatshouldyoudo A Pointatsomeonewithchopsticks B Stickchopsticksintothefood C Placechopsticksontopofthebowl D Keepeating 47 Indiansprobablythinkit s toeatwiththelefthand A importantB impoliteC necessaryD wise 48 WheredoFrenchpeopleputtheirbread A Onthetable B Onaplate C Inabowl D Inacup 49 WhatdoFrenchpeopleusetoeatfruit A Chopsticks B Aknife C Aspoon D Afork 50 What sthereadingmainlyabout A Howtoserveattable B Howtouseforksandchopsticks C Somefantasticcountriestovisit D Eatingcustomsinsomecountries C B A D D 51 Whatdoesthewriterthinkoftakingsleepingpills A Safe B Dangerous C Good D Relaxing 52 Doctorsthink isthebestchoice 选择 forthosewhocannotsleepwell A takingsleepingpillsB writingdiariesC ForminggoodsleepinghabitsD readingboringbooks 53 Whatdoesthewriteradviseyoutodoifyou vegotalotonyourmindbeforegoingtobed A Totakesomesleepingpills B Tomakeaphonecall C Torelaxthebodyfromheadtofoot D TowatchaninterestingTVprogramme 54 Thewriteradvisesusnottoreadexcitingbooksbeforegoingtobed Why A Becausereadingisabadhobby B Becausereadingcanhelpusrelax C Becausereadingishabit forming D Becausewemaybecometooexcited 55 Whichisthebesttitleforthepassage A HowtoSleepBetterB TheAdvantagesofGoodSleepC WhyIsSleepImportantD TheDisadvantagesofSleepingPills B C C D A 56 Thekingwasvery atthebeginningofthestory A lazyB rudeC poorD thin 57 Whydidtheholymanwantthekingtowalktohisplace A Topunishhim B Toplayajokeonhim C Tohelphimsavemoney D Tohelphimloseweight 58 Fromthestory wecanlearnthat A thekingnevermettheholymanB theholyman swifewassillyC theministerdidn tcareaboutthekingD theholymanlivedneartheking spalace 59 WhichofthefollowingistheRIGHTorderaccordingtothestory Thekingwalkedtotheholyman s Manydoctorstriedtotreattheking Theministerwenttomeettheholyman A B C D 60 What sthebesttitleforthepassage A ALuckyKingB HealthIsWealthC HowtoLoseWeightD WealthIsImportant A D A D B 八 词汇 10 1分 10分 A 根据句意及中文提示写单词 61 Billisa 盲的 manbuthenevergivesuphisdreamtobeadoctor 62 Accordingtothe 日历 mybirthdayfallsonaSundaythisyear 63 Thechildwasblowingupthe 气球 64 Wewerealldisappointedtolearnthatthepicnichadbeen 取消 65 Maryputthesugarinhercoffee andstirreditwitha 勺子 blind calendar balloon canceled spoon B 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 66 ride abiketothecountrysidemustbealotmorefun 67 Thecook cut upthebananasandmixeditwithmilk 68 Let sstop exercise unhealthily andwecanmakeabetterlife 69 Excuseme haven tyoubeentold notsmoke inthereadingroom 70 Whydidn tyousayanything Sorry I reply tomyboss smessage Riding cut exercising nottosmoke wasreplying 九 情景交际 5 2分 10分 阅读下面的对话 从方框内七个选项中选择恰当的句子完成对话 有两个多余选项 A Congratulations B Oh sorrytohearthat C Tellmeaboutit D Shewantsthedentisttofillthem E I llseeyoulater F I msufferingfromabadtoothache G Yeah Ididn texpecttoseeyouhere Dan Hey Eric whatasurprise Eric 71 Dan Howareyou Eric Notsogood 72 Ouch Dan Isitbecauseoftheholesinyourteeth Eric Yes IthinkIwillhavetohavemytwoteethpulledout Dan 73 G F B Eric Hey whatareyouherefor Dan Well mymumhasgotsomeholesinherteeth 74 Eric Isee Oh they recallingmyname 75 Dan Seeyou Hopeyoufeelbettersoon Eric Thanks D E 十 短文填空 10 1分 10分 根据短文内容及首字母提示 填写所缺单词 使短文完整通顺 Safetyisthemostimportantthinginthemodernworld However caraccidentshappeneveryday 76 T aremanyreasons Carelessdriving Therearemanythingsthatcandistract 使 分心 drivers attention Wecanoftenseedriversofallagesmakingphonecallswhiledriving 77 L toloudmusicwhiledrivingisalsoverydangerous Somedriversevendance78 t musicwhentheyaredriving Anyway carelessdrivingisveryeasytocauseanaccident Driverfatigue 疲劳 Driving79 l atnightcanincreasetherisk 危险 ofhavinganaccident Accordingtoasurvey about100 000accidentswere80 c bydriverfatigueinAmericalastyear So it sagoodideaforeveryonetoget81 e restbeforegoingonalongroadtrip There Listening to late caused enough Fastdriving Manydriversthinkit sexcitingtodriveatveryhigh82 s However drivingtoofastcaneasilyleadtoaccidents injuriesordeaths Drinkdriving Neverput83 y lifeandthelivesofothersatrisk Pleasedon t84 d anddrive Trafficaccidentscan tbecompletelyprevented butasadriver onemustthinkaboutpersonal85 s andobeytrafficrules Together wecanmakeadifference speed s your drink safety 十一 Onepossibleversion Hieveryone Asweallknow wehavetoeattolive However noteveryonepaysattentiontotheireatinghabits Somestudentsdon teatbreakfast whichisthemostimportantmealoftheday Somestudentsprefertohavesnacksinsteadofmeals Theseareallbadeatinghabits Weshouldgivethemup Sowhataregoodeatinghabits Inmyopinion weshouldnevermissbreakfast Andit sgoodforustoeatmuchfreshandnaturalfoodlikefruitandvegetables Also weshouldtrytocookathomeinsteadofeatingout That sall Thankyou

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